
Saturday, May 11, 2024

For Mother's Day -

Those of you who have been with me all of this time - (It will be 20 years next June that this blog started...really. 20 years!) will remember when I shared a previous visit to Idaho in 2014 and my post entitled Like Daughter, Like Mother.

I had started my mom on a hexie project of her own vision - she had picked up English Paper piecing while watching me as we sat in a dentist's office a couple of years earlier while waiting for my aunt.

If you want to know where my busy hands come from - this is it.

On our ride up from Boise to Garden Valley the day after my arrival, I happened to ask mom whatever happened to her hexie top.

"It got out of control!" She said.

And I begged her to pull it out and show me.

It's done up to the borders!

All that was left was to put the borders on...

Here she is showing me just how they go.  

Then she told me that it has sat for the past 5 years borderless because she just didn't like it.  "Too much beige!" She said.

I think it is unique.  And beautiful just as it is.

Colors come and go - that's the whole motus operandi of the home dec industry.  They want us to think that colors are "outdated" so that we will chase after everything new.

I find that ALL colors are worthy - it's just how you use them, and she used them just right in this magnificent masterpiece of words - all of her favorite things captured in hexagons.

It's everything - all the things she loves.

She is an awesome listener.

She grew up loving to sake - both roller and ice.  Her mom, my grandma, made many skating costumes for her.  I have that sewing machine. She is still in touch with many of the childhood friends that she skated with.

Popcorn, always popcorn.

And mom makes it best.

I love her so much.  I'm so glad I got the time to spend with her.

She spreads joy like confetti wherever she goes.

We have so much fun when we are together.

So many giggles and laughs.

Her faith in me has buoyed me up beyond measure.

The woman's got spunk in spades - let me tell ya!

At 83 she is still plugging along in her garden, her yard is the envy of Garden Valley, Idaho.  And she will be quick to offer you up starts if you so much as say you like something in her yard.

She is my mom, but I am blessed to have her as my friend.

8 kids.  I don't know how she did it.

As the eldest of the bunch, I can honestly say that I am the luckiest because I got to know each one from the day they were born.

The hard part is getting us all together in one place at the same time.

And of course, we all miss Mark who has passed on.

Borders are going on!

Hubster Dave is heading out to visit his side of the family and attend a friend's celebration of life at the end of June.

The plan is for Dave to pick up the quilt top and bring it home to me where I will machine quilt and bind it, and bring it back with me next May - finished.

It needs to be finished.  It deserves to be finished. It will be finished. 

My first post about this quilt was 10 years ago. Some projects just take that long as life gets in the way and things get set aside.

I will finish it.  And it will go home to her.

I was going to write more in this post - share things that are going on at the inn - but there is Monday for that.

Northern Lights over Quiltville Inn!

It might have photographed better if all the lights in the house weren't on.  LOL!

This photo was sent to me by Lisa as I was home and out cold by 11pm.

Just cool.  So very cool!

It's our annual Mother's Day Weekend Digital Pattern sale!

Good through Sunday 5/12/24:  

All digital patterns in the Quiltville Store are 30% off using coupon code Digital30 at checkout. 

Code MUST be used for discount to apply.

Where to find the spot to type in your code in the Quiltville Store Shopping Cart:

Click REDEEM YOUR COUPON beneath the total in the Quiltville Store shopping cart. Enter the coupon code in the box that opens up. Click enter.

Must put in the coupon code BEFORE you click to your payment method.

If there are patterns you've been wanting but have been holding back - this is the largest discount opportunity you'll have until November. 

And because you've been asking if there is going to be another opportunity for SewPad - yes!
What is a SewPad?

SewPad™ is filled with a thick cushion of proprietary viscoelastic polymer gel– the same stuff used in surgical mats and wheelchair pads.

Unlike foam (memory foam or otherwise) gel doesn’t bottom-out and it provides comfort and support by diffusing and distributing pressure.

Upholstered in a plush layer of AirFlex™ fabric, SewPad™ helps your backside stay cool while the no-slip bottom keeps it from sliding around in your chair. 

SewPad™ was designed for quilters and crafters, but we think you’ll find other uses as well.

Church. Stadium seats, in the car and anywhere else that you might expect to be sitting for a good while.

Being comfortable is a wonderful thing!

Use coupon code HAPPYMOM at checkout on the 
 SewPad website and receive free priority shipping within the USA. Sale good through MONDAY 5/13/24.

Mother's Day is for celebrating ALL who have mothered, including those children of others who have benefited from your care.

One doesn't need to give birth to be a wonderful mother. It goes way beyond biology.

As we celebrate Mother's Day this weekend, I hope remembrances of mothers who have passed on are kind to your heart.

If your personal relationship with your mother is/was a tough and complicated one, I hope you also find time to be gentle with yourself and with your feelings.  

Mother's Day can be hard for so many.

And for those of us who are mothers in the traditional sense (even if that is a human-made construct) are feeling less than perfect, you are NOT a failure at motherhood. 

You have done the best you could with what you knew at the time. Enjoy your day of rest and reflection.  You earned it.

Mothering and motherhood is truly the hardest job in all of the world, and you have done it to the best of your ability.

We learn as we go.  We learn as we grow.

Much love to you all!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Miracles are everywhere.
You just have to stop, pay attention, and not overlook the little things.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



Anonymous said...

Dear Bonnie, Your Mother's quilt is amazing. What a great idea to create words with her hexies. Thanks for our comments on motherhood. I truly enjoy your blog every morning. Helen Hewell

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

Love this post and love your mom's quilt!

Tammie said...

What an awesome quilt! If you look at it closely, there are lots of colors in there besides beige. I would sit and stare at it all the time, re-reading the words and thinking about why I put that word in there. Such a cool idea! And what a privilege and precious memory that you are choosing to finish it for her. I wish my mom and I had something like that in common. She isn’t crafty at all!!! I got that love from my 2 grandmothers. They were always making something or teaching us kids to do crafts to keep us entertained. That gene skipped right over my mom.

cats said...

creating the time to be with your mom is vital! Continue to enjoy the Mother's day and the Mother she became with your birth!! So fabulous, eight children!!! What an amazing woman she is..We see her creativity in her daughter !!! . thanks for sharing your love and all those not so tiny miracles... Cats in Carlsbad CA

Barbara P said...

Your mother's quilt is beautiful! I love all the words and they just pop on that background. When you return it to her next year it will be like an old friend returning and she will love it! The walkway solar lights at the Inn make such a beautiful design on the ground.

Linda K. said...

Oh my goodness! I can't wait to see this done. So awesome. I love hand embroidery. This has made me want to try my hand at hexies.

Cheryl said...

What a tribute to your Mom! She did a great on raising you (and the quilt)! I see where you got her kindness and sweet outlook on life!!

Sharon Decker said...

Your mother's quilt is so beautiful. It deserves to be a family heirloom as I am sure it will be. My mother died when I was just turning 31. How I would love for her to have seen my children grow and the love of sewing and quilting that my sister and I have. We really didn't do that much sewing when she was still here. My dad was gone 3 years earlier and he missed it all too.

DebiPersson said...

Oh, it’s so good to see your mom‘s quilt. I remember her working on that on our Alaskan cruise in 2016. It’s beautiful!

Anonymous said...

You brought up so many happy memories for me today. We have a lot in common. I am the oldest of nine kids and had the same wonderful relationship with my mom as you. She could do anything. When my youngest brother went to 1st grade mom finally started her longed-for college degree. All of her kids went to her graduation! My parents were terrific examples to follow. Happy Mother’s Day, Bonnie! I love your mom’s hexie quilt!

Laurie Staver Clinton said...

I love hearing your family stories. I absolutely love your mom's quilt! By chance will you be quilting words for your mom as you quilt it?

Mary Buckley said...

Wow! What a quilt! Your tribute to your mom is so special. This quilt is an incredible work of art and who she is as an individual. This quilt will be passed on from generation to generation!!! I love legacy and this quilt is a testimony to who she is and what she loves!!

Judy L said...

Your mom's quilt is amazing!!

Mary Buckley said...

Absolutely beautiful quilt!!! One that will be passed on from generation to generation!! Thank you “mom” for letting Bonnie see it so she could share it with us❣️❣️

cityquilter grace said...

oh my what an heirloom that is...when it gets passed on, it'll be even more preicous....like every little thing is...i was blessed to have my mom for nearly 75 years...i too the oldest, she and i shared so many memories the others don't have...and now i am shattered at my greatest loss...

Linda said...

Your mom's quilt is wonderful! An huge! It is so great that you will finish it for her. I was able spend Easter with my mother who is 93. She knits hats, scarves and vests. She recently joined the slow stitching movement, so far she has made 40 hearts for friends and family. We are lucky to still have our mom's!

Anonymous said...

Your moms Hexie quilt is the most awesome one I’ve ever seen! I love the colors too.I’m glad you are going to finish it. Sharon

Anonymous said...

Your mom’s quilt is perfect in so many ways. Personal and yet it speaks to me and I am a southern gal in Florida and I haven’t met your mom. I’m so glad you are going to finish it for her. And thank you for sharing with us. I wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day! 😘❤️ Sharon

Anonymous said...

I remember when you first wrote about you mom’s hexie quilt ten years ago. I can’t believe ten years has gone by so fast! It has me wanting to dive back into my hexies. On the Northern Lights, our local meteorologist said it is likely to be seen tonight also. Sue

Ginny A said...

I have often wondered about your mother's hexie quilt. What an amazing show of creativity and commitment. I love it! So glad to hear you are going to help her finish it. It deserves to be finished and enjoyed.

Ginny A said...

I have often wondered about your mom's hexie quilt what a show of her creativity and commitment. It deserves to be finished and enjoyed. So beautiful! The night shot of the inn is lovely.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love your Mom's quilt!!! Rose in Southern Oregon

Lindah said...

Beautiful, beautiful....quilt, quilter, daughter of quilter. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post. And thank you for all the beautiful 20 years of posts and teaching and being a posting friend. Happy Mother's Day to you and your mother and to all the other mothers out in the quilting community.

Anonymous said...

I love your Mom's quilt! It's perfection! Tell her we all LOVE!!! it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing! Your mother’s quilt is just beautiful. I love EPP and this was wonderful. Your Mothers Day blog was great also.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute to your Mom! And what a great quilt!! Go Anita!

Joan E said...

Thank you so much for today's post. I'm the oldest of 5, was the luckiest to be first, so many things I want to ask my Mom, miss her today especially, she would have been 100. I want to be that for my children, thankful for your encouragement.

Anonymous said...

A true one-of-a-kind hexagon quilt - its so heartwarmingly authentic! What a great story for Mothers Day. Inspires me to get back to my hexagon UFOs. Hugs from NE WY vikki

cbott said...

"You have done the best you could with what you knew at the time." This is what I've told myself many, many times over the years to help me through hard times and hard decisions. It was my mom, however, that influenced me most as a young developing adult with this side of the story: "Everybody around you is doing the best they can at the moment." It really helped me develop empathy.

She's still shuffling ON this mortal coil, just 2 miles away from me in a Memory Care facility. I feel blessed that I can visit her every day and spend several hours in the afternoon playing games, taking walks, sharing coffee and cookies, doing puzzles, and so forth.


Julierose said...

Ohmygosh--this makes me want to drop everything and start one of these!! What an absolute masterpiece of hexagon work this is!! I just LOVE it!! I just really like its free-flowing surface--every which way!! Thanks you so much for sharing her beautiful work...;))) hugs, Julierose
P.S. btw, what size hexies did she work with?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing! Your mom is amazing! She had eight kids and is still kicking. That’s admirable. And I love her Word quilt. Such a wonderful idea.

Melody said...

Your mom's quilt is just totally awesome. A real tribute. Both of you should be proud of it.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing and unique quilt. It will be a family heirloom. Susan L.

Anonymous said...

absolutely love your Mom's quilt - it's wonderful!

Lynn Dykstra said...

What a wonderful quilt--has appeal to her family as a connection to her and has appeal to the viewer with its universal truths and innovative style.

Vicki said...

I LOVE your mom's quilt! What a fabulous treasure.

Diane R said...

Your mother's quilt is beautiful. Love all the words and the flowers here & there. It'll be so lovely that you both worked to make this OOAK quilt. I've made many quilts but haven't been fortunate enough to have that connection. Blessing on you all.

Anonymous said...

What a stunning work of art! I too want to drop everything and do this! Simply amazing. ❤️♥️

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