
Saturday, February 25, 2006

Leader-Ender Trees!

I've visited a couple blogs that have shown a darling tree that would be great made from leader-ender squares! I've wanted to do a tree quilt for a long time, but the thought of all those 1/2 sq triangles just did not sound appealing to me, no matter how much I liked the look of the trees when they were done.

I looked all over for a tree pattern that would work with my 2" squares....block base had nothing, my old trusty "It's Okay If You Sit On My Quilt" book by Mary Ellen Hopkins had some ideas, and with a few modifications and thanks to EQ5 I have drafted up the scrappy leader-ender tree! Thanks to those other quilters who posted the block in their blogs too...great for inspiration!

If anyone wants the EQ5 file, you can download it here. You do need EQ5 to use this pattern.

The trunk portion of the tree can be easiliy paper pieced if desired, and then the tree top parts added on around the pieces that make the tree trunk section. And I'm thinking that it would be cute using my 1.5" leader ender squares too...then the block would only be 8" finished. Hmmmmm! So many possibilities! If made with the 2" leader ender squares it will finish at 12".

Here is a pic of what a layout might look like. You can also set it without sashings with plain alternate blocks that would give you a great place for quilting designs.

Here is one with plain alternate squares on point:

I've been to Sam's club this morning...why is it that you find yourself running out of laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, and cat food all at the same time? All stocked up now, ready to get back to sewing with the new leader-ender project on the side. The strippy bars that were my last leader-ender project are all ready to be set together as soon as I find a lay out I like!



Patti said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've been drooling over these little trees ever since the first sight of them on a blog. I've always meant to make a tree quilt - half square triangles don't bother me - but I love this one because it's different from everyone else's. I really want to do this one. I'd love to have the file Bonnie! Thanks so very much, as always, for your giving, sharing nature and marvelous creativity.

Cher said...

wow, nice approach to this idea Bonnie! I have Linda's block already-being part of that group who put together that raffle quilt, but, also would love a copy of your pattern. Another great scrappy winner! It is always so much fun when another blog inspires us! thanks again for always being so generous with your time and talent...

Patty said...

Oh I like that, and when I grow up and learn how to do more than a nine patch and other simple things, I want to make one : )

Anonymous said...

Another great design Bonnie! I love it set either way. Can't wait to see it in real fabrics :-)

Lucy said...

It would be lovely bonnie! I think like the second most!

Darcie said...

What a great tree block, Bonnie! You never slow down, do you!!!

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