
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Yarn Bombing in Bloomington!

One of the fun things to see while walking around the courthouse square in downtown Bloomington Indiana are the trees with their trunks wrapped in brightly colored knitting and crochet.

walking down the street I spied another, and then another and each one was different than the next!  It was the coolest thing, next to quilting – of course!

When I asked about the yarn covered trees I was told that a local yarn shop, Yarns Unlimited, has teamed up with Middle Way House to raise funds to aid victims of domestic violence.

This is the first year the fundraiser, Knitting to Heal, has been coordinated in Bloomington.

IU basketball Coach Tom Crean sponsored the IU tree that you see here ---you can see the label “The Crean Family” at the base of the tree.

More than $10,000 has been raised to support those in need since the trees were wrapped last October, with folks paying $1 each to vote on their favorite tree ----what a great idea!

The trees will be left through this spring,  ((I admit, they are getting kind of tired looking after a long winter)) so there is still a chance to see the  yarn bombings if you are headed through Bloomington --- and it might be something they do every other year to continue to raise funds.  But soon, there will be a bunch of naked trees in downtown Bloomington and I have a feeling the yarn tree wraps will be sorely missed!

It rained all night here in NC, GREAT weather for sleeping in a bit.  Just a bit!

This afternoon I’ve got someone coming to look at one of my treadles I’ve listed on Craigslist ----she saw the ad, thought it might be me as she is a blog reader and quilt cam watcher ---and is coming to check it out at 3pm this afternoon!  Oh goodness --- I think I need to clean up the studio a bit!


Brenna said...

They yarn bombed all the trees in my college, town, too. I admit it was fun to have a bit of color around during the winter months!

Beth said...

The yarn bombed trees are so cute. I think it would be fun to do. And for a great cause makes it even better. Thanks for sharing.

Janet O. said...

I've never heard of this before. What a fun fundraiser! : )

Julierose said...

Those yarn trees are so cool! That's a LOT of knitting (speaking as a former knitter!!) Julierose

Anita said...

I have seen trees like these in two cities, San Antonio, Texas, in January, and Trondheim, Norway, in February. The trend is spreading!

See my blogpost here:

deelish10 said...

Local artists got together in Ocala, fl and painted some horses and did a fund raiser! great photo ops and they are still around!

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