
Saturday, January 07, 2012

Retreat Time!

 Yesterday started off bright and early and I was out the door!

But it wasn’t until I reached Karen’s house --- more than 30 minutes drive from my house, and we were in the process of loading all HER stuff into the back of Shamu --- that I had a big UHOH!

UHOH!!!!!  As in…I packed all the “IMPORTANT” quilt stuff, but I left my suitcase with my clothes and toiletries AT HOME on top of the bed!

I probably could have made it without everything for a simple overnight. I could stop at target and buy a new toothbrush --- but this is two nights! And there was no going around it, we were going to have to drive the other way, back toward Wallburg to get my suitcase!

Pulling over to the side of the road, I quickly called Jeff and bribed him with  a $10 gas gift card that was thankfully in my purse --- if he would take the suitcase and drive and meet us half way ----

We met in front of our favorite Chinese buffet --- the parking lot completely empty of course, it was just after 9am, and Shamu was easy for him to spot as he turned into the plaza. I got the suitcase, he got the gift card and we were off!

We did start at Target on our way into Camp Dogwood…and there is NOTHING like shopping with silly girlfriends!  What was supposed to be a quick stop for some slippers for Karen and some lip balm for me turned into a hilarious bout of “FIND THE SOCK MONKEY!”  There was sock monkey everything everywhere ---and she even found sock monkey slippers.

As for me, I busted a gut when I found THIS on the shelf:

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Anti Gravity LIft – Does this come in GALLON size, and will it work on “OTHER” selective body parts?! LOL!

We got ourselves over to our retreat location and quickly set up.  My goal this weekend is to get this “Winston Ways” top together.  Winston Ways was the 2nd block that I submitted to the 100 blocks by 100 designers by Quiltmaker Magazine….it was featured in Vol 3.  I’ve wanted to turn this into a quilt for a long time, but time has ben used to whittle down other deadlines.  I’m now free to work on this and I was raring to go!

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Tons of checkerboard 4 patches!  Isn’t this fun? Each 12” block has 104 pieces!  Weeeeehaaa! this is the kind of piecing I love!

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The first four blocks!  Do you see how they come together? Wow…this really has more yellow/gold than I thought it did…
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This is one of my faves so far!  That’s a 1970s yellow calico…and you can’t stare to long at those stripes around the star!

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By the time it was time for bed I had 25 blocks out of 30 sewn.  Today?  I’m amping up to finish the last 5 blocks, lay them out and get this top sewn together!

Time for breakfast --- catch ya’ll later!


Me and My Stitches said...

I really love this - can't wait to see it all finished!

Misha said...

LOL! You're so right about the stripes, they make my eyes go kind of wiggly! Fun block and glad to hear you are having fun at your retreat. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice block Bonnie, have a great time with your buds.

cityquilter grace said...

it's beautiful bonnie another winning design; love the chrome yellow; hmm i think i have some of that...maybe i should try one?

Becky Clay said...

Have fun! I'm ready to put OB together, finally.

Teresa in Music City said...

25 out of 30 done??? No wonder you get so much done - you're a dynamo!!!! So glad you are having FUN!!!!

Cathy said...

I'm pretty sure that I have some of that same yellow calico from the 70's. I have a box of squares of fabric saved from my original stash~~ I made my 4 yr old daughter (she's in her mid 30's now) a dress with that fabric. I can't remember what they called it but it was a dress (made with calico's) and it had another dress 'over' it in a contrasting calico. I think it was called a pinafore....? Anyway, I really like this quilt pattern. Have a great weekend!!

Carolyn said...

My retreat is next weekend. I am sewing with you today also. I am working on a Christmas Pickle from Possibilities. Goal for today, piece the last blocks and start to assemble the top.

pcflamingo said...

They make sheep dip for sheep, why don't they make "lady dip" for ladies? We need bathtub-size versions of the body firming lotions and potions for all the saggy baggy parts of us. You'd think Olay would have figured it out by now.

One Minnesota Quilter said...

I really like this block - can't wait to see the finished quilt!

Lisa Burgess said...

When you put your mind to something you REALLY put your mind to it! I will try to do that next week end at my sewathon!

Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL! Have a blast today.

HelenMarie said...

Love that block!
Have lots of fuN!

TheaMinPA said...

glad you have a chance to 'retreat'! have fun!

Shirley said...

I'm renowned in our guild for showing up at the retreat with all my sewing stuff but no suitcase. Glad we're on the same page with this!! HA!

NeverBored said...

Wow! You are the master of multi-pieced blocks! What I love about your creations is they all break down into easy units. Anxiously awaiting a picture of all the blocks laid out.

Marge Gordon said...

Well I've left a lot of things home when packing for a retreat but NEVER my clothes! And I bet never for you too and that you will never do it again. LOL! Have fun and I love the block!

Janet O. said...

Wow! Another winner!! Wonder if I could find a checkered men's shirt to replace all those little squares? *jk*
Too funny about the suitcase! : )

Kerri said...

I thought, no, Bonnie means all four of those blocks put together for 104. Then counting one block, a couple of times, lol, I was shocked it added up to 104. It's amazing how the pieces add up! No wonder your blocks are so fantastic, I feel like I am in quilt boot camp while I am working along!

MaryBeth said...

I read your blog faithfully but rarely comment. But today I just laughed out loud when I read that you'd left your suitcase!! I went on a 2 night quilt shopping trip to MaryJo's in Gastonia with some girlfriends and TWO of us forgot our toothbrushes! Have fun!!

Mary said...

104 pieces in each 12" block oh my that is a lot to pieces in the quilt when you multiply it by 30. If you add sashing it's even more. It's a fun block and I think I had some of that 70's yellow once too.

Kathy Biggs said...

That's a great block pattern. How on earth do you manage to get so much accomplished? Do you superglue you butt to the chair and superglue the chair to the floor in front of the sewing machine??? lol

Impera Magna said...

You go, Miss Bonnie! You can do it!


Leah said...

LOVE how that block looks! You're right - it's a lot of yellow, but it's going to pop when it's all laid out.

Hmmm, wondering how that would look with red where the yellow is, and multi-colored scraps where the red is? All sorts of fun possibilities.

Laura said...

This brought back a memory...I went to a quilt class once only to realize I had left my sewing machine sitting on the driveway! The new quilt is looking terrific!

Laura said...

This brought back a memory...I went to a quilt class once only to realize I had left my sewing machine sitting on the driveway! The new quilt is looking terrific!

Dorothea said...

Thanks Bonnie, when I saw how much you got accomplished in one day I went back to my sewing room. It has been slow going. Very nice block. Continue to have fun on your retreat.

Tammy said...

Wow, I really love that block; love the yellow. Makes the whole thing burst! Have fun at retreat! I have one coming up the long weekend in February and I can't wait--four days of nothing by sewing, eating and enjoying the friendship of 10 quilting buddies!

Anonymous said...

30 x 104 = less than OB! And where are the strings?

Anonymous said...

Love, love Windsor Way! I'll be making that one, and it looks like the pieces left over from a previous "Bonnie" mystery quilt will fit right in!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

That's another quilt I want to make, but I think I'll use more of a gold instead of the bright yellow. Glad you're having a good time at retreat. There would be a great place for a retreat just three miles from my house, out in the country, but their prices are geared to highly paid city tourists not me & my small-town, poorly paid quilting friends. Maybe someday.

Randy D. said...

Love what you did with the blocks. I recognize that blue fish fabric with the little gold stars. I think I gave you some of that!! Looks great with all the reds and yellows! Once again, you've created something wonderful!

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Oh, I love that block and how it goes together with the others. Now I have another top added to my list. I guess I'll just have to live until I'm at least 200 to get everything made!

jagarland said...

I love it. I really like the yellows in the blocks. makes them pop. what size are thos little squares? they look tiny. Joan in Ga

Nancy said...

I believe I am so gonna have to make that one...... why do you do this to me Miss Bonnie??!!!! Why???!!!??? :o)

Kim said...

You have used that white fabric with the musical notes on it over and over again!
Love this block, it's gonna be a great looking quilt. Glad you are having fun and some great
relaxation time.....laugh on Bonnie :0).

Happy Sewing

Justella said...

I love this block. I have just finished Roll Roll Coton Boll flimsey so not sure if I made this block how long a quilt would take me. Anyhow thanks for all the wonderful eyecandy and inspiration your blog gives to us.

Sara in Nebraska said...

Love your Winston Ways blocks. Bright, cheerful, clever and lots of piecing==just perfect!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Oh wow, I love that block, great for a controlled scrappy project.

Andra Gayle said...

absolutely gorgeous Bonnie! Is the house next door to yours for sale? I need to be your neighbor! :)

Carolyn said...

how fun...and my hubby would have made the drive too...........25/30 blocks in one day wowzers!!!! that is some sewing lady. It would take me a Looong time to piece that much. Great block!

Unknown said...

I LOVE TOO !!!! I wait to see it finished !!! it'll be wonderful, I'm sure !!!! thanks for your sharing !!!

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