
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Show and Share from Across the Pond!

I love it when you send me things to share ----let’s face it, sometimes I run OUT of things I want to talk about ((Yes, I know – it is hard to believe, but it is true!))

I am writing this post a head because as it posts – I will be deep in dreamland, and adjusting to a 3-hours-earlier time zone in Portland.

Stephen from London sent me some lovely photos of his current baby quilt in progress, and of quilts from a show he visited recently and thought you might want to see what goes on over there! 

Isn’t this floral background going to be just scrumptious in this baby quilt!  I love to see the other fabrics he has laid out next to his sample-in-progress, these are the fabrics he picked up at the show ---yummy! 

This is going to be one lucky baby! 

Snowball blocks are always great for an alternate block --- I love how they chain things together on the diagonal!

Stephen writes:

You seemed to find my last quilt-show post useful for your blog, so here is some more stuff you can use to fill the gaps while you are travelling! 

Big quilt and craft show yesterday, the Spring Knitting and Stitching Show, and these were some of my favourites - and this time I remembered to snap the labels too, so you have all the info you need.

The "Baby Quilt" is my new project, a quick and simple one for a friend who has taken a penniless young mum under her wing - and a good way to use up some of those beautiful large florals that just SIT in my stash - those are 8" blocks. 

The fabrics at the top of that photo (bit dark, I know) are my loot from the Show yesterday - they will go into "Lazy Sunday"

LOVE the new Quiltcam experience, especially with the music turned down - made it MUCH easier for me to hear what you were saying.

Very best wishes,
Stephen in wet and windy London

Let the show begin!  The placards underneath each photo will share the description, no commentary needed from me!

Charleston 2 - Copy

Charleston label - Copy

Hexagons 1 - Copy

Hexagon Label - Copy

Mystery 1 - Copy

Mystery label - Copy

Ocean Waves 1 - Copy

Ocean Waves label - Copy

Sampler 1 - Copy

Sampler label

Whirligig 2

Whirligig label

Stars 1

This one is missing a placard – but it is LOVELY!

Stars 2

Love the interwoven 3-D effect in these stars.  Great work!

Thank you so much for sharing, Stephen ---I am SEW INSPIRED, aren’t you??


cityquilter grace said...

wow, what a show! such lovely quilts all, and love that background on the baby quilt, never thought of using a fabric like that!

Unknown said...

Wow! What inspiration to start my day. I am currently working on a traditional hexi quilt, but love the use of hexi's in a different way. Amazing show and tell!!!

Bj said...

I agree, what a show and look at how different the use of colors are across the Atlantic Ocean, I especially love the Triangular Hexagon Quilt, Thank You for Sharing! Happy Wednesday!

Unknown said...

the whirligig was unbelievely delicious

pcflamingo said...

How nice! I especially like the "baby quilt" but I can see using that pattern for a grown up version, too.

Eileen said...

The star quilt is really a knock-out! I would love to make it. Does anyone know the block's name or a pattern source?

Deb Marshall said...

Thank you Stephen! Sew inspiring!

Unknown said...

I'm inspired. Stephen is amazing. Is he a blogger?

shadypinesqltr said...

I just can't stop looking at that whirligig quilt. It looks like autumn leaves curling at the edges. Just gorgeous!

All the quilts are truly works of art. I am so unworthy of being called a quilter!

Kathy's A Quilter said...

Thank you Stephen(and Bonnie) that is a wonderful quilt to be shared on the spring equinox. Love the background, it blend all those beautiful florals perfectly.

Allison in Plano said...

Thank you Stephen!! Indeed it was sew inspiring. I always enjoy reading the descriptions and knowing the piecers and quilters. Now to go forth and quilt a modern quilt for a customer that is currently in my longarm.

Carolyn Sullivan said...

Thanks Steven! I'm actually doing a similar quilt block as your star and snowball one. I had not thought of alternating w a snow ball block, I was just using a flat color! maybe I'll change it. I'm not very far into it though. Love LOVE LOVE the quilt show THANKS

colleen said...

Bonnie do you think since you are on "my" time now rather than 3 hours ahead I'll be able to fit as much or half as much as you do in you day?
I am in California where it is a rainy day with patches of sun peeking out no sewing for me today I am at the grandchildrens house doing grandma duties.
Perhaps after the darlings are in bed ill be able sew if I have any energy that is
I hope you are able to sleep in and have an easy relaxing day to help you adjust to moving back three hours
Best wishes for your speech and classes

Lilac Joan said...

Another Joan is unworthy of being called a quilter!!!!

Man for all seasons said...

The good news is that the Baby Quilt pattern is available online at http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/newtrack/mcq_20110910/#/62 - it's the free edition of McCall's Quilting magazine. I couldn't be bothered with all the appliqué they stuck on top of it, so I just picked a large floral, which was waiting for a pattern which would show it off instead of cutting it up into tiny bits. And I upgraded the block size from 6" to 8" to help it along. Enjoy!

And no, I don't have a blog, but I do have a website, www.magicfactory.org.uk

Carole Y. said...

I found a 10 pointed star that look like the 8 pointed star, but it is a mirror image of the pattern on the stars quilt.

You can find the instructions for drafting the pattern of the 10 pointed star in Sally Collins book "Drafting for the Creative Quilter".

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