
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! Dinner under the rainbow!

This evenings festivities are started with a magnificent view of a rainbow from the window overlooking the river!

I even caught a glimpse of Jo Morton snapping photos too!

Tonight's dinner partners include Gudrun Erla, Julie Herman, Jo Morton, Diane Harris, Beth Ferrier, June Dudley, Peg & Darold Spradlin!


Janet O. said...

Gorgeous. I would have been snapping photos, too!

Anonymous said...

So, where about's is the Quilt Maker's Block Party being held? Portland I know... just wondering where about's in Portland? I used to live wayyyy on the North End, actually across the River from Vancouver at Janzen Beach. Also lived in Eugene, Oregon... home of the Hippie's. Really though, my folks still live in Eugene and honestly the people there are pretty laid back good natured people.
Have fun... don't forget to get some Smoked Salmon (that is, if you enjoy it like I do!).
Jean C.

Glady said...

It's not often you can see the entire rainbow like that. What an awesome view! The rainbow must be a promise of good things to come at the Block Party.

Debbie Lou said...

Awesome! There's nothing like a rainbow to make you smile! Thanks for sharing!

Lori said...

So pretty! I met Diane and Jo at the Russian Tea House in NYC!

Unknown said...

WOW...a full rainbow! That's rare. Even rarer...a double rainbow. I' d take out my camera for that too!

Centergranny said...

Pretty to show off a dreary sky! Have fun!

Marj said...

Thanks for sharing the rainbow. I am envious of all the wonderful people that you get to rub elbows with. Glad you are having a fun time in OR.

Granny Stitch said...

You caught a double rainbow in that last shot, just the bottom on the left side but still neat!!!!

preludetoaseam said...


Mego said...

I know EXACTLY where you are! We used to dock our boat right outside! Enjoy Portland!

Maureen in Portland said...

Quite close to where you used to live -- Red Lion on Hayden Island Drive. Very nice opening night, looking forward to tomorrow!

Maureen in Portland said...

Quite close to where you used to live -- Red Lion on Hayden Island Drive. Very nice opening night, looking forward to tomorrow!

Julie said...

Any idea where the next Block Party will be? They've been east, now west, is the midwest on their radar? Just hoping from here in Minnesota.

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