
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Thank you, Quilting Daily!

I awoke this morning to an email with this logo - Quilting Daily Top 20, 2023!

The attached email simply read:

"Dear Bonnie,

Today, Quilting Daily formally announced the Top 20 Award Program and list of the 2023 honorees in our newsletter. Congratulations, once again, for being recognized as an individual who has shaped the quilting industry by your artistry and passion. 


As a group, your combined contributions have made an impact that resonates beyond the craft and into the world of design, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy. It is a true pleasure to highlight your accomplishments with this recognition.


As part of the recognition, I’ve attached a certificate of achievement for your records, the Top 20 logo, as well as a ‘frame’ you can place over your photo to use on social media.


Please join me in spreading the news and congratulating your fellow honorees!"

Oh my goodness!

My inner 5th grader is bringing this certificate home to show her mama!

I am so thrilled.  Thank you so very much!

The Trendsetters group includes Sue Spargo, Tula Pink, Kaffe Fassett, Victoria Findlay Wolfe and I am honored to be included in this category.

Visit the 2023 Award Honorees Page to see the different categories and read the descriptions.

We did this, mama! We really did this!

In some ways I have felt the slow slide into oblivion as I see how life has pivoted since we put our plans in place for Quiltville Inn, taking me off the road so I could be with my family more and have people come to me.

And then Covid happened.  What a weird 3 years it has been.

Stopping my teaching travel also stopped my need to publish books and to move more into the realm of PDF patterns so they would be more easily obtainable by those outside of the USA and circumvent all of the postage/duty headaches that come with that.

And it takes TOO LONG to publish a book.  And the revenue isn't there. Not unless I am on the road peddling books at lectures and workshops - but if I were doing that I couldn't be at the inn and in my own bed every night which is what I want more than anything.

So it's been a weird road of letting go and just seeing what happens.

I've kept my focus on "enough" is abundance if we really take time to appreciate it.

So here I am.  First thought this morning? "Did I leave wet towels in the washer at the inn?"  And then here is this lovely award.

I think I'm doing okay.  My inner 5th grader would be happy with how things turned out.

I'm really loving how this vision is turning out!

There is not a design wall big enough for this,
I kind of like my design floor activity, it keeps me limber and nimble and I look at it like playing a game of Quilter's Twister, or Quilters Yoga!
Cornerstones aren't in place in this photo, but I'm really excited as to where this is going.
This was inspired by a bathroom stall tile wall mosaic, and an elevator floor at our hotel stay in Sapa, Vietnam. Silk Path Spa & Resort.

The bathroom tile I stopped to take a photo of while cleaning up from my fall after my photo encounter with the water buffalo.  Oof!

I'll share the tile wall and the elevator floor when I get the whole top together so you can judge.
I've held on to these Brown and neutral strips forever, and they finally found the right place to land!

This was where I left things last night.

Good thing that there is no Lola there to disrupt the many pieces on the floor.

I hope to get the top together today - hopefully before the Stitch Mob girls arrive  around 3pm.

I also have an appt with the doc today to go over my blood draw results from last week, but that shouldn't take long.

And please don't leave comments saying "I'm not a brown person but...."  This has nothing to do with color. You can make it any color you want.  

Any comment that disparages my color choice has everything to do with YOU and nothing about the design. If the first thing you comment on, or the only thing you comment on is the color, then you are not seeing the design.

Colors go through marketing strategies to make us "think" that a color is "in" or "out" of style.  Attractive, not attractive, desired, undesired.  It's all a marketing ploy to get us to buy the newest latest greatest current thing. All colors are worthy.  All the time.

I'm only saying this because I battled quite a bit of this yesterday in Facebook/Instagram comments.

I will not be bullied or shamed about my color choices through subversive "I'm not a brown person..." comments..  You do you. I'll do me. There is no need to mention color. Thank you!

And I'm gearing up for this - I leave a week from Friday - time is going to fly and things are going into my suitcase as I remember that I need to take them.

The kits for the Cat in the Flowers project both of my Poland and Italy groups are doing are finished and IN the suitcase.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something - but it will come to me.

Plans for 2024 and 2025 are now in place and we'll be going to:

January 2024: New Zealand
June 2024: Ireland with a post-tour option to Scotland. (YES PLEASE!)
September 2024: Kenya (I'm so excited to be going back!)
November 2024: Christmas in England (With a tour of Downton Abbey! YAY!)
January 2025: Australia
June 2025: Iceland
September 2025: South Africa
September 2025: Morocco
November 2025 Uzbekistan

What a line up!  Details are being added to my Craftours page and you can always find that page my clicking the All My Tours tab at the top of the blog.  I'll be adding individual tabs for each trip as the details are filled in.

I'm over the moon and so excited to be traveling again.  I hope you'll come with me.

Yes - husbands, wives, friends, siblings, sons, daughters are all welcome as these are not strictly quilting tours.  We hit all the best sites, and stay in glorious places.  We are just traveling with quilting in common as the thread that instantly connects us.

Okay- that's it for now. I've got those towels in the washer that may need a re-wash and I've got to kick this morning into gear.

There has been such an incredible response to my new PDF pattern for Morning Glories and the Gift-Away entries are going wild!

Did you get your entry in? Visit the Gift-Away post.

The PDF pattern for Morning Glories is currently 25% off through 8/31/23 in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

The finished quilt measures 84'' X 84''.

No coupon code is needed, but if you are purchasing paper or notions and wish to save the 15% you do need to use the code NOTIONS at checkout in the Quiltville Store.  The Etsy shop ONLY carries the PDF patterns, not merchandise.

I'll be drawing for TWO winners on Thursday, 8/31/23 and each will receive a Morning Glories PDF pattern from me and a Facets of Green color roll from Cotton to Quilts!

And don't forget to enter my drawing for the PDF copy of Round Fabric Art Bowls! Drawing happens tomorrow.

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Happy Wednesday, everyone - The weekend is not that far off! 



Jean F. said...

Oh, wow!!! I think you hit it out of the park with this new quilt--absolutely breathtaking, Bonnie!!! And congrats on your Quilting Daily Trendsetter Achievement--that's wonderful, so nice to be recognized!!!

Debra said...

Oh Bonnie Congratulations! What an honor. You deserve it so. Your quilt is beautiful ❤️.
And huge! Is it for yourself or for one of your sons.?
I have to go for a Colonoscopy Monday morning so my weekend is booked!!
Kisses for Zoey and Mabel please.
Have a Sparkling day.

Anonymous said...

So well deserved. Congratulations!

Londa said...

The bathroom tile inspired quilt is phenomenal, and I LOVE the brown! It's so warm and earthy. I love everything about this!

Sharon Decker said...

The new design is stunning and will be in any color. Congratulations on the honor bestowed on you. You deserve it. I would give you another award for helping so many of us through the pandemic. You were a link to others through your blog. I look forward to reading each edition.

Anonymous said...

When I use brown, it has to be a regular mid or dark brown. Anything close to terracotta gets mixed up with olive greens. I have to ask friends if I’m using green or brown sometimes. Yes I am colourblind, but only that combination. Your quilt looks an equal brown and green mix to me. Regardless, it is so intricate and effective. Inspiration takes many forms. I often take photos of quilts solely for the colour combinations. We all have our favourites and it’s good to stretch our range and just do something different. And you’re coming to Australia. Would love to say a quick G’day and thank you personally for all you do. Best wishes and congratulations. Robyn

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bonnie! Very well deserved.

jcequilts said...

I am so gld you were awarded! I love all the designs, hard to choose one!

Anonymous said...

I love the design, and the browns!!

Anonymous said...

Your quilt made me fall in love with browns and creams. It's beautiful!!!

Sarah Buller Fenton said...

Well done with the Quilting Daily recognition! I definitely see a tile floor pattern in your new quilt. I like it! Might have to make this one, too!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the award.
Colors: Yes, some speak nicer to me than others, but it's not consistent. I may see one quilt I love in a certain color, yet another in the same color will not interest me as much. I do enjoy scrappy, the more the merrier, although there are colors I gravitate to. Making a quilt in some colors is a challenge to me, but after 35 years of quilting, I'm doing better. (I made a couple of quilts in others' colors 30 years ago, and it was a huge challenge for me to work with.)
I pulled out some of my mother's quilts, made in the 30-40s and in the 70s. My quilting friends looked at them, especially the scrappy ones, and said they now knew where my sense of color came from. I wasn't really aware of it.

Wendy F said...

First CONGRATULATIONS, it's so nice to be recognized for your achievements we all need that! Second: OHMYGOODNESS, I love the tile quilt! I got "caught" taking a picture of a black and white hexie tile floor in a restaurant bathroom and the woman looked at me like I was crazy. Oh well. And what is it with people not seeing a quilt pattern due to the fabric color? Its like not buying a house because the door is red - it can be changed people!!!

Anonymous said...

Cats from Carlsbad CA here!!! something again with the sign in? oy... What a wonderful honor to be acknowledged by your contemporaries as a leader in your (and our) field... I have been and will continu to be such a fan and ackn happily acknowledge your contributions to my life! and now look Mama!!! LOL just look, what a very nice thing to wak up and see. Now about this "brown" thing??? How could anybody possibly be a quilter and have a "thing" about a color??? I love 'em all and especially go itchey when i see some of your offereings in different colorways.... just imagine my terror when i saw some creative minds were choosing different colors for the mystery quilt? How could they? How did they know it would work, when we only had the color selection? How very much i have learned from you and my fellow quilters on this site. Thanks to all y'all... it's been a fabulous journey. Now to find the site to order a spritzer bottle or two, a neighbor spied mine attached to the ironing board and opined how handy it would be!!! We had no major damage from Hillary here in north San Diego County, just another rainstorm with the usual flooding and occasional tree down... thanks again, all y'all -- Cats

Gretchen Weaver said...

When I saw the brown and cream fabrics, I thought you were drawing on the colors of Egypt! Very pretty quilt, perfect for the browns. Congratulations on your award!

Sally Warren said...

Congratulations on your well-deserved, hard-earned award!! i have long been in awe of all you have created. It would be such a challenge/accomplishment to make all the quilts in ONE of your books….and to think of how many books you have published, plus all your digital patterns, plus all your free patterns on the website. It is MIND BOGGLING. So excited for this look at your new design! So many times I have seen a tile floor or wall and thought what a great quilt block that would make. But to think that in the midst of your discomfort and pain with that fall, you not only thought about a new quilt design, but took the pictures and have arrived at this awesome new design. You sure made some delicious lemonade with that lemon of a situation!

Marti said...

You so deserve the recognition!!! Congrats!I I AM a brown person and I love the new pattern! And yes, my brain is running through all the colors it will look stunning in!!

Anonymous said...

Your latest project is gorgeous. Cannot wait for a pattern. So excited to see you are going to Uzbekistan. It's on my bucket list.

Mary said...

Congrats! Top 20 is a great achievement. You are right where you need to be! Your dream of a Quiltville Inn is Aweome. One day I will come. I love all the color twists in your new design! It will keep my mind working.

Ruth McIlwain said...

Congratulations, Bonnie; well deserved. Your new creation is beautiful, and I can't wait until it is available. I had a lot of brown in my stash, but had no idea why I bought so much. Then my teenage grandson liked Bear Branch so I made it for him. I still have a lot left and was going to make another one, but after seeing your new creation, I will wait until it is available and make it instead.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I am so happy that you got that award at this time. Not to get preachy but God honored the decision you made to be with family. It all has come together. Congrats again. And I like brown in a quilt
Mari Hafenstein

Patricia said...

Congratulations on your well deserved award! And your new quilt in progress. The award and your quilt are equally awesome!

sue s said...

Wonderful honor and congratulations! My first glance at the new quilt was "Floor tile" and it's magnificent!

Unknown said...

All colors are worthy. One of the best things you have written. This is our world and it's full of all the colors. Congratulations on your award. You are such a leader. Thanks for writing your blog and letting us share your life. Polly

Anonymous said...

It’s a beautiful pattern/design. Also, looking forward to be going to Poland with you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award and I love the new quilt and its color! Beautiful! —Jan

Nana2avaliam said...

Congratulations on your award Bonnie! So very deserved! You have such a generous heart and give so much of your time and energy to the quilting community. No one deserves it more!

Astrid Reflux said...

reallly looking forward to your Silk Road Tiles pattern (or whatever you end up calling it!) I love a tile floor pattern and this one is gorgeous, brown, pink, multi, whatever!

LynnSevillana said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! This is a well-deserved recognition! You do so much for us quilters through your mystery quilts and blog posts, and your patterns and directions are clear and detailed enough that I know I feel confident with the steps I'm doing. I have learned so much from you and you are an inspiration!

Joni said...

I love the architectural nature of your new design. It is stunning. Recognition as an industry innovator/designer is quite the feather in your cap! Glad they see what all of your followers/fans have known for decades. Well done!

JMOT said...

Congratulations on the award. I already said how much I love the new quilt design on your Facebook page. I wouldn't have dreamed of disparaging the color. There's a "shades of brown" quilt by my mother-in-law on the bed behind me but I'll probably do your new pattern in blues or purples. So what? As you said, if all one sees is the color, they've missed the pattern, which is always the star of your quilts. Happy Wednesday, Bonnie!

Sharon in Seattle said...

Bonnie! Congratulations! What a delight your contributions to the quilting world are being recognized. I absolutely love your designs, blog, colors and the Inn. I so appreciate how you addressed the color comments. Awesome! I can't wait to make your tile design (in color of my choice ;) ) and looking forward to seeing your photo of the tile inspiration. Haha too funny you're still thinking of quilting designs while cleaning up after a fall.... jus' sayin' 😘 love you lots!

Mary said...

A huge congratulations to you and all of your hard work that it took to get where you are!!! Love all of your designs and it is so wonderful to have your blog to begin my mornings . Again, Congratulations!!!! Sending you warm hugs from sunny Arizona. Need to tell your daddy about the award, too!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a well-deserved honor for you! I love the brown quilt. That visual texture will look spectacular in any color. I love little squares quilts that take your eyes travelling around the quilt. Thanks for all your hard work to inspire us. And Bon Voyage! Cheers, Sara

KW said...

Mazel tov! You deserve the award and ice cream!
The new quilt is a Wowsa! Love it!

The Herbalist’s Cottage said...

Congratulations on the award. And wow you are coming to New Zealand! Whoop whoop!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am so happy for you. You are such a inspiration to all of us. I look forward to the blog every morning. Thank you. The quilt is outstanding, the design so intricate, the colors fit the design. Love it. Enjoy your award. Barb

Anonymous said...

I think that quilt is pretty and i like all colors. I really like the pattern that the neutrals make. Congratulations on the well deserved honor.

Diane said...

Congrats Bonnie well done on award and brown quilt!!! Every time I see your brown fabrics it looks just like all my 1980 and 1990 thimbleberries stuff LOL

Brenda bgailsquilts said...

You have spoken my quilty language from the first I learned of you (Sunshine!). Scrappy, simple construction that makes intriguing patterns, quilting that enhances but doesn't take over. There's so much room for all of us and our unique voices! Congrats on an award very well earned!

dorothy said...

LOVE LOVE the new quilt pattern!!!!! Congratulations on the award, you work hard for the quilting community.

Anonymous said...

Enhorabuena Bonnie, creo que es un premio muy merecido. Eres a la primera quilter que comencé a visitar diariamente por allá 2006, (creo recordar) cuando Jeff era un adolescente. Me encanta tu visión del acolchado y tu scrappy y como usas tus telas, tengo cinco de tus libros , los compré cuando aún era factible el envío a España y otros desde Reino Unido. Eres culpable de dejar a mi marido e hijos casi sin camisas, voy cortándolas para mi colcha. Por favor que ningún comentario te desanime, aportas mucho a este mundo de acolchado. Me encantaría que en algún viaje vinieses a España. Tal vez algún día pueda ir un retiro a la posada. Muchas gracias por todo tu buen hacer. Cristina

Joan Hannes said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! You deserve recognition for your consistent support of everything “quilty”. Love the new quilt pattern, too, regardless of color. You are incredibly creative!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your well deserved recognition! I love all your designs.

Anonymous said...

Awards are always so awesome! I love the color !! I also love parkay (sp?) flooring...looks like a lot of travel ahead of you! enjoy

PBQuilts said...

Bonnie, congratulations on being recognized by Quilting Daily not only with the 2023 Top 20 Award but also as a Trendsetter! That's what we love about you. You walk your own path doing what your heart desires, and along the way, you insprie thousands. The quilt is beautiful, and I look forward to seeing photos of the tile that called to you...make a quilt like me.

UmaKathy said...

Congratulations Bonnie! I love all of your quilts and the newest is beautiful in brown. I don't believe I ever met a color that I didn't like. All we need to do is look to the natural world to know how each color is there and perfectly. I would love to be able to come to Quiltville, but a disability I now have makes stair climbing and hiking an impossibility. When I was 40 I took a field biology class and hiked for 13 days in the Appalachians and loved it. I still quilt with larger pieces which offers possibilities and I do not dwell on impossibilities. I love your blog. I am 73 and never imagined that I would not be able to travel with groups any longer. I salivate when I look at the tours you offer.

Susan Kerr said...

You MUST make it to Scotland - you will love it here especially in the highlands and whisky areas - loads of castles and places to see. Congratulations on your award.

cityquilter grace said...

well deserved bonnie...i know your guidance has been a huge influence on my quilting...

Tracey Honig said...

Oh, Bonnie... CONGRATULATIONS on a well deserved honor!! I love that analogy of the "5th grade inner me!!" It made me chuckle. The new quilt is GORGEOUS!! as I am sure it will be in ANY color. And you are absolutely right. You do you, and I do me. I also laughed at the quote!! Too cute! Thank goodness it's Wednesday. Kids are starting to drop like flies again... sent 2 home today with fever! YUCK!!

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

Congrats Bonnie! And your new quilt is well, wow, just Wow! So beautifully intricate! Yesterday and today I've been busy cutting fabric for Morning Glories...I've got the flower colors cut out and I'm 1/2 way through the greens. Then on to the background. Sigh, I'm getting tired, but still, it's all part of the fun. Thanks for all you do!

Anonymous said...

congrats on your reward. all of us know that you deserve it but it is always good to be recognized by your peers. so many different quilting avenues to take. your avenue appeals to me. i absolutely love your latest 'tile' design. when you have time, you will share with us. i think the last several years have changed alot of us. i no longer get to get out and about (major lung issue) and i miss the companionship and the inspiration at all the quilt shops, shows and guilds. i do what i can though and appreciate your blog and your followers. thanks for all you do. patti in florida

Dianne said...

Congratulations on your Top 20 award. The new quilt is amazing. It looks 3-D. It reminds me of the eye test where you have to tell which pictures show the raised shape or animal. I like today's quote!

Anonymous said...

If you can be inspired by bathroom tile when cleaning yourself up after an "encounter" with a Vietnamese water buffalo and stand on your one remaining good leg to take a photo of said tile and actually make finish the quilt, then you should be everyones daily quilter. You certainly are mine. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Ps. Is water buffalo mud brown? Tired of grey as a neutral.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! That new quilt is amazing!!!! Congratulations on your award…and for sticking to your guns and doing your work the way that makes you happy!!

Amy in NJ

shoshu said...

wow, this new design is totally captivating, can't wait for the pattern. thank you for doing all the hard work designing so i can just begin! i love your dolly parton quote!!!

C said...

Congratulations on your award! I love the new brown quilt!!

Helenchaffin said...

Congratulations,what an honor! I luv the brown quilt,I've often thought of brown quilts but having made one yet lol,my Aunt is an Author as well ,she's had to slow down due to her health,she's in her 80's now ,keep notes on your new journey "Abundance Is Enough" would make a great read ,I'm just saying 😂

JuliAnn Craver said...

First I want to congratulate you on the award. Your quilt has so much movement in it, I love the brown quilt and the pattern fits is so well. Thanks for the ideas and inspiration you give us.

Alice said...

Congratulations on your achievement, so well deserved! How proud your family must be of you!! First thing that caught my eye on your new quilt was the design & then how many colors would look beautiful done in this pattern! I simply didn't see Brown. I know I speak for many of us that you've made me a much better quilter! Your patterns look a lot more complex than they are. Your patterns & instructions are so well written! Thank you for all you do for us, we appreciate you so much! Have an amazing day Bonnie!

Christy Johnson said...

Congratulations and WOW!! I absolutely love that quilt design (and color). I hope this is a future pattern because I would love to make this quilt!!

Anonymous said...

Such an intricate design. It looks gorgeous! — Laura H.

Su said...

Congratulations on your award - you definitely deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you, Bonnie, you certainly have earned/deserve the recognition. Love this new pattern and cannot wait until it is listed on your Quiltville page. - Becky G

NancyFS said...

Brown may not be my goto colour but this is stunning. When the pattern is released I will get it and do it in brown and cream. It looks rich and dreamy and maybe a second one in blue. Simply gorgeous Bonnie

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award! You are soooo deserving of this!

J McCoy

Anonymous said...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the colors in this quilt. I'm drawn to earth tones colors. I would say this color combo is my favorite of all the quilts I've seen come through your blog. Unfortunately, I'm not drawn to patterns that have a lot of piecing. Sadly, I also find scraps to be overwhelming. I cut up all my left overs and have a system for them but I am more likely to donate them, than to sew them into a quilt.

Barbie G said...

whooHooo......got a bit excited when I read ..." Jan 2025 AUSTRALIA" Hopefully you will come to Melbourne !

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award! I really like the brown quilt and didn't realize the golden honey-toned floor peeking through wasn't the cornerstones. LOL

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