
Tuesday, December 06, 2022

And The Quilters Are Still Quilting!

Michelle has been one busy stitcher throughout the whole December Quiltvillians retreat!

I think it is safe to say that if Santa DOES indeed have elves, that Michelle is the leader of the pack in the "quilts made by Christmas" division!

I am posting this photo to remind me of the holiday explosion of fun that filled these walls over the past week.

And yes, those are Boxy Bow Ties blocks up on the wall being made by her table mate!

This morning everyone is heading out toward home and their own families and holiday traditions.

I'll finish the last loads of laundry, do some last rounds of winter prep, turn the thermostats down, and lock the doors on the 3rd season of retreats at Quiltville Inn.

What a wonderful year it's been!

There have been plenty of ups as well as a few downs, but all in all - what a great season.

Tracy made this cutie lap quilt from a Fat Quarter Shop Sew Sampler box.  It's darling!

Check out this interesting block made by Sharon!

No info - but those Kaffe fabrics are great.

This stack of Crazie Mazie block parts continued to grow -

What a great way to use up a box of random solids leftovers.

With a wonky setting, maybe?

I can't wait to see this one finished.

I have watched two of these come together over the weekend - those pieced sashings are rocking it!

I believe it was a block of the month thing - I don't have the name, but isn't it glorious?

Nola sent in this photo of her finished Ditch Lilies quilt top!  I love her colors - and can't believe she got it together this quickly - she only started it the week before Thanksgiving. 

It's gorgeous, Nola!

In my own little corner - blocks are still being made.  

The blues are not going down fast enough - but there are fewer blocks head of me than are in the done pile behind me, so I'm on the downhill count now.  That feels good!

I fell off of the "take all the photos" train yesterday as a call from my mom came in.  They had rushed my step-dad to the hospital in Boise with what turned out to be a bleeding ulcer.

He did get to come home.  He has rounds of medications and doctor's appointments ahead.

The sibling hotline (Our group text message) was flying back and forth.  My brother Mike was there and in charge of all of the parental care things.  I am so grateful for him.  It's not easy living this far away, and feeling like everything is out of my hands.

I got the news by bedtime that Gary was back home with mom and sleeping in his own bed.

What a relief.

Anyway, that's what occupied most of my afternoon while just putting the pieces together, dealing with the small things that I could deal with, while the big things were handled by other people.

Here's another fun blast from the past!

Check out those bell bottoms! LOL!!  After seeing my photo yesterday with the Millennium Pyramids quilt, my aunt Gail dug through her photos and scanned this one for me. I had to be something like 15? 16?  It was 1970-something.

Oh we were so cool.  And yes, we have laps full of kittens.  What's not to love?

Such a crack up!

Okay - time to drag myself out into the wet and rainy and wave the last of the December Quiltvillians off and get this day going.

What do you have instore today?  Anything fun?

Quiltville Quote of the Day  -

Our relationships are worth far more than any object that we desire.
Who remembers the song 'One Tin Soldier'?
The best gifts in life are people, not things.
Call someone you love today.



Sherry said...

I love the song One Tin Soldier. The world would be a much better place if more people would take that message to heart. Prayers for your step-dad. Love the bell bottoms!

Twin Violet said...

The Kaffe fabric star is twinkle star from So Scrappy hotspot . It's from her rsc(rainbow scrap challenge) 2014. It's the same site that inspired your pumkins.

Lynn said...

I had the same haircut and wide bellbottoms as you!

Mary said...

Ah, the fun they had. Clue 2 is waiting for me this morning and I continue to make more gifts for my family. I need a candy making day with my Sister. We had fun wearing bell nottomsand those wide pointed collars in the 1970's. Tuesday, way back machine...

cityquilter grace said...

oh i know michelle! hi there....

Ruth McIlwain said...

I am sitting watching The U.S. and the Holocaust, while knitting the second sock for my son-in-law; it needs to get done so I can crochet potholders with German cotton for stocking stuffers for my daughters. I will start back on the MQ after Christmas.
Bonnie, as a born German, it is hard to stomach watching the documentary. It would behoove everyone to watch that show on PBS.

Laurie said...

Loved seeing th LBOW 301 in the first photo. I love sewing on mine!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I agree 100%, I watched it a couple of months ago. It was hard to stomach - haunting and chilling and we can not allow this to happen again. Thank you for speaking up.

Sherri said...

Thank you Bonnie for the MQ. I did have the Simple Folded Corners ruler but had never used it!!! Wow, your instructions were great and have made my progress through this quite pleasant.. Thanks for all you do.....

Jan Parker said...

I just love the purple quilt with the awesome sashing! It took my breath away! There's alot of work in that quilt.

Cathy said...

Just saw snips of a Chanel runway show. All the pants were bell bottoms. Dig those oldies out again. Love your posts, always inspirational.

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