
Friday, February 24, 2023

Hanging with the Lincolnton Quilters!

Quiltville Inn is full once again with a wonderful group of ladies hailing from not-too-far-off Lincolnton, NC!

February is a great retreat month for those within driving distance - we don't have to worry about flights being cancelled due to heavy snow or ice.

And let's face it - this has been a weird winter to beat all weird winters so far.  

While 6 months ago we were worried about ice storms and road conditions, yesterday we were nearly 70 degrees!

February is still great for sewing up a storm - and that's just what these gals got up to - while opening some windows for some spring fresh air.

And you know how I feel about projects up on design walls.


Happy Dresden flowers!

And a Maple Leaf block turned to blossom!

(I see I'm not the only one thinking spring here!)

Oh, this is fun!

And while taking photos inside - look what I spied out the window below??  THEY ARE BLOOMING!

The double blooms down the hillside toward the creek need a bit more sun to encourage them to open - these ones here get the light and warmth reflecting off the side of the house and garage and are a bit more protected.

I am so happy to see them!

And I am so happy the Lincolnton gals are here to enjoy it too.  In fact, we think they need to stay at least 2 weeks because they brought enough food to last that long.  LOL!

(Oh the yummy smells coming out of the kitchen - it does my heart good!)

Meanwhile at the QPO next door - some spring green of my own was happening. This has been a really fun project to dig into some crazy neutrals and some greens to go with them.

My accomplishment for the day.

I really was at a good stopping point.  The next thing on the agenda is to repeat the whole process with another color - which means printing a bunch more paper foundations and fabric pieces to go with them and it was just too nice outside.

It felt like a Bear Branch Road kind of afternoon before heading home. and I am loving that it is lighter later.  THat's where I parked the Subee - a little turn out that puts the car out of the way while I put on my bluetooth headset and set myself to some oldies and hike up this road a bit following the creek.

Things start to climb just a bit here, but not too bad.  It's a great leg stretch and it's good to get the old heart rate elevated once in a while, right?

I love that while I am in the shade of the mountain ridge to my left, the sun is shining on the ridge on the opposite side.  And yes, it smells earthy and loamy - just like spring.

Following the creek around a bend in the road.

Click to Play:

I hear peeper frogs!!

It's my favorite sound of early spring.

This walk only takes me 40 minutes.  But it does me miles of good - I know this.

Once the time changes and it is light that much later in the evenings we'll be taking the dogs up to the park to walk before dinner.  I can't wait for that.

Today?  I believe the Lincolnton girls are going to do some quilt shop hopping.  I'll be doing all of that "next color" prep for this project and getting going on that.

Will there be another walk?  Not sure.  There is a 30% chance of rain this afternoon - more projected tomorrow and we are trying to figure out the best time to squeeze in some "over the rail" photos for the group.

So we are playing it by ear, and no matter what we get up to we know it will be a good time.

How about things fo your weekend coming up?  

Quilt Con is in full swing in Atlanta.  Are you going?

Last weekend to enter - drawing happens MONDAY!

Did you enter the Gift-Away? Drawing happens this coming Monday 2/27/23!

I'll be drawing for two lucky winners to each receive a Butterfly Kisses PDF pattern AND a gorgeous True Colors fabric roll from Cotton to Quilts!

This solids color roll is just the ticket to pump up your solids collection and add some pizazz!

To kick all of this scrappy fun off big time, I've placed Butterfly Kisses at 25% off in both the the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop through 2/28/23.

And of course Chilhowie is also 25% off through 2/28/23 in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage Rolling Stone quilt found in North Carolina.

The constant pursuit of perfection is crazy making! 

Let's keep life real and focus on progress, not perfection! 

Happy Friday, folks! 



Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Comments have not been working - this is a test!

Anonymous said...

Please send some of your weather to Michigan, we just had the worse ice storm in decades and it is cold.

Anonymous said...

progress, not perfection..... I LOVE LOVE LOVE this one, maybe a 'sampler' for my design wall!!! Cats in Carlsbad, CA -- says under comment as: Anonymous... I can go with that! Hugs everyone

Mary said...

It's a Quilting Day for me. Just one month until Quilt Show happens. Glad you can get out and walk. Your test comment worked.

Anonymous said...

good morning. did not hear peeper frogs but heard the creek (or imagined it). thanks for sharing, patti in florida

Kathy Johnson said...

I like to walk as well and during a Minnesota winter it just doesn't happen.It's either too cold or too slippery out. I like the Walk Away the Pounds tapes. Been around for a long time but keeps you in shape for walking outside the one nice day we have LOL Stay warm and active

Colleen said...

Testing too. I haven't been able to comment for a very long time! Snow day here.

Alberta Schlundt said...

curious :) Why are the frogs called peeper frogs? Is it because when they are in the water they are peeping out? I get to go to a retreat next week nd so looking forward to it. its suppose to rain and snow up there. Bass Lake CA. The saddest part of a retreat is packing up to go home. But the excitement of going and seeing friends is awesome. Wish I could come to one of your retreats Bonnie :)

Anonymous said...

Just had to tell you: I found a fabric in your greens that’s just like some I have in my stash. I love it when that happens!
And yes, your blocks are looking great!

Anonymous said...

Love Spring. Peepers are my favorite sound of spring. And the songbirds coming back. Linda in NJ

Marti said...

Absolutely love those Dresden flowers!!!! Giving me ideas! We have snow in the desert of So Cal and it is COLD!!!

Joan E said...

Every Spring my husband would bring me 3 dozen daffodils, all the more important because we lived in Michigan, here in Tennessee they are already up and blooming, picked a bunch twice now, waiting for peepers, both make me happy too. Thanks for sharing--ALWAYS.

Anonymous said...

Love the dresden flowers! Is there a pattern for this?

Anonymous said...

Daffodils blooming in southern OH, too!

Anonymous said...

I am going to try and comment today. Have not been able to post any comments for over a year!! LOVE the sounds of the peeper frogs. Haven’t been sewing too much lately. Have other things to deal with for awhile. Ugh. I do read your blog every single day. Rosie Westerhold, Lincoln, NE

Tracey Honig said...

What a beautiful road to take a hike on! Thank you for sharing your little countryside. I love the sounds too... sometimes I play them at night before I go to sleep. We had near 90* weather in South Central Texas this week. Today was cooler and windier, with next week right back in the same weather pattern. We have bluebonnets here, and we've spotted the first one, along with my rose bush sporting a bud and I can see it full of the blooms. I love seeing the projects going up on the walls too; it's always sad for me when my tops come down and it's a clean slate again. It's the weekend; hoping to get some quality sewing time after a luncheon on Saturday. Have a great one!!

Vickie said...

Hear the peepers, but mostly the water flowing. Cold in Iowa and still have ice. Thanks for sharing your walk, I can't wait till it warms up enough to go out. Just finished a QOV. Have 5 tops ready for quilting so will be picking one of those WIP's to start next.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I found your blog. Your posts about daily life as well as your quilting make me happy. It is nice to see how someone has turned a "hobby" into a way of life. I have found that people who do gardening and people who sew tend to be the nicest folks you can meet in life. We need people like you to help us escape the worries of war, shootings, inflation, etc. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the spring peepers. Also my favorite sign of spring. Even beyond the snow drops, crocuses and daffodils!

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