
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Spring Green and More to Sew.

Hi guys.

Pardon me if I feel a bit discombobulated - it's been that kind of a week!

Somehow it all happened - it all fit in.  I'm not sure exactly how - but I'm on the tail end of this "something crazy every day" streak!

On Sunday morning I did the "up and over" drive so that I could fill the van with gas before arriving at the inn for photo taking before some folks had to head back to real lives and jobs.

We still have a long way to go as far as leaves on the trees - but just 45 minutes from here, down the mountain everything is leafed out and it's pollen-hell.

We learned that yesterday on our way to Winston for yet another retinal specialist appointment.

Click to Play:

@quiltville_bonnie I'm a de-papering passenger as Hubster Dave drives me to the retina specialist I. Winston. 😊👍 SO MUCH POLLEN. Once we got down the mountain. Holy cow! ðŸĪĒ We pulled off at Yadkinville to hit up CVS for antihistamine eye drops and Sudafed. ðŸĪŠ We have descended into Pollen Hell. ðŸĪ§ #quiltville #quilt #quilting #quilttok #quiltersoftiktok ♬ Drive - Daniel Russell

I had pieced enough kite shapes to occupy SOME of my time on the 2 hour drive.  I knew I wouldn't be able to see ANYTHING on the way back after being fully dilated, but it was a pretty day for a drive -

Until we got down the mountain and we both were overcome with the pollen.  Sudafed, Nasocort and Antihistamine eye drops were acquired before we could drive any further.

Hubster Dave's eyes were nearly swollen shut.

Yet another boring waiting room.

And it accomplished nothing other than what we already knew.  There is no cure. MacTel2 just does it's thing and they aren't sure why.

I guess I've now had my 3rd opinion - confirming what we already know, and I now need to find an optometrist who can work with my limitations instead of throwing me to specialists that won't tell me anything more and who can't get my a prescription that will help me.

So..reflecting on happier weekend times:

I hand quilted in the Hen Den most of Saturday -

I visited with retreaters and it was lovely.

Tie project!  Gorgeous!

More urban churn dashes appeared on the design wall.

And later this was added! Fun!

Border decisions were being made here.  Isn't it wonderful?

Curved strips experiment -

Two sample pieces done!

Fun with Cherrywood cottons!

Van Gogh is starting to come together here!

Some wonderful hand piecing with African prints.

Some Sue Spargo needle book project action happening here!

More denim temperature quilt embroidery -

If you look closely at the square being embroidered - there are raindrops on that day.

Laura Heine collage fun!

The weather was lovely on Sunday - brunch was enjoyed on the porch, and we snuck out for an afternoon road hike to get me away from the computer.  I had been putting the finishing touches on Licorice Twist and just needed a break.

So delicate and pretty!

I love periwinkle!

Tumbledown cabin made it through the winter and is still "mostly" standing.

And the dogwoods are blooming!

Laundry is running while I type this at the QPO Studio.

Today's big deal is to finish packing up the exhibit for the Quilter's Hall of Fame.  Folks are arriving this afternoon, will stay the night at the inn and then drive it back to Indiana tomorrow.

So my plates still feel like they are spinning in a crazy manner, but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Timer just went off with a buzz and it's time to go flip loads.

Most of you know this happened YESTERDAY.  Did you get your entry in?

I'll be drawing for 2 winners who will each receive a Licorice Twist PDF pattern from me, and a Splash of Color fabric roll from Cotton to Quilts.

We'll draw for our winners on Friday 4/24/24.
Introductory Special:  Licorice Twist is currently marked 25% off - no coupon needed!

Sale price good through 4/28/24.

I recommend using the printable 8 1/2'' X 11'' newsprint found in the Quilting All the Time category of the Quiltville Amazon Affiliate Store.

I also carry the Carol Doak foundation paper in the Quiltville Store.

And yes, there is a sale going on - all rulers. notions and tools (And Carol Doak Paper) are 15% off using code NOTIONS at check out.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

The past couple of weeks have been a roller coaster!

And if this resonates with you, I am happy to include you amongst my crazy weird friends.

Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!



Debra said...

Oh Bonnie that's not the best news but it's better than some.
Your hand quilting project looks amazing. Comfy looking chair.
I really screwed up on the double geese for Bristol. The border geese are in reverse colors. I realized it as I was sewing the border, too late to change it. Oh well.
Nothing leafed out here yet.. forsythias are in bloom.
Have a Sparkling good day 💞

cats said...

Oh, Bonnie... dunno what your particular optical issues are, Ihave age=related macular degeneration, one eye wet, the other dry, and receive injections every 4-8 weeks... has stopped the progression but only alleviated thewet... the only other thing which i started YEARS ago is AREDS 2 (supplement said to be helpful in slowing progression).. So I'm not a doctor, but I have been to several Redina specialists and sharing what I've learned foryour perusal... Keep on keeping on, I'm hopeful the Opticraft people can help me with a new presecription in my glasses... it's the finer detail, like threading a needle, that now escapes me or some handwork doesn't end up being very accurate! Prayers and good fortune.. bessings and thanks to you for sharing your talent and creativity. xoxo Cats in Carlsbad Ca

Anonymous said...

Dear Bonnie, What an interesting group of ladies and quilts this time. I hope this week is better for you. Helen Hewell

Sarah Buller Fenton said...

Hahaha - love quote of the day! Perfect!

Marti said...

Praying you find an optometrist that can work successfully with your challenges and for advances in treatment that can reverse of at least arrest it!! Keep on keeping on!!

Mary said...

Wild and crazy week, yes but full of fun. Today is a resting day. My eyes just want to close. It might be pollen? I'm with you on that. But looking out the window is still beautiful. Time to get dressed and sew something. Happy Tuesday!

Barbara Henry said...

Bonnie, I feel your frustration with your visit to the retina specialist. I have been treating my glaucoma for twenty years. I’m a patient at the Duke Eye Center. My wonderful doctor has been extremely compassionate and supportive. I feel very fortunate that my eye disease is treatable. Don’t give up hope for a treatment in the future . Every day progress is being made. I would highly recommend Duke as it is one of the best eye hospitals in the country.

Janet Smith said...

I too have AMD....I am using an Accquilt cutter in hopes that it will enable me to quilt longer...though I know that some day..I'll have to stop...but I will go down fighting it....When you have sewed for 60 plus years its hard to just stop...

Kathy Souza said...

Bonnie, I'm sorry that you didn't receive better news. I am on hyper-watch by the ophthalmologist because my mother had macular degeneration and glaucoma. It amazes me that there is so little they can do for such problems. I pray that your progression is very slow, giving you many more years of doing what you do. You are such an inspiration.

Tracey Honig said...

Oh, I'm glad you got to spend some time hand quilting with the ladies! I'm sure they enjoyed it as well. Today was the first leg of STAAR testing so it was super stressful just trying to keep the younger ones quiet so the older ones can concentrate. 7 weeks left of school!! We are getting ready for a little R&R!! Have a good evening!

JoAnne said...

Dear, dear Bonnie, I’ve had to see a retinal specialist every year for 53 years. There have been so many advances in medical science over those years. There is always hope. Please remember that and that quilters everywhere and their families are praying for you. God bless you and your family. I agree, medical waiting areas are so boring.

Betty said...

Hi Bonnie, there is hope for your eye issue. Since we live near Orlando, my hubby is a patient at Florida Retina, Dr. Thomas Barnard. Currently his AMD hasn't decreased. There are good docs. I can ask for them to give me the name of a Dr. In your area. I look forward to your blog. Blessings

Miss Papa said...

Sorry you didn't get better news from the retinal specialist. I agree with others in hoping medical advances will keep working to provide treatment.

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