
Friday, March 21, 2014

Smith Mountain Morning, Pigeon Forge Style!

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Here’s a way to reserve your spot while you go out to your car to get the next load of STUFF!

I had some students with personalized signs taped to their tables – boy did this give us a good chuckle in the morning.

Is your name NANCY? If not, you can not sit here!

From what I understand, everyone in their stitch group has a name sign that stays with their “on the go” quilt stuff so they can quickly grab their retreat spots wherever they go.

Do you think this would work for parking spots at the Quilt Festival too??  Maybe I could get a front row one!

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Better not sit here either, this spot belongs to Diana!

((Check out the Quilt Ladies on her sign..hysterical!))

It was an awesome day in so many ways.  I know I say it a lot, but every day does bring unexpected surprises.

I had a quick visit from Julie who stopped in to give me an in person hug – that was so sweet!  Thanks for taking the time to drop in, Julie!

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And then I met Sandi – who is a  facebook friend of my mom’s because they both garden and had met each other on a list that way, and when she saw me leaving my mom a message one day – she thought “What is Bonnie Hunter doing here?” and then put the two and two together that we were mother and daughter…small world!

Sandi and mom have so much in common – including the fact that they are both about 5’2”  I would love to see them together some day as they've never met in person before either.  Ahhh, the wonders of the internet!

Come take a look at our day in photos ---my students worked really hard, and accomplished so much.

Smith Mountain Morning is found in my book Scraps & Shirttails II.  Signed copies can be ordered from my website HERE.

Click the photo below if you are unable to view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.

Smith Mountain Morning, Pigeon Forge, TN 2014

Today we've got back to back half day classes -- playing with Boxy Stars in the morning session and then Scrappy Trips this afternoon ---I expect it to be a full and busy day at the show -- the quilters are coming in droves and I've heard vendors say it's the best show they've been to in YEARS....we like happy vendors!

Have a great Friday!


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Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Teresa Williamson said...

Bonnie....I follow quite a few quilting FB pages but yours is my favorite by far!!! On my bucket list is to attend one of your classes. Hope you make it to cajun country sometime soon! Teresa Williamson

Sharon K. Jack said...

I would like to know where I could order these signs the girls in your class have. IT would be fun to get some for my friends and I.. thanks,

Bobbie said...

Yes, Yes, Yes. Please let us know where they got those wonderful signs. What a great gift idea for my quilting friends.

Pauline said...

Signs! What a great idea! Not only holds your seat, but helps you find it!

cityquilter grace said...

fantastic photos...one of my fave patterns...love the christmas red/green version best...


awesome post, Bonnie--I am gonna surf and find those signs--I didnt have trouble finding t-shirts. so googling would work I hope! enjoy the rest of your trip! havent been to Pigeon Forge in about 45 years...it was very beautiful then. :-) as I am sure it still is. Thanks for sharing *~*CAROLE*~*

Cathie in UT said...

sorry I think the signs are a bit click-y...I enjoy meeting new people when I attend classes and most of the time try NOT to sit by people I know already. I know it was in fun though...enjoy the rest of your time in the Smokies

Shirley said...

Now, you've opened a can of worms..."Where do we find those signs"? Sister's Quilt week coming up, gotta have one!

Roberta Oliver said...

I know I did the same thing with a "This is Roberta's table" when Bonnie was in Tucson for two days. I took classes both days and I have my favorite spot for classes, soooo, I get there early to snag my spot and then marked it for the next day too. Love the signs - need to get myself one!!

charityquilter said...


I'd fit right in with your mom and her friend - I'm 5'2 and get this... with eyes of blue.

Your look-a-like in Minnesota,

Clearbrook, MN

Unknown said...

So is the blog photo Of Sandy or Julie with you? It's a great pic! Also would like a signs so let us know! PLEASE and Thanks

Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

Those quilter parking space signs are too cute! Thanks for sharing with us Bonnie. :-)

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