
Monday, March 25, 2013

A Little Bit of Jo!

One of the great things about Block Party in Portland was that I got a chance to sit through other quilter’s lectures and just be AUDIENCE!

That doesn’t happen very often, and I wish it happened more.

I loved Jo Morton’s presentation --- she is sharp, funny, engaging and so down to earth.

Her quilts speak to me, bringing comfort ---fabrics and colors and textures I can relate to as a “traditional” quilter ---and yet they are so out of “MY” box ---it’s just so nice to experience what makes another quilter tick.

I took as many photos as I could from my spot --- they aren’t all great, but they are all LIVE and in person, and being that up close and personal to Jo’s quilts was a thrill for me!

I hope you enjoy the slide show.  As ALWAYS – if it doesn’t work for you now, it will always work later in the day or tomorrow – because I think we overload the servers trying to see them all at once.  So just be patient and come back if it isn’t working for you, and is working for others.  Just smile, walk away –and come back later.

You will also recognize the faces and smiles of other designers, Quiltmaker Mag and Creative Crafts Group staff parading around as Jo’s “Holders & Folders!”

((It’s not often we get to play THAT roll either!  We had a great time!))

Today is a “Desk Day” for me as I catch up with emails and replies and mail order after being gone since last Tuesday.  However – I’m still in my jammies, my music is playing, and I have my favorite mug of tea by my side to ease into the work day!

Let’s hope there is some sewing time by the end of it!


regan said...

What a great slide show! I love everything Jo does! And since you were there......did she do an economy pieced setting triangle on that super-cute churn dash? I see a darker color in the corner of it. So FUN! I love that!

Lynmar said...

Love the Hawaiian Quilting - Shadow Quilting - on the last quilt. Reminds me of our vacations on Maui and how many years I have been trying to complete a pillow cover. Great slides.

mascanlon said...

Thanks for sharing the show with us all Bonnie!

Joan said...

Oh my! There's nothing I didn't like. I'm in serious trouble.. that yellow and blue.... oh my!

Mary said...

It was fun to have you sit at our table on Friday night too. I loved my Front row seat at your Lecture and Trunk Show! It was a GREAT start to the week-end.

Cathy said...

Maybe you have addressed this before, but has your slide show always required that we sign into a Microsoft account? I don't remember ever doing this before.

Thank you for the photos even if I have to look at them small on your blog.


Kathaleeny said...

Don't understand the issues with the slideshow. Sometimes I can click right in and other times it wants me to sign up for a Microsoft account. I've been trying off and on all day.

Judymc said...

I love Jo's quilts and am presently working on her Prairie Flowers Encore. I wanted to book you and Jo for our guild in 2014, but you both were not available (sad face here!!!) Wish I could have been in Portland for all the fun! Your and Jo's classes/lectures would have been at the top of my list.

Mommy Robin said...

Fabulous show, thank you for sharing it!

Grayson Nelson said...

Yummy eye candy!! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Every quilt is a stunner! Great show.

Lisa said...

Yes, Bonnie has addressed this problem several times. Try again later and you won't have to sign in.

nancyb said...

hi bonnie! i took a class from jo Morton in dover nh about 10 years ago. it was a lovely and fun class. what a nice person she is! i still have my mini quilt that i made in that class.

Unknown said...

What amazing quilts! What a wonderful slide show. Thank you for sharing, Bonnie!

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