
Monday, March 25, 2013

In the Spirit of Passover & Easter Week ---

I received an email from my friend Pam Stahl asking for a shout out to help spread the word.

With this Holy Week upon us, I feel moved to share the story with you.

Pam and I go way back – she writes:

Hi Bonnie,

I'm Pam Stahl.  I interviewed you long ago for an article on my old website, Real Women Quilt.

I have a favor to ask.  I'm giving away a quilt to raise money for a well in Africa--the money goes to Blood Water Mission.

The quilt has a long story.  I made it for my Dad and hand quilted it.  But now he's in a nursing home and can't use a king size quilt.  I really  want this quilt to make a difference in the world.
We are trying to raise $7000.  We are currently at about $2600.  Problem is, the drawing is this Sunday, Easter. 
In other words, I've got to do better at getting the word out and encouraging folks to make a donation.  I'm hoping you will be able to help with  that.
Of COURSE we can help with that!  Are you kidding?  I have the best readers out there…and if they pitched in so graciously to help me cover the fiasco of the “Worlds Most Expensive Ad-Free Quilt-Cam Ever” – I know they can come together and we can DO THIS!

In fact -- I am donating $100.00 to help.  Can YOU help too?

blog dads quilt full size

King sized quilt in Kaffe Fabrics, Hand Quilted!

THE STORY in Pam’s words:
This is a raffle for the "Living Water Quilt" shown in the pictures.  (named by one of my blog readers!)

The quilt measures 102" x 102".  I took the first picture leaning off the top of the staircase.

quilting cu
Detail of Pam’s gorgeous hand quilting!

King size with wool blend batting.  Hand quilted over an eternity.  I think I started this quilt in 2006 (but don't hold me to that...I'm really not sure!)  All fabrics are 100% cotton.
This quilt design was inspired by Kaffe Fassett.

This quilt was made for my Dad to fit his king size bed and satisfy his long-standing love for the color orange.  After much prayer and soul-searching I know that this quilt is no longer for Dad.  It is destined for another mission.

My heart has been breaking lately for communities around the world that do not have access to clean drinking water.  It's hard for my brain to even wrap around this concept having lived my entire life with clean running water available in my home. 
I've never even had to walk outside to get it!  There are places where people walk miles each day with jugs to get water for their family.  Guess what?--many times the water that they are gathering isn't even clean.
So with all that in mind, this quilt will be raffled in an attempt to raise money for a well in Africa.

I had to  choose an amount for the fundraising goal.  $7,000 seems like a crazy huge amount, I know, but we can do this!

For every $10 that you donate to Blood Water Mission your name will go into the hat to win this quilt.   Click HERE to donate!

After making your donation, PLEASE Drop me an email so that you are entered in the quilt drawing. livingwaterquilt@gmail.com
For those of you that prefer to send a check:
Make payable to:  Blood Water Mission
Mail to:  Pam Stahl
              P.O. Box 1875
              Mt. Juliet, TN 37121

You can
follow my ongoing journey on my blog.

Thank You!
Water Quote

Water is so basic ---such a simple thing we take for granted.  How wonderful it would be if we could help provide the gift of clean water to those who need it so badly.


Valerie said...

What a beautiful quilt, beautiful story, and a beautiful heart Pam has. I'll bet you reach your goal now with more to spare!

Glady said...

This is a wonderful mission for Easter week! Thanks for sharing this information, Bonnie.

Lisa C in GA. said...

I went to donate, but found there was no paypal option on the donation link - which is weird, because I've always found one on that donation site before. I commented on Pam's page asking if she has a paypal link I could use to donate, and will be really happy to if she responds :)

Pam said...

Hi Lisa,
I emailed you with a Paypal address. Hope that helps.

Lakegaldonna said...

Hello Bonnie,

My sisters family has volunteered many times in Africa in Burkina Faso through their church. Their daughters have volunteered at a specific orphanage. The tales that she has told over the years make any person here in the USA cringe in horror. They have spent quite a bit of time over there, not just a week of feel good activism but between them all I would say years. The water issue has always really bothered me. This is a worthwhile project to donate to. Thank you for publishing this on your blog. When I get to a regular computer tomorrow I will be able to send this to my sister in St Louis.

Becky G said...

Agreed! Thanks for posting this Bonnie. B

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