
Sunday, January 08, 2012

Where Is Everyone?!

 Come on you guys, it’s 7:39 am!  There are QUILTS to sew! It’s the last morning of retreat and not a Quilter is stirring, except for myself!

I finished the Winston Ways top last night..still contemplating what to do for borders, but that’s going to have to wait until I get back from California –I’m sending Bernina home with Lisa --- she’s the local Bernie Tech, for a tune up and clean out.  Poor dear, I’ve been working her hard!

But in the mean time, I am powering though more pieces!  Half square triangles --- 288 of them!  It’s my goal to get them all sewn and pressed this morning before we head out at noon.

It has been an absolutely FABULOUS retreat.  Oh, how I love these ladies!

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First one to join me!  Leann! She’s in charge of the coffee this morning--  I told her I’d have started it, but I’m a tea drinker!  This is her work station – she’s one of the neat ones!  ((Yeah, that’s my table at the back..you can see I’m ---ummmm—NOT!!

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Carolyn has been sewing away on a string quilt project back I this corner, and that nice neat spot with no machine is Mrs Goodneedle’s place! She’s been doing handwork all weekend, and commented that it has really been a nice stress-less weekend giving herself the time to sit and stitch and not feel guilty about not doing “something else” like she would be if she were “lollygagging around” at home and hand stitching her way through the day. Do you feel that way sometimes?

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Holly has been working away at these gorgeous paper pieced blocks….love the sharp points!

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Lisa and Laura’s corner!  Much fun and laughter have been coming out of this corner!  Laura is our resident DJ --- she’s been playing us such a wide variety of music, keeping us singing and dancing and laughing ….We all have to put our “Earth Wind and Fire” attitudes on and practice our “YYYYOooooowwwwww” For  appropriate song enhancement…..

Dare you NOT to get your own “YOOoowwww” on!

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Karen and I are sharing this corner, and we’ve been busy little bees.  Do you see her troll on top of her machine?!  I am so glad I decided to come to retreat --- it’s been good for my soul!

And good for my production too!

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Here is Winston Ways, all sewn together!  Still not sure what to do for borders, but I know it will come to me…..It was fun getting everyone’s input on which block should go where..trying not to have the same black too close to the same black, or the same yellow touching itself when you put block to block can be hilarious --- just when you think you’ve got them right, and you move one…..oops…..There was some unpicking to be done, but you know? When you are with a group of friends, it’s not such a bad thing!

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Closer up of all the funky fabrics in here…..It’s been scrap strip heaven!

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Leader Ender Bow Ties have been in the making too! Laura and I have been trading tie sets –this is one of her purdy pink ones!  Love it!  And with that, let me remind you that TOMORROW is our Bow Tie Link-Up!  Come back and link your post to mine –doesn’t matter whether you used cheddar or not, if your quilt is just beginning or is finished and bound. You can link a new post, or an older one if you have powered through this process since we started it in July.  We are half way done with this year long challenge, so let’s see where you stand!

Time to get some breakfast going --- folks are arriving it’s time to SEW!!


Anonymous said...

You and I are apparently the only ones up! I have never seen your posts with no comments... it's cuz we went to bed early. I LOVE Winston Ways. I'll probabaly never get around to it in my pile of things I wanna do though. I still have an unfinished top from when I saw you last at Sisters in about '98...
Andrea from Calgary

sao said...

I am going to HAVE to make a WINSTON WAYS QUILT....love it more every time I see it!

I love retreats too - nothing better than sewing and laughing with friends!!!

sao in Midlothian, VA

Donna in NW FL said...

Love Winston Ways!

2ne said...

This looks so fun :-)
Have a great day

Debbie Lou said...

I'm loving your Winston Ways Quilt, Bonnie! It's so bright and cheery! Retreats ARE the best! So glad you are enjoying yourself and sewing away! Have fun!

Pati said...

I LOVE your Winston Ways! It is so gorgeous! 100 pieces in a block? That's a bit challenging! So glad you enjoyed your retreat and refreshed your soul!

Nancy said...

It would be so much fun to join you ladies!!!! Looks like you had a great time.

If you're asking for opinions (not that quilters have opinions LOL) I see a thin red border, then a wide blue border, and bound in the yellow.

Have a safe trip to Cally!

Nann said...

Bonnie, I know that you created the Winston Ways block for Quiltmaker. Is this the first entire quilt you've made using the block?

Dorothea said...

Hi Bonnie, thanks for the inspiration. I spent many hours sewing today. The top looks like it is made from two blocks a nice illusion. I know how you like blocks making a secondary pattern. Very nice.

Lori said...

Love your Winston Ways quilt Bonnie!!
I don't have enough bow ties for a wall hanging!! Better get busy!LOL

Kim said...

Is your Bernina turbo charged?
Wow you have gotten so much done!

Sewing with your friends.......priceless, I can see how you feel recharged. Now you'll be off to teach more quilters and spread your quilty love :0).

Happy Sewing and safe travels Bonnie

Brenda said...

Winston Ways is gorgeous! You are so lucky to be able to spend such a great time sewing! :)

YankeeQuilter said...

I resolve to get to my workspace at Hickory Knob by 8 each morning...maybe...

LesQuilts said...

Hi Bonnie! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip! Lots accomplished!
I have a question, on Jan 2, you were going to do a link up for Garage Sale posts. You are having too much fun this weekend instead!
Did you have another date in mind?
I have a BIG bin of quilt books to sell.
Thanks, take care, Leslie

Janet O. said...

Winston Ways is an eye-popper!! Another winner, Bonnie!!
Love seeing the work stations and descriptions of their occupants. Mrs. Goodneedle is the only one I "know" and her neat area comes as no surprise. If I grow up I want to be like her. : )

Anonymous said...

I love your quilt! It´s nice to see what you can do with all your scraps. I´m so glad there are quilters, like you, who can design these quilts, cause I dont have the fantasy!
Gun, Sweden

Carolyn said...

Oh Bonnie....that quilt is lovely! Are you going to bring the top with you to California I'd love to see it next weekend!
No wonder you got it finished you were up sewing before the sun even came up. I would LOVE to go on a retreat and sew the night away with friends.
Well off to cut strips for your class next Saturday..(so excited)

Anonymous said...

how about some black and white checkerboard with some blue thrown in

Anonymous said...

or better yet....blue and black chekerboard

Mrs. DillyDally said...

Am thrilled that you are having tons of fun as well as being productive with your friends! There is nothing like dillydallying with your QBees!

Anonymous said...

Your Winston Ways is gorgeous. Love all your projects and following your blog.


Kimberly said...

I just found you/your page! <3
I've been up staring @ my 2 projects in the works, not accomplishing ANYTHING because I'm stuck wondering what in the world I was going to do with my stack of "scrap totes!" I'm realizing a quilt monster is developing. (My walk-in closet is getting so full it's nearly all sewing related now. I've turned an armoire into storage and threw out clothes!!--uh..which is more important?? :D)
Absolutely love your work & can't wait to finish my have-to's...then I can clear out my scraps beautifully!!!
Thx for the inspiration.
Sew Excited!!!!

Alice said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. Love Winston Ways!!!

Randy D. said...

Looks like you got LOTS of sewing done and had a great time!! It doesn't get much better than that!

Vic in NH said...

I'm admiring not only how pretty your Winston Ways is, but also how smooth and flat it lies! Good craftsmanship there, girl!

kansaswx said...

I love, love, love Winston Ways. Is this a mystery? A free pattern? Where do I find the pattern?

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Everyone, Winston Ways is "BLOCK" pattern I did for Quiltmaker in their 3rd issue of 100 blocks by 100 designers. I am teaching this as a class for them in Williamsburg, VA in August. At this point it is not a "free on the web" pattern, and will likely find its place in a future book or publication.

Beth said...

That quilt is just amazing! Every new one you do becomes my new favorite. LOL I could never ever keep your pace. sigh....
Safe travels to California. Wis I could be there.

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