
Saturday, March 04, 2023

Quilty Shenanigans & Malarkey!

It's March!

St Paddy's Day is not far off - so we are bringing in the green, from the outside to the inside and all the way around!

I've started switching out the décor inside Quiltville Inn as well, with shamrocks and spring things and even if we aren't all just a wee bit Irish, we are still getting in on it all!

My sewing over the past few days has definitely been "in the green" and the festivities are carrying over to the shenanigans going on next door:

Including matching shirts!

You just gotta know that the March Quiltvillians are a fun group to be around!

There are projects all over -

Christine's Maymont is coming together this retreat!

I bet she'll be done by retreat's end!

Barbara is up to the borders on her Bristol quilt!

She must have been burning the midnight oil because I awoke to this photo of her completion this morning!  Well done, Barbara!

This pile of Tonni's Ditch Lilies became THIS over night as well:

Oh goodness, that's gorgeous!

Next up - she is working on Butterfly Kisses. Fun!

Sharon is sharing her En Provence finish newly quilted by Sylvia!

Much binding in her near future!

As for Sylvia, she won the 2 1/2'' strip haul at Left, Right, Center and is NOT sharing.  LOL!

Spring continues to burst forth on Grassy Creek Road.  I stopped to take this roadside photo on my way to get the brakes fixed on the van and am happy to report that yes, I no longer bear the "Sticker of Shame" but a very clean and pretty "3" which lets me know that I have until the end of next March before my next inspection is due.  Hooray!

As to the house up the hill? I've been watching and waiting for this house to fall over the past 6 years that we have been here in Virginia.

Yes, it's 6 years as of this month.  I can't believe it myself.  And I feel we are here to stay as I can't imagine moving anywhere else - EVER.

The back side of this house is in the process of falling - I'll see if I can get a side photo of it - it is sad.  But the land is also still in the family's hands and they have a newer house next door. 

The daffies right outside the Quilting Quarters windows at the inn are big time blooming!

Down by the creek they are slower still....but they are coming.

Perhaps this weekend's sunshine will work its magic and they'll be in full bloom by Monday.

So here we are at the weekend once again.

Do you have any plans for something quilty going on??  

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

It's okay - in this crazy to-do-list driven life - to cut yourself enough slack and allow yourself some time to relax, recharge, rejuvenate. 

Sometimes we need to stand still and re-evaluate that to-do list to find out if the things on it are serving us, or keeping us busy for the sake of busy and away from where we want to be. 

This is why I take Sundays off of social media, just to let things resettle.

Take the 5 minutes - or more as needed - you deserve it! 

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



Anonymous said...

You have daffodils blooming but here in Upstate NY we have 12” of snow and counting!😂

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

Hi Bonnie! I love seeing the progress of all the Quiltvillians! Today I'm reorganizing my sewing room and putting together a height adjustable table to sew on. It goes down to 26 inches tall which makes it the perfect height for my sewing machine, It's one of those sit/stand desk/tables that are popular now for those who work at home. I had to scour the internet to find the few out there that have a better lift system so they have a wider range of height adjustability. The cheaper ones only go down to regular table height and are not as stable. OK, off to start assembly, might need to call a neighbor to help turn it upright after it's together, then it's time to clean the room and figure out where everything is going to go.

Mary said...

I take Sundays off my Blog too. I used to blog every day. Now it's 2-3 times a week if I have something happening. Quilting is always in my plans. Retired Hubby tries to divert me some days. He asked why my alarm went off today, just forgot I can sleep in on Saturdays. Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

this group of ladies is so prolific. beautiful quilts. patti in florida

Anonymous said...

My daffodils are hiding beneath 8 inches of new snow 😮

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