
Friday, February 17, 2023

They Logged It All Down!

I'm starting with something quilty and green.

The colors in this photo match what I saw yesterday when I went down to Bear Branch Road for a little road hike -

I had no idea what I would find as I had not been on this road since September.

It doesn't look the same - It's all changed.

And while I know this is good for the environment - that new trees will be planted, and they will grow tall and strong on this road that I love - it still brought such a feeling of empty brokenness. That everything has an end.

No, this doesn't look the same at all!

They have clear cut most of the pines -

The whole place smelled like the lumber area inside a Lowe's store. And I generally LIKE that smell - but this just felt like devastation.

They cut a logging road right into the hillside.

I will miss the shade these big pines gave on summer walks with my Quiltville Inn gals!

One of two things is happening here - either the forestry service will come back in and plant new seedlings that will grow up another crop of trees in 25 to 30 years, or - it will become a grazing ground for cattle.

Like these guys - 

Hello, babies!

This is what the road looked like BEFORE it was all cut down.

I'm glad there is "some" of it left.

And the beautiful sound of the creek running on the other side of the road still soothes.

Beyond the deforestation things begin to look a bit more familiar.  The old barn I love beside the winding dirt road I am walking.

The tumbledown cabin still stands - it made it through another winter.

And one has to wonder - just how long has that axel stood in the yard?

Some trees have fallen around the old Plymouth - but it is still here, half buried.  

I love those tail fins.  Does anyone else feel kind of "meh" about all cars looking the same these days, it doesn't matter what brand/model? 

Back end of the cabin -

The colors of these photos with the green not back yet is just so cool -

Old barn on my return leg back to the car.

I know the harvesting of trees is necessary.  I know the lumber will be beneficial in so many countless ways.

But my first glimpse of that hillside hurt my heart and brought an "Oh, No!" to my lips.

Now as I continue working on this project, all I see is missing trees with every green piece I add.

It will take some time, but it will get better.

And to take me out of my feelings today - it's HAIRCUT DAY with friend Martha.

That means we are headed to Mt Airy, NC and we will hit all of the stores that we don't have locally for items we need.  We'll get lunch out.  We'll get our haircuts and feel more human and better all the way home.

And it's a good day for it since it rained all night, and  will continue for most of the day - so definitely a non-walking day.

You know about this, right?

Did you enter the Gift-Away? Drawing happens 2/27/23!

I'll be drawing for two lucky winners to each receive a Butterfly Kisses PDF pattern AND a gorgeous True Colors fabric roll from Cotton to Quilts!

This solids color roll is just the ticket to pump up your solids collection and add some pizazz!

To kick all of this scrappy fun off big time, I've placed Butterfly Kisses at 25% off in both the the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop through 2/28/23.

And of course Chilhowie is also 25% off through 2/28/23 in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

Quiltville Quote of the Day!

It's simple. The energy you send out goes on and on touching others.⁣
I love what David Dieda said:⁣
"Everything you do right now ripples outward and affects everyone. Your posture can shine your heart or transmit anxiety. Your breath can radiate love or muddy the room in depression. Your glance can awaken joy. Your words can inspire freedom. Your every act can open hearts and minds."⁣
We have a direct effect not only on how our days go, but also on others. ⁣
Let your ripples be positive ones!⁣ (Even if they mowed down the trees!)
Vintage nine patch quilt found in North Carolina.⁣

Have a fabulous Friday, everyone!



1 comment:

Agracie6 said...

Your pictures from your hike are beautiful!! Thank you for sharing!!!

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