
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

A Bit More Stitching!

I am obsessed with The Crown.

Now onto season five - It's even more riveting to me when things take place during my own adulthood - and in my mind I can't help comparing what was going on in my own life, to the things that are being portrayed on the screen.

Some fiction to fil in the blanks?  Absolutely.

Some facts making real life stranger than fiction?  Definitely.

This season also includes many sub-titles when the speaking is in Egyptian.  I don't do well with subtitles.

I can't read them from where I sit so I get up from my machine, scroll back a bit...and stand in front of the wall-mounted TV to read them as the replay begins.

Drat.  I liked it better when actors would just speak English with an Egyptian accent.  LOL!

Or English with a French accent.

Or English with a Russian accent.

ALSO - while I am railing on my dislike of subtitles (Due to my eye issues - no other reason.) can I also put out there that I really detest scenes where actors are reading text messages on their phoes?

It's the same scenario.  I can't read the back and forth text bubbles - I only hear the "whoooop!" sound as each new bubble enters the screen.

I get up, scroll back, play - and annoyingly have to stand in front of the TV to read the text messages and see what is going on.

Am I the only one?

Maybe this is why I enjoy movies and shows pre 2005 so much better.

Okay - that's enough ragging on that.

What a crazy mix of fabrics!

But this project is making me happy. Only a bazillion more blocks to go.

I pulled a bunch of hunks and chunks of neutrals yesterday big enough to cut more large triangles (The size with the bicycles or the houses) and will spend some time today pressing and cutting those out.

My only fear?  This quilt will not use enough of the blue scraps I've set aside for this project. It's making a big dent in random neutrals, but not enough of the blue.

I guess I'll have to make another blue quilt.

Christmas Tree harvest and hauling is still in season around Quiltville Inn.

This guy was parked right out front for a while - likely trying to figure out why he had no cell service and why wasn't his GPS working?

I put the phone right up against the window glass to get this shot - I had been at the cutting table cutting more neutral triangles.  It didn't turn out too bad through the glass.

I received this fun email from Elaine:


Here we are at our home at Wintergreen where we often quilt. I am Elaine Pierson, and my quilting friend is Sue Moore.  These patterns may be a wee bit familiar! 

During the pandemic, when we couldn’t get together, we decided to keep quilting via FaceTime.   

The two pine tree quilts are what kept us quilting together during those somewhat lonely times.

We have enjoyed working on your patterns immensely!

Elaine (with the scarf)

Elaine - I so loved waking up to your email!  The quilts are gorgeous and I loved hearing how you have used facetime to stay close and create!

The quilts over the rail I see are Hearts of Hope, Punkin Patch variations from String Frenzy, Appalachian Autumn, and of course Pine Tree Point!

They are all beautiful!  And how wonderful it is you have a close quilting friend to sew with.  I am glad you could finally get together in person.

And TODAY is the LAST DAY to save 30%!


All Digital Patterns in the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop are 30% off using coupon code Digital30 at purchase.

Code must be used at purchase, is not retroactive, and is good through Wednesday, 11/30/22.

It's also time to draw for our two winners in our Summit St Box Gift-Away!

We had 3162 entries and the random number generator drew:

Congrats to Jackie Mobley & Gail Lee!

Ladies, please find the emails I sent to the email addresses you provided with your entries and reply with your shipping address and your choice of either the kitty or puppy box.  The folks at Summit St Shop will get them right out to you!

Summit St Boxes are a cute and clever way to store and organize all sorts of items. They hold 6-1/2in quilt squares perfectly! 

They are also great for holding quilting, sewing, knitting, and scrapbooking supplies. Snacks, make up, toiletries, jewelry, and trinkets too. 

Put some goodies inside and give as a gift! Pack up and take to a retreat! Boxes feature nice smooth edges and a super cute design on the lid. 

  • Made of: Plastic
  • Use: Storage and Organization
  • Size: 7in x 7in x 1-1/2in Tall

  • Summit St Shop is in Webberville, Michigan!  Are you within driving distance?

    They've spent the last year and a half renovating a historic church building into a storefront and opened to the public on August 9th. 

    Summit St Shop carries quilting fabric, of course - but also decor, gifts and more!

    And yes, you can order online. Summit St Boxes are currently on sale as well, and there is free shipping on orders over $75.00 within the USA.

    Evening stitching time - back at my hoop!

    There are no other bindings in my future for a while so this is where you'll find me - quilting through the holidays, and quilting the new year in.  

    Do I think I'll be done by New Year's Eve?  Doubtful.

    But you never know!

    It's Also the LAST DAY for this big sale:

    25% off EVERYTHING at Electric Quilt!

    Use code EVERYTHING at check out to redeem.

    YES!  That includes EQ 8 Software!

    And it includes the Block Base+ Add On!

    Click through my links to get there, and remember to use coupon code EVERYTHING to save your 25%.

    If EQ8 and Block Base+ are not on your gift list - they should be!

    Quiltville Quote of the Day -

    Always choose kindness, each and every time!

    The December Quiltvillians arrive this afternoon - I am so excited!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!



    Amy B said...

    I hear you about sub-titles. I watch a lot of TV on my laptop so it's close up for me.
    Have you considered turning on the "sub titles for visually impaired" option? It might become a nuisance since it will describe what's happening in detail but it would also "read" the text bubbles for you.

    Mary said...

    That's the advice I got from my dying Mother-by- Love I try to be kind. Hubby has given me another stay home alone day to Stitch. Only thing is it's still dark in the PNW and the wind is blowing. Guess I'll start getting my Nativities and Christmas Quilts out. For December. Tree will have to wait til Clue 2 is finished after Friday.

    Kara Benavides said...

    I so relate to your subtitles rant. I love to hear the different languages. But I also have eye issues. But rather than hopping up and down to read, my reaction is more of the: grab the remote, where is the remote, grab the glasses to put on, hear the remote hit the floor, grab the remote, sewing basket with thread and scissors slides toward the floor, grab for sewing basket, hear glasses go flying, watch as 6 cats descend on glasses and have a brief soccer match until they go under the dusty couch. The pain is real! lol

    Cheryl said...

    I totally agree about the texting screen shots - and I don't have any vision issues! I just find them hard to read! Curious to see how your blue quilt in progress turns out! How is Ivy doing?

    Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

    Bonnie! I am so with you with subtitles! I am usually at my sewing machine when "watching" a movie. Notice the quotes around watching! I am sewing and listening (usually with blue-tooth earbuds in to hear every word). So when I hear a different language spoken, I get very annoyed because I'm busy sewing and miss a lot because by the time I look up, the subtitles are gone. So I tend not to watch these movies...like Dances With Wolves or Avatar. And geez, Avatar's subtitles are for a made up language!!! OK, now I'm done ranting!

    Debra said...

    I hear you with subtitles! Yuk.
    Very intrigued by your current quilt you're sewing. Waiting to see more of it.
    Rain rain rain today and tomorrow.
    Made a big pot of soup. 15 bean soup..
    Have a wonderful day

    Leah said...

    That solid chartreuse looks so sharp with the blue and neutral scraps. I'm enjoying your progress shots of those blocks.

    GGrandma Jan said...

    Oh Kara Benavides---Love your story of sewing room situation. Thank you for the giggles this A.M.

    Tracey Honig said...

    Totally agree with the subtitles and text bubble thought! They are good to give us the context but sometimes a pain to look up and read. Anyway, that was a great picture of the Christmas tree truck. Poor guy. The quilts in the email all look great, and it was neat that they thought of using FaceTime to stay together. I am staying home today with probably the stomach bug. You can run, but you can't hide! HA! Making plans for the CHristmas family gathering is fun, though! Happy Wednesday, we're half way through the week.

    Debcal1946 said...

    I use subtitles all the time. Unfortunately I am hearing handicapped and often the background music on shows is so loud compared to the voices I can't tell what they're saying.

    gardenwitch said...

    Glad to see xmas trees still coming off the mountains. Here in the midwest (SD) there is a shortage due to drought and dry winters. Thank goodness we cut our own. enjoying Chilowie (sp?). Will get as much done as I can before leaving for Christmas Cruise on the Rhine for our 50th wedding anniversary.

    Susie Q said...

    since I don't hear I have never heard a whoomph.

    then too..... the photo up against the glass is way better than the photos I came across this week in my pile..... 50 years ago with an instamatic camera......

    Marianne said...

    I agree about those text messages in TV movies. Too hard for me to see. Wish the character would read them out loud!!

    Flamingogirl said...

    I am with you on the text messages. Very hard to read. Also have issues with background music....too loud to hear voices well!! It may be time for hearing aides and cataract surgery!! Ha

    jmsx3 said...

    Several of the apps I subscribe to give you the option to change the size or color of the subtitles, so play with that when you have a minute to spare. My pet peeve is when the white subtitles are displayed on the white sky, so they can't be read until the scenery changes. PS I visit a friend from time to time, and he has TWO remote controls, one for him and one for me, so if I need to stop the story to see something, I can do it myself, rather than asking him to pause and etc. I happily live alone and relish the ease of managing the remote control all by myself!

    1bigpillow@gmail.com said...

    Hi Bonnie. WHAT is that quilt pattern you are working on at the top of the blog? I can't believe my eyes. IS THAT CHARTRUESE? (spelling) I have a bunch of this more greenier of that and have saved and saved it for something! Maybe this pattern is it! ALSO The CROWN on Netflix! Yes, I love it. I watch on my laptop (no TV) right in front of my face OH AND YES, when I don't understand something, I rewind and replay or I use the cc. I watch old movies for free on YouTube and I am always rewinding to play over.

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