
Monday, March 25, 2013

Sister's choice progress--

This is a test to send an Instagram photo to the blog via email!

This is the kind of thing I do when the clock reads 1:30 AM in North Carolina and it's only 10:30 PM back in Portland.

If you can't beat the body clock, you may as well will be productive! :-)

I've spent the last couple hours treadling and see more Quilty time this week.  

I'm trying to think Spring – and the spring colors are helping!

Via Bonnie's Iphone!


Angelia B said...

lovely blocks, hope your internal clock gets back on home time quickly

Janet O. said...

Your pink points on this Sister's Choice make a very fun quilt for Spring.
My clock is reading after midnight no matter where it is. Good night.

Lois said...

The blocks look wonderful so far. Can't wait to see the top completed.

debi said...

It looks fantastic - I really get your neutral colours now!

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

Loving the look of this quilt!

pkquilter said...

Awoke to snow, lots of big fluffy flakes covering everything! Your Sister's Choice is a breath of Spring to enjoy with my coffee. Thanks and welcome home! Pauline (Cherry Boom!)

Debbie said...

It showed up just fine and it enlarged fine also. Love that quilt.


I am sitting here wondering what you will be teaching in February 2014---I heard you were coming this way :-) like the look of this! guess if I start now I should have plenty of teensy pieces by the time you get here :-) *~*CAROLE*~*

quilter746 said...

My sisters choice quilt
Top is done. I chose earth tones and creamy neutrals,and all star
Points are burgundy reds. I set my blocks (50 of them) on point and added a coppery border to accomodate blocks in each corner. I'll tru to add a picture for you

Material Girl said...

Looks lovely Bonnie! Hope you had a good night and that your internal clock gets the times straight soon.

Shar said...

Looks great! This came through on bloglovin at 5:55 PM MT. If that helps you know when things are getting out.

Dar said...

Your Sisters Blocks look good. The calendar may say Spring, but we got 14 inches of the white stuff this weekend --- but in the 60s by Sunday!!

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