
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chomping at the Bit!

I’m raring to go, but where is everyone?

I guess I’m the only one whose body clock is still running 3 hours ahead of schedule.  I can already tell I’m going to need a nap before dinner!

I KNOW there are folks here – because I see boxes and piles of cartons ready to be set up for registration tonight for Quiltmaker Magazine’s Block Party, here in Portland, Oregon.

((For those who didn’t know – here’s a little diction lesson for ya!  The Hubster and my boys were all Oregon born ---it’s pronounced Ore-eh-gun.  NOT  ORE-EE-GONE!!  It hasn’t gone anywhere, it’s been here all along.  With his gun.  LOL!))

I need to find out where my lecture is going to be so I can haul the body bags down there and get set up for that before we head out to dinner.

And did I mention I’m going to need a NAP? SERIOUSLY ---my body wouldn’t sleep any later than 9am East Coast time – which means I was up at 6am after getting in at midnight.

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More Block Party STUFF!!

I took a walk around to explore the hotel a bit.  This place is HUGE!

This was the view from the hallway window outside my room:

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Mt Hood is out there somewhere in the clouds…..

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if you look at the end of the right hand railing going down the slope…you will see just how much water is pouring out of that down spout from rain run off!  Here in Portland, they call that “Liquid Sunshine”.

I’m fine with it now that I’m indoors and the bags are dry – at least it is not SNOW!

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The rain has slowed, and there is evidence of brilliant green and blooming pink in the parking lot.  Color me a happy girl!

More adventures to come as this day unfolds ----


Loris said...

Wish I was there :-) but hope you have lots of fun...and get some naps too!

Peggy Thompson said...

Are you the one who brought all this rain our way? I'm in Washington State at the base of Mt. St. Helens wishing I was there quilting with you. We probably will have snow tonight and I'm taking a quicky trip to Vancouver to take my hubby to an appointment concerning his dementia. Then I will get to see the flowers and flowering trees that you have pictured. They aren't quite there yet where I live. I hope you have a great time in Oregon. If you had come last week you would have had lots of beautiful sunshine.

Lisa said...

Thanks for the diction lesson. Could you give it to Hollywood too, please? Oh, and the main stream media? (smile) I was born in Oregon and grew up in Washington and it drives me crazy to hear "gone" instead of "gun." I love the photos of the flower cherry trees! (at lease that is what I think they are) I was hoping to see them when I'm south in April in Washington (state) but it looks like I will miss the real thing.

Unknown said...

I only have one problem......the Blogher ad on the side......if I'm logged in to bloglovin it extends over your blog and I can't see thru it!
Oh and please don't bring the rain back with you!!

Great Day in the Morning said...

Well...I'm an Alabama girl, but I have never heard it pronounced with "gone" on the end of it. It has always been Ore-eh-gun around here.

Shelley said...

Oh, Bonnie, thanks for posting something that is blooming cause back here on the northern East Coast, the first day of spring left us with 18" of snow!Have a nice time:)

Kevin the Quilter said...

Glad you made it safe and sound, and you are there to help in the efforts to "Keep Portland Weird!" LOL Every time I go there, I run into some really interesting people! Hope you do too!

Nancy said...

I love Oregon. I flew out in 1979 to meet my penpal in Astoria. Went to Seaside and Cannon Beach. One of the first posters I bought for my freshman dorm room was Haystack Rock. Definitely on my bucket list to visit again.

Have a wonderful time!

Sue Monsey said...

Welcome to Oregon - you are enjoying a typical rainy/sunny day here in Portland. Am quilting with friends at Sharon's Attic in Hillsboro - wishing I was taking a class from you.

J-Nessa said...

I'll join the others in saying thanks for helping people get it right! I blame that song we learn in grade school about the states ("where has Ory gone boys, where has Ory gone...").
If you get a chance to experience Voodoo donuts, don't pass it up :)

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I have an email into blogher about the size of their blogher tv spot. There is something wrong on their end and they are fixing it. Please be patient!

It's blogher that enables me to do what I do and share it with you so often --because of the blogher revenue I can spend more time blogging. Without it, I wouldn't....I'd have to get a "REAL" job!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I have an email into blogher about the size of their blogher tv spot. There is something wrong on their end and they are fixing it. Please be patient!

It's blogher that enables me to do what I do and share it with you so often --because of the blogher revenue I can spend more time blogging. Without it, I wouldn't....I'd have to get a "REAL" job!

janice dinse said...

I heard that folks in oregon don't sunburn, they rust! (cuz of all the rain, .... uh, guess you had to e there :)

Lori said...

I saw the pink trees just barely busting out when I was there a week or so ago. I'm ready for spring. Have fun.
Voo-Doo donuts is over rated! LOL

janequiltsslowly said...

Welcome to the beautiful Pacific Northwest, Bonnie. Enjoy the weather there. Today, a little further north in Washington we have wind, rain, hail, sleet and thunder & lightning.

Andee said...

I so wish I was there! :)

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