
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Monroe County Courthouse, Bloomington, IN!

I love towns with old courthouse squares…..and Bloomington, Indiana’s courthouse area is alive, vibrant and bustling with the University very close at hand!

It was a short walk from the show location to the courthouse, and on each side of the square was a multitude of restaurants, shops, cafes ----

Our lunch period was from noon until 2pm, giving us time to wander, to choose where we wanted to go, and of course to view the show and visit with and shop the vendors mall.

Knowing my love for history – I was indulged with a few minutes to go up to the courthouse and read the sign and learn what I could about this part of Indiana that I had never visited before.

Sign in front of the courthouse:

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I love history!!  ((But oops, I didn’t get a photo of the other side of the sign – sorry!))

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Fabulous statue over the entrance!

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Alexander Memorial

Spanish American War

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I love how ornate this panel is on the side of the memorial.

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Bottom of memorial --- To the Soldiers of All Wars.

Just a bit of Indiana History on a very chilly walk about town!


Lois said...

Those photos are marvelous, Bonnie! I have cousins that live in Bloomington.

Vic in NH said...

Hi Bonnie!

Please check, I cannot see any donate button for quiltcam? My DH Calls this, "Bonnie Cam" (instead of Barney Cam, which was attached to George W. Bush's dog, "Barney."

LindaR said...

I love these pictures. Just looking at them makes me feel patriotic and attached. I'd love to spend time in these places.
Here in So Cal we don't have many historical buildings and statues - they're not "trendy" enough, I guess.

Gerda said...

Always good to remember! Groetjes, Gerda

Lois said...

My sister used to live in bloomington great place to visit. You visit nearby NAshvile in fall. Hope to attend next year and take your Class.. Lois

Sue Radkiewicz said...

Hi Vic, I'm not Bonnie, but I think once Bonnie had her one fateful quiltcam-no-ads-episode paid for, she took the donate button off. So now quiltcam will have ads, but not cost an arm and a leg.
Sue in Illinois
And Bonniecam is way more fun than Barneycam, don't you think? :)

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Hi, Bonnie! It was good to see the courthouse again. My husband and I took out our marriage license there in May of 1976, the same week we graduated from IU.

Anne M. said...

I know this is an old post, but it brings back memories of my Grandmother. She had a beautiful old house in Bloomington, and we spent holidays visiting her. I loved the town. Unfortunately when she died IU bought her house, tore it down and put a parking area there.

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