
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Let The Sign-Ups Begin!

Hey Everyone!  I’m HOME!
Let the frenzy of catching up with everything after being gone Sunday to Sunday begin!

The first thing on my list is to let you know that registration for our Collaboration Celebration Summit with Sew Sisters is underway!

We have even increased our space to accommodate more stitchers ---we can accept a total of 60 quilters with 30 quilters per class for this fabulous weekend in Winston Salem, North Carolina, happening August 8-11, 2013!

For more info, please contact SewSisters.biz and get your registration in!


I look forward to seeing you in AUGUST!!

A note on Quilt-Cam….I’ve found a new site that may be a better alternative than Ustream.  I will be checking that out over the next couple of days and I’m thinking that our next Quilt Cam will be Tuesday evening at 9pm Eastern time.  I am having a jammie day tomorrow.  I’ve completely reached zombie quilter status.  In fact, this photo came to me just in time!


It’s good to be home!


Valerie said...

Click your heels together and repeat after me, "There's no place like home. There's no place like home." Jammie day and blanket fort for sure. Coloring is good therapy--really!

Karen Newman Fridy said...

Can I come play in the fort?? I'll bring flashlights and bubblegum! ;)

Mary said...

Registration already in the mail. Going to go build my fort now, just found a major pucker in the back of quilt as I was almost finished. Aargh

Margaret said...

Sorry I don't live close enough to join you in August. However, I have my own fort and I use it regularly, so I hope you enjoy yours! "See" you Tuesday evening!

Ann Davis said...

I use adblockerplus on Google chrome and do not get advertisements at all and it is a free download..I am told that it works on the Internet explorer also so that should cover most of your viewers if you are unable to locate another streaming site. Just a suggestion *big smile*

Allison in Plano said...

Welcome home Bonnie! Feel free to peel the wrappers off your crayons and shave them onto wax paper. Thene fire up your iron, outside of your blanket fort, and melt it into a Bonnie work of art! Remember doing that?

rondiquilts said...

Glad your home safe and sound, enjoy your day tomorrow.


Tami C said...

I've spent most of the day in my Blanket Fort today. Enjoy your coloring and get some rest!

Centergranny said...

Just about all day today has been a no sew, fort type of day for me. Hope you enjoyed yours As much as I did! Wishing Texas was closer to NC. I would love to attend in August!

Ingrid said...

Welcome home!

Sandra Henderson said...

Oh Bonnie, I'm so glad you are home. I wonder all the time, HOW YOU DO IT ALL!??!?!
Yes, please rest and do as you please. You NEED a day like this. I am so afraid for your health with all the going and stress and all. Please take care of yourself.
Okay, enough mothering, now go play!~ :)

Nonnie said...

I am so excited that my friend and I have been accepted into the retreat with you and Micky! I finally get to really meet you both! I am really looking forward to it! BTW, I am also in your Basket Weave Strings class at Hershey! Double dose of Bonnie this summer. Hip, Hip, Hooray!!


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