
Monday, March 11, 2013

Views from the Quilt Show!

I do know there is a lot of frustration going on with my slide shows.

I feel your pain!

I have wracked my brain around why it works for some, and why it doesn’t work for others.

There isn’t anything that I have done to change settings, and often if you come back later in the day or the next day it works ---why? Not sure!  But I have a hunch it is how many people who are viewing the slide show at the same time --- perhaps?

I’ve looked for alternatives, and have not found a free site that will host a slide show that I can imbed as still photos within the blog page the way that skydrive does.  Some slide show folks will crop the photos at a weird angle or they pan this way or that, putting the photos in motion –and it’s even more frustrating than this.  I’ve tried photobucket, I’ve tried smile box I’ve tried what used to be webshots that is now something else.

I’m staying with this method.  It works for MOST.  And I haven’t been able to find anything that works for all.  The only other alternative would be to stop doing them all together, and I’m not happy with that option, are you?

I do know that the accounts fill up – there is only so much space, so I started a new account for this batch and this is a test run to see how it goes!

But first I want to share with you the wall of quilts from the Alzheimer’s Art  Quilt Initiative!

IN_Mar2013 049

It was so amazing to see the quilts from near and far ---and to read the stories that go with each and every one!  I know that this is the last year for the initiative…..so if you’ve ever wanted to participate, now is the time!

IN_Mar2013 050

The wall seemed to go on forever…..My classroom was opened at 8am, and I’d go let the students in to start setting up, and then sneak up here before class started at 9am and study and read another section.  Each little quilt shares a story, and makes a difference.  If you have a chance to see a display of the AAQI quilts anywhere near you, go see them!

Test Slide Show --- let’s give this a go!

These are a handful of other quilts that caught my eye for various reasons….it was a WONDERFUL show!  As usual for me, I don’t take a photo of every quilt in the show, just the ones that speak to me for whatever reason.  Sometimes it’s just a shot of the quilting, or the border, or I liked the colors ---

Today we catch up on on the mail that came in between the Sunday I left for Houston, and yesterday, the Sunday I arrived home from Indiana.  The laundry from the suitcase is already going ---and I don’t have plans to get out of my jammies until it’s time to take book orders to the post office!

The house is quiet.  I’m home alone.  I love days like this after a long trip gone ---


Mary Ellen said...

Slide show worked great today. I have had problems with the SkyDrive slideshows in the past, but if I come back later, maybe the next day even, it always works.

Unknown said...

Bonnie - the slide show worked fine - I have only had problem once - waited until the next day and all was fine. Quirky things happen with the internet - we all have to deal with it and appreciate that you are doing your best so show us wonderful quilts for FREE that we wouldn't otherwise have the privilege of seeing.

Thanks for all you do!

Faith in Maine

Carolyn said...

Thanks for posting these pics. I attended this show and really enjoyed the quilts.

Carolyn Sullivan said...

Awesome pictures! I love your slide shows, and Have only had a problem once, then later tried it and it worked.... so that's ok for you to stay w the same program.
Remeber you can't please everyone!

Aileen said...

Welcome back! Love the pictures. I have those PJ days.
Been sewing up a storm in my pj's this week. Daughter is due in 20 days and still have much to make for her. 58 items already completed and ready to ship. Todays challenge is a diaper bag and Boppy covers and sheets for crib to go after that!

Happy Sunny Day.
Aileen in FL

Jaynie said...

Couldn't view the other day. Don't know what the problem was...but today I was able to view the slideshow with NO PROBLEMS. Thanks so much for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Please continue to post your pics, they are very inspirational. FYI, whenever I've had trouble with not being able to see one of your slide shows, I just come back in a few hours and it's fine!


~~Sew Happy Designs~~ said...

Such wonderful talent...the last one (Rhapsody in Rose) was a true work of art. I rarely hand quilt but I sew appreciate those who are skilled at it.
PS I have no problems viewing the slideshow. :)
Cindy in NY

Marsha A. Black said...

I had wondered if the slide show problem was related to the number of people trying to view it. I had problems a couple of weeks ago, but things have worked fine since then. There are some pretty amazing quilts in this group. Glad you're home.

Kathy in FL said...

Slide show worked fine for me. What great quilts! Looking forward to QuiltCam tomorrow. Enjoy your jammies day!

Kathy in FL

Evelyn said...

Slide show worked for me. Thanks for the great pics.

Ramona said...

I live in China and have never had a problem with the slide shows...of course I am viewing when everyone in the US is in bed!! Keep posting what works for you, as you have said before this is your blog. We are just here to enjoy your quilty life vicariously. And thank you for sharing it!!!

sewnsew said...

Show worked fine for me today. Yesterday, I had to go back later. No problem at all.
Loved the Jack Nichalson quilt!!!
You mean it only took that gal a year to hand quilt that quilt, yikes, am I behind!

Unknown said...

I have NEVER had trouble seeing your slide shows. Thank you for sharing all this beauty with us. I love the hand-quilted one at the end...it inspires me!

Aliceart said...

Thank you for the quilt show! And just let me say: WOW!

Yep, sometimes I get a message that I have to have or create a Microsoft account when I hit the slide show link, but it always works later or the next day. Craziness. Computers are a great help to us...except when they are NOT!

marilyn said...

Had not had problems with the slide show until just last 3...tried
switching from Firefox to Internet Explorer...and it worked !
Don't like IE but will use for slide shows.

Unknown said...

sometimes it works if you log out of facebook then log back in. I have problem with slide show after my computer does some of it's automatic updates,
I do enjoy the slide shows.

Valerie said...

JACK!! On a quilt! Can it get any better than that?!! Thanks for sharing.

normajean53 said...

Thank you for the wonderful.quilt how this morning.

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting the pics!! No problem with the slide show today! Have a great "quiet" day at home!

Sandra Henderson said...

How do I know the name "Anita Hardwick"? I am going to have to try to find it... Has she written a book? One of the 20th Century's Greatest Quilts? Hm.... will think on it. Gorgeous quilt she made there.
THey are all so pretty and thank you for sharing with us. Look at all the talent~
Slideshow worked fine.

Beth said...

HI Bonnie
The slide shows are one of my favorite things. I really enjoy seeing all the different fabrics and also how different a pattern can look just with different colors in the mix. I don't mind at all that sometimes the skydrive won't cooperate. I just try again later !!!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

LOVE the slide shows ... a LOT! Couldn't get in to see the "Braid" show from Bloomington yesterday (Sunday) but had no problem when I tried today (Monday). I believe your supposition that it's a "traffic" issue might be correct. Patience is the necessary virtue ;-) Thanks for sharing with us and for all you do!

Gwen said...

Don't you just love the Jack Nicholson quilt?! Sandy Curran, the quilter/artist who made that quilt is a member of my guild. She has an uncanny ability to capture not just the image but the character of her subject. She did a series of quilts that featured just the eye areas of Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden and Hitler and the pure evil that radiated from those quilts just gave me the chills. How she gets pieces of fabric to convey that just amazes me!

MuleHill said...

Slideshow worked for me!

Sandy really captured the creepiness of Nicholson. She's fabulous.

Tami C said...

The slide show worked just fine for me as well. Barbara Clem's Rhapsody in Rose is absolutely georgous! Makes a person want to try hand quilting. Enjoy your PJ day. I know I will. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great slideshow! Thanks!

coolmama said...

Keep the slideshows. They can always be seen later in the day or the next day. I assumed Skydrive must have overwhelmed servers at certain times of day or night.
I enjoy seeing the craftmanship in the slideshows and the fabric choices. It is a class in itself to be able to see how colors and values play together and helps with choices of fabric in my quilts.
Thanks, Bonnie!

SubeeSews said...

I get the message sometimes. I wait and try again and it is fine. I am thinking it is because of your 4 million fans all wanting to look at the same time!!!

Unknown said...

This time it worked, but not the last two! Go figure! Hope u enjoyed your day off. Those quilts were gorgeous. What talent! Micki

sew lucky said...

Bonnie , keep with the free slide shows .They are wonderful even with the little delay glitch . You're doing an awesome job sharing and i thank you for that ! ... Besides ....They always work ! ...Maybe not at first But... they do always work ! I really never mind the wait when it does happen because it's never really that long ...plus you do have the pic all there ....all be it a little small ;) . So it's all good . Thanks again

sandra said...

For me, sometimes the slideshow works, sometimes it doesn't. Luck of the draw I guess!!! It's not an issue, there are more important things to stress about. When it does work I love seeing the photos, as does most people so it's still worth you doing it.
Those quilts are just stunning.

Diane said...

Great pictures and quilts. The slides how worked for me.

Elaine Adair said...

Slide show worked perfectly here tonight. Frequently it does not.

I'd like to comment on the quilts. I KNOW you said you only took photos of only specific ones, but in recent shows, I've noticed the trend AWAY from those warm comfy quilts that are for cuddling up. Many of today's quilts (in quilt shows) are amazing, stunning, over-the-top, so artistic, but I'd NEVER feel comfortable cuddling in them. BONNIE, yours ARE for cuddling, and snuggling -- perhaps this is why you have such a loyal following? I wonder what others think.

Judymc said...

I don't seem to have problems with the slideshow at all. I'm usually viewing it in the evening, Pacific time. Loved the beautiful quilts--that hand quilting was to die for! Thanks for sharing the pics with us.

Unknown said...

I have a 10 plus year old Mac and could no longer update Firefox. Had to switch browsers to Safari and now the slide show works.

Judy said...

Thanks for the great pictures, no problem viewing them. Thank you also for all your hard work so we can view quilt show pictures and share class experiences with you.

Are you going to be at the June quilt show in Shipshawana, Ind.

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