
Saturday, February 25, 2006

For Laurie Ann....

Laurie Ann sent a comment about the mention of the poodle quilt that I was quilting for a customer. She asked: "Bonnie - could you please post a picture of the poodle quilt? I am making a poodle quilt for our local poodle rescue group and would love to see the one you have."

Ann told me, when she sent the pictures, that the pattern is Judy Mathieson's "Dog Star" from her Mariner's Compass book. And I have to mention that Ann pieced this whole top by HAND...even setting the blocks together and adding the borders...all by hand!

I hope this gives Laurie some ideas. The little printed poodle panels (the black and white outlined poodles) were a Michael Miller fabric panel that is out of print, but you still might be able to search for it on line somewhere.

I had a great time yesterday picking my friend up from her hotel and treating her to dinner at a great mexican place nearby. Then we came over to my house and I showed her my digs and we visted before I took her back to her hotel. It was so great to see her!

Today I'm on call again for the massage clinic....and plan to work on more of Elizabeth's basket blocks! I'm feeling pretty lazy, it's been several long days this week....



dot said...

Poodle quilt is interesting. I like the idea of the tree quilt. I will have to think about trying that one.

Laurie Ann said...

Thanks Bonnie! Ann actually commented last week on my blog and gave me her e-mail so she could send me pictures too. That is a really neat quilt and we had a good chat. I am looking forward to starting mine!

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