
Friday, January 06, 2012

Afternoon Edition, Free Kindle Book!

Hey Cupcake!

Who do you think of when you hear that phrase?  As for me it’s Mark Lipinski…

But in this case, it’s a free Kindle Cookbook, all about Cupcakes!

Complete Cupcake Recipes – Plus Frosting Recipes by Michelle McGargant is free today in the Amazon Kindle store, and has received an average user rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars based on 6 customer reviews.

Category: Cooking

Here is the book’s description from the Amazon website:

Complete cupcake recipes both fun and gourmet, easy to make, also includes detailed frosting recipes.

Recipes included:

Red Velvet Cupcakes
Cookies & Cream Cupcakes
Cherry Cheesecake Cupcakes
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes
Birthday Vanilla Cupcakes
Crumb Cake Cupcakes
Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes
Pina Colada Cupcakes
Chocolate Walnut Cupcakes
Cola Cupcakes
Margarita Cupcakes
French Toast Cupcakes
Stuffed Banana Cupcakes
Triple Chocolate Cupcakes
PB & J Cupcakes
and many more…

Frosting Recipes:

Peanut Butter Frosting
Vanilla Cream Frosting
Whipped Vanilla Frosting
Mascarpone Cream Cheese Frosting
Coca Cola Icing
Lime Butter Cream Icing
Maple Syrup Frosting
and more…
These sound fun, and just the thing to chase the winter blahhs away.  Wish I had time enough to make these before going to the bee retreat --- but I’ve been a failure in the kitchen!

Repeat after me – do NOT let chili cook itself dry in the crockpot over night because you forgot all about the OFF button!! :c|
Remember to check that the book is still FREE when you click it. Prices change without notice.  I have no control over that.  All I know is that it was free when I clicked it…and prices can change at any time.  I get no advance warning --- so get it while you can!


Anonymous said...

Your house must have smelled when you got up in the morning if the chili burned on! Sorry.

Brita said...

Coincidentally, just this morning I was trying to search online what's happened to Mark Lipinski. I know he's had major health issues, but suddenly he's not doing Fabric Trends (they even changed the name), so it couldn't have been sudden. Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

When I see "Cupcake" I think of my 16 year old son. That is my nickname for him (great way to make a 16 year old SHUDDER!). It could be worse- his friend's mom calls HIM Cuddle muffin! Now- I'm going to go stir the chili in my crockpot and make a batch of cupcakes! Joy in Wasilla AK

Anonymous said...

For the crock pot dish, it is removable, fill it with water and a bunch of baking soda. That will soften up the 'gunk' inside and make it easier to clean. No help for the burned food except the garbage disposal! haha
Faye in Maine

Amy Laura said...

Awe bummer, it isn't free any more:-(
I hope you are having lots of fun'

Go For It Creations and Designs said...

It's only free if you're a Prime Member. Oh, well, maybe next time. Thanks anyway!

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