
Friday, February 24, 2006

Best Laid Plans......

Well, I WAS sewing...but remember I said I was "on call" today in case I was needed at the clinic? They called a bit ago and I have a client at 4pm. Which is going to work really well because I also have a friend who is in the process of driving down from Ohio with her hubby to spend a week on St Simons Island, GA.

I had WANTED to go spend some time with her there and retreat (they have a darling quilt shop on the island) but this position came open at the massage clinic, and you all know where my life has gone...no island retreating for me next week! :c(

That's okay though! I still get to see Kat! Guess where she just called me from?? MARY JO'S in Gastonia, NC! The nerve! Oh, I wish I could have gone shopping with her there, it is such a fun place! But...I am still trying to be good with the purchases, and she will head down through Columbia on her way to St Simons island, and we can meet for dinner after my 4pm client is done! :c)

Here is a pic of the embroidered teacup blocks....all trimmed and sashed, and I have 6 of the basket blocks done. I need 13 total. I think it is coming along really well, and maybe I can work on it some more tomorrow.....(on call for tomorrow too!)



Jan Mac said...

I love the blocks and can't wait to see it all together. Stitcheries are really popular here too.

Anonymous said...

The teacup blocks are just gorgeous! I love teapots and teacups - apart from being pretty, they remind me of my nana. Stitcheries are "the in thing" in Oz at the moment and I have a few projects in the pipeline myself. The fabrics she choe are just right and she'll be thrilled with the setting :-)

Finn said...

Oh my goodness...! You really do ZOOM !! The fabrics to go with the tracups are just lovely, and you sure are making short work of them.

Sounds like the "on call" thing might work out really well until your schedule fill more..what a great way to be able to do it. Hope you have a great time with your friend..*VBS*

Patty said...

Is that Elizabeths quilt ? Its coming along so pretty. Love the basket blocks with it. You sure are keeping busy. Sounds like the on call is working out pretty good.

quiltcontemplation blogspot said...

Bonnie this quilt is going to be so nice!~ It does look like spring and we have missed you!

YankeeQuilter said...

This is such a different quilt for you! I like it..but when have I not liked a tea or coffee cup!


Patti said...

Well, no one call accuse you of not staying busy LOL! Love the little basket blocks - this must feel different as it's not at all like what you usually do. Sounds like you have a little bit of all worlds right now.

I've been thinking of you and your son. How are things going these days?

Lucy said...

This is so sweet! It must be fun for you to work with those colors, very spring :c)

Anonymous said...

Dear Bonnie,
How pretty,
This is exciting. Great job.

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