
Monday, March 06, 2023

Oh, What a Weekend!

What's a girl going to do when it's Saturday, and a text comes from the inn next door saying "We're making a run for Quilts on Main in Galax - wanna come along?"

It's Saturday!

Take the time and go!

We had a marvelous time - and the new shop has nearly doubled in gorgeous fabrics, notions and fun stuff since I was there in December.

And it was so much fun just taking some time to be one of the girls with some of the March Quiltvillians!

It was sunny, but a bit blustery!

Four New Neutrals!

I go through neutrals like crazy.  And I see no need for boring backgrounds.  The fun neutrals are where it's at for me - and these are going to have "some" cut off right away to be used in a current project - 

Aren't those irons just so cute?

I set right in to cutting -

I cut at a tall cutting table, and keep a 13 gallon tall kitchen trash can right next to me so things have less of a chance to end up on the floor.

Guess who was snoozing in the bottom of it?  LOLA! Evidently she didn't mind that some purple scraps ended up on top of her like snow either.  Silly girl.

Things on Point!

This is Barbara's Carolina Chain from the Addicted to Scraps book. It's coming along just great!

Christine's Maymont is coming together!

Michelle has been working on her Butterfly Kisses out of her collection of Ricky Tims hand dyes - such agreat texture and a great quilt to make with these!

Looking great, Michelle!

Tonni's wall of Butterfly Kisses - glorious!

Rene is putting together Bricks & Stepping Stones from the Free Patterns tab.  Love those black and white four-patches!

Sharon not only finished this sweet baby quilt top, but also:

Some cute Periwinkle Star blocks!

This is going to be adorable!

Sylvia is putting together her Chilhowie blocks -

This is going to be lovely!

And another fun thing happened over the weekend.

I finished the first round of Baptist fans all around the outside edge of the quilt and have moved into the second round which means -


I have explained so many times why Baptist fans are quilted from the outside in toward the center.  I think you get it now!

But the best part for me is once I've gone all the way around with the first round, I can trim off all of that excess batting and backing and get the binding on.

With this quilt it's really helpful because the Quilter's Dream Request batting is a bit "fiber-y".  It leaves little fluffs of fiber on the quilt surface - especially noticeable on dark solids. It's nothing that a lint roller can't handle, but getting the binding on there and encasing that raw edge stops the fluff issue.

One bound corner!

I tried several different color options for binding, and with the input of the retreat gals we all decided red was the one to do the trick.

Of course, that meant that I needed to get to the bottom tub of solids that was stacked against the wall in the inn garage, and to get to that bin I had to move everything out of the way and unstack the stacks -

Which lead of course to cleaning and reorganizing the garage - so -

I guess spring is really here because Spring Cleaning took over and hijacked my Sunday.  LOL!

There was still enough time to get out for  2.25 mile walk down Bear Branch Road with Sharon and Terri - good for my soul!

I think that brings us all the way to today - Monday.

It's the March Quiltvillians' last full day.  They head home tomorrow.  I know they will be pedal to the metal and soaking up whatever communal quilting time they have remaining.

The sun is shining again this morning with a projected high of 63 this afternoon.

Could another walk be in my near future?  Could be!

How was your weekend and what did you get up to?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

How you handle any given situation sets an example for others to follow.
Even bad examples teach lessons.
String X tutorial found under the free patterns tab.
Happy Monday, everyone! ⁣



Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog before I go to work in the morning. I went to a sewing class on the weekend with a friend. We made wallets out of cork. It was awesome just to get away for the day.

Ruth McIlwain said...

I skipped clue 2 on the Chilhowie top after I made 12 pieces and started with clue 3. I will finish clue 2 at the end because my top will be 4x4 blocks and I don't want to try and figure out how many pieces I need.

Mary said...

My Saturday was filled with the Quiting of my Rhododendron Trail Mystery Quilt, Only a year behind, but who is counting. It was begging to be finished for the March quilt show. No pics on Facebook, waiting for the big Ta Da. I can put it on my Blog though for my like-minded Bloggy friends. How do you keep your new projects a secret. I just wanna show them off.

Janet said...

I walked to a free concert with a quilty friend. It was called Women of the West in our of Women's History month. My favourite artist was Abby Posner followed by June Clivas and the Ditty Boys. Check them out on youtube if you like Americana music. Back to work today!

MerryMeg said...

I did Carolina Chain during Covid I do have a pic but can't post. It was lovely to get it done but I quilted it and gave it to a young pastor and his wife. They were delighted. I then made all six kids quilts and recently a baby quilt for new #7. All scrappy in Quiltville style!

MerryMeg said...

Also my cat used to get into anything! Baskets, laundry baskets, boxes, under blankets, etc. I think they just like to be hidden or up high. I used to find her on top of my kitchen cupboards.

Tracey Honig said...

The weekend was super busy and went by way to fast. Hardly any time for sewing. But hoping to make up for it next week. Only 4 more wake-ups until Spring Break!! It sounds like you had a wonderful, warm weekend! Happy quilting!

Anonymous said...

I have a question for you: what seems to be the best way to mail a quilt to someone? I am finishing a quilt for a dear friend (it’s a surprise) and need to mail it. She also lives in SC, just 200+miles away. When you insure it, do you declare on the outside of the package that it’s a quilt? Specifically, how do you package it (box? Bag?), shipping method (UPS? USPS?Fedex?) and description for insurance (blanket?quilt?cloth?). I know you have mailed quite a few and would love your advice! Also welcome advice from your readers.

katie said...

Plastic bag to protect it from moisture, have read that if you say "quilt" they disappear. Say blanket or fabric.

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