
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Little Bit of Quilt–Cam this Evening?!

I have a very empty spot along my wall where a treadle machine used to be!

When I got home from Indiana I had made up my mind that I really wanted to find a home for this machine where it was loved and appreciated.

Craigslist to the rescue!

I placed the ad on Sunday night and waited.

Nothing came through yesterday at ALL – and I was about to think  “If it doesn’t sell, I’ll keep it!”  and I was really okay with that.

But this morning….my phone jingled with an incoming text saying “Could I see the treadle machine?”  with a phone number for me to call or text back, and it was signed, Marsha.


The following conversation ensued:

quiltcam 017    quiltcam 018

OH! GOODNESS!  She watches Quilt-Cam!  Where is my VACUUM!?  This is the first time that someone who watches from “Their” side of the monitor got to come see just what it is like on MY side of the monitor ---

Marsha was a doll!  I gave her some very basic treadle lessons, showed her what to do – keep the hand wheel going toward you, let it direct your feet to start – and she was SEWING!  Boy does that machine have a beautiful stitch --- and now it will be happily stitching away at Marsha’s house!

I feel like I’ve made a new “real life” friend!

So this is what’s been going on today behind the scenes.  I had hoped that I’d have a chance to try out a new Quilt Cam host ---but my day has slipped away and I am no where closer to finding someone else –so I think we will stick with Ustream for now  until I have more time to try out a different venue.

Some have said I can do Google Hangout – but just hangout with myself and broadcast it so that everyone else can see it, and it would archive everything on youtube.  But that won’t embed into the webpage…I would have to post a link for a hang out to get everyone to watch? I’m not sure how all that works yet, so I am looking for more info.

At any rate – I’ll be ready to sew tonight!  Back to my Sisters Choice blocks…..back to the treadle machine since I haven’t treadled for 10 days now other than what I showed Marsha this afternoon!

9pm Eastern!  Catch me then!


Mary said...

How lucky was Marsha that she lived close by! Glad you could get together. I have quilt Guild tonight so I'll miss most of QuiltCam. :(
I might sneak in the first 1/2 hour.

YankeeQuilter said...

I'm sure Marsha will give it a great home! Good news...I may have found a Singer cabinet for my machine!! (and it doesn't have a machine in it so no follow-on project!) Hope to get it in the next week or so....

Sherry said...

YEA can't wait, ohh now what should I sew on?

Unknown said...

I recently purchased a treadle like yours, but mine was a smidge more worn and all it needs is a new belt and to be cleaned. :)
Wish I could say that I was going to be treadling along with you tonight, but I haven't cleaned it or gotten a belt for it yet. :(
But I will be joining in on the Quilt Cam fun!! It is all I have talked about since you announced that you were going to be doing it tonight! :) lol
Can you tell that I am excited? :D

HoosierKitty said...

No computer at home so no quilt cam but I'll be making Pineapple Blossoms at that time. 6 to go!

janice dinse said...

did you get enough donations to pay that huge Ustream bill? I hope so.

Marsha A. Black said...

Bonnie was the doll! So welcoming, patient, and helpful! And, Mary, I am lucky! Getting the machine in place now. Think I'm going to have to put it on some little risers because of the carpet. I want to start sewing!!!

Angie said...

Wow, that is one beautiful treadle machine! It looks like new! Lucky you Marsha.

Andee said...

It is working sound and video!

Andee said...

It is sometimes working but often either freezing or sound going out...at the moment seems better!

Andee said...

236 viewers at the moment :)

Vic in NH said...

Please show your funny tee shirt saying!

nankc said...

I restarted my laptop and now you are just fine!!
I bought a 127 handcrank years ago and didn't realize what I had until just recently. I have cleaned her up and oiled her and she's wonderful now!!

Vic in NH said...

Bonnie is there a donate button tonight because I would like to contribute. In the meantime, i'm looking forward to Midnight flight in Manchester, NH. My hubby did the grocery shopping and he found a six-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper for you when you're here in NH! We love ya!

Lois said...

Wow! That's one GORGEOUS machine! I'd probably pass out if I ever came across one like that. Happy sewing, Marsha.

quiltmom05 said...

I would have driven down from Minnesota to get that machine! Call me when you have another that needs a new home!!!

crazy quilter said...

Wow I know I am a little late with this but I could not get Quiltcams to open on the iPad . I do have a question isn't this the treadle you just got not too long ago? Guess you decided that back to back Treadles was just to crowded in the studio. Anyway congrats

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