
Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Decking The Halls (And The Walls!)

Yes, We NEED a Little Christmas, Right This Very Minute....

December is 2 days away and the December Quiltvillians arrive tomorrow for our last retreat of the 2022 Quiltville Inn season!

There is only one December retreat - so I'm not pulling out ALL of the stops, but it is amazing what a few holiday quilts and a bit of table runner décor and more can accomplish.

Just needs a bit of sparkle!

But the real holiday cheer will come when guests arrive.  I can't wait!

Pine Tree Point is on the design wall -

And the little house quilt I made in one of Pat Sloan's book review sew alongs is back on the entry table.

I had so much fun making those houses -

Remember the lumber jack beavers in the windows?  LOL!

The Christmas runner was made by my friend Karen, and I love how it enhances the green of the vintage glass pedestal piece, given to me by my sister-in-law Alicia who knows I love vintage glass.

Little topper on the Hen Den coffee table - 

There are fussy cut cats in the center of the wonky star blocks - I love seeing this come out year after year as well.  It was such a wonderful gift!

Another wonderful gift - a NEW FAUCET in the inn kitchen. 

Thanks to the hubster for doing this while I was away to Florida.  The old faucet had a stripped set screw and it was difficult to find the "sweet spot" where the water would stop dripping.

The worst part is that the sweet spot would move!  We babied that thing along until there was a break in the retreat schedule and his work schedule so he could get in there and switch them out.  

It was a big job, and I'm so grateful! (And so will the retreaters be!)

The smaller faucet has boiling hot water for tea - also loved by the retreaters.

I'm also grateful for this.

I noticed yesterday when going over to decorate that the pilot light in the Hen Den stove was out.  I couldn't get it started.

After dinner we came over and this man of mine got down on the floor to get it going again so things will be cozy when the retreaters arrive tomorrow afternoon.

Thank you!

This makes my heart so full, too!

Casden is growing up so fast!  This is his first grade photo. And yes, the buzzed haircut from this summer's lice episode is growing out.

He has certainly captured our hearts and we love being a part of his life.

With the decorating and making everything ready at the inn, no sit-down-at-the-machine sewing time happened.  AGAIN.

But I did finish the binding and half of the hanging sleeve of the 2nd quilt last evening.  So there is that.

More Free Patterns tab editing did happen.  Two more old-style html pages got new pdf copies made, uploaded and linked.

I'm somewhere in the S's as far as that goes (patterns are alphabetical) and I'll keep plugging away at it.

I am enjoying seeing this!

I'm not sure how Texas Braid from Adventures With Leaders & Enders showed up under the #quiltvillemystery or #chilhowiequilt hashtag though! LOL!

It looks like someone is working with recycled shirts accented with solid red and I love it.

Keep the shares coming.  I love being able to peek in on you and see your progress!

Today & Tomorrow Only!

All Digital Patterns in the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop are 30% off using coupon code Digital30 at purchase.

Code must be used at purchase, is not retroactive, and is good through Wednesday, 11/30/22.

Did you enter our Summit St Shop Box Gift-Away

Drawing happens TOMORROW Wednesday 11/30/22!


25% off EVERYTHING at Electric Quilt!

Use code EVERYTHING at check out to redeem.

YES!  That includes EQ 8 Software!

And it includes the Block Base+ Add On!

Click through my links to get there, and remember to use coupon code EVERYTHING to save your 25%.

If EQ8 and Block Base+ are not on your gift list - they should be!

I think that's it!

Is there some holiday decorating in your future?  Are you making a holiday themed anything along with our Chilhowie Quilt?

Anyone doing Chilhowie in Christmas colors?

I can't wait to see!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Make something beautiful today!
What will you be working on?

Have a terrific Tuesday, folks!



Cats said...

i ordered my CraftOptics!!! I told Lyn, "Bonnie said to tell you Bonnie Hunter sent me." and she laughed... she was so patient while i wrangled with the phone (it's smarter than i!) and we got the paperwork found and photoed and sent! Un-or fortunately, it'll be about 3 weeks before i get to try them... Thanks for the recommendation, they're a bit pricey, but if they do the job, it'll be my best Christmas gift to me, EVER! Cats in Carlsbad CA

Charlotte K said...

What a handsome young man!

Mary said...

We got SNOW! I vote for a Sew Day now. We'll see what Hubby says. No stitches for me yesterday. I finished the 1st Clue Friday. Maybe I need another Christmas Mystery... I cut extra Purple strips. Royal colored Christmas. Red and Green aren't the only Christmas Colors.

JMOT said...

I've been busily using my new longarm to turn some of my pile of tops into quilts, so if I'm going to decorate, I'd better stop that and do some serious mess cleanup upstairs! Meanwhile, the elderly feline that dominates the household thinks I have nothing better to do than give her a warm lap to sit on.😻😛

Debra said...

The Inn looks lovely all decorated..
I managed to fini clue #1 only sewed a couple with no bobbin thread...ha. My friend Fran decided to join us this year!! I'm so happy...she sold me the Longarm.
My Christmas tree is up and a few decorations too.
Thank you for another great Mystery .

Stephanie Newman said...

I know there is no international shipping on website products available, but can overseas people order PDF patterns for downloading? :)

Georgia said...

What can Dave not do! He's your plumber, your painter, your heat and air man, your handyman, your landscaper, your builder. He gets things done. Kudos to Dave, who works hard alongside you, to make your dream come true.

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