
Saturday, October 01, 2022

Welcoming October In!

Check out this incredible English Paper Piecing!

I absolutely adore this line of Tula Pink fabrics used in this way, and how studying the complexity of this little quilt top put everything back to right - it centered me - after a very stomach-tied-in-knots kind of day.

Yes, it was one of those.

It all started when the Hubster left to go have his pickup worked on, and after dropping it off at the fix-it place headed out with Don and Martha to Martha's mom's place to get the hay covered before our post-hurricane Ian rain started in earnest.

If you are a farmer or have horses or livestock, you know that bales of unprotected hay is money down the drain.  They were on a mission.

This whole scenario left me with seeing that the dogs were let out to do their business.

Usually, we let one out at a time - and if one is inside, the one outside basically stays in the yard, does what needs doing and comes back in.

At which time we let the second one out.

Only yesterday, while letting the first one out, the second one got by me - they caught a whiff of something up mountain and POOF! They were gone!


Yeah.  They came home like this!

I called and called - Nada.  I waited and worried.  Nada.

It was a good thing that the Shippenstitcher gals were on a road trip to Blowing Rock because I really didn't want to leave home until the girls were back safe at home.

SIX HOURS LATER - as the Hubster's Truck rolled up the drive - there they were at the back door.

Oh Mabel!

I think they were within ear shot the whole time and when they heard his truck (He is their favorite guy) they came running.

The STINKERS!  They were soaking wet and muddy from head to toe and so proud of themselves.  Until the scolding began, as you can see!

And there is a reason why we have hold Chinese-made faux quilts on our beds.  They get washed often!

Their "going outside" collars have bells on them so that we can hear where they are in the woods when we can't see them. Just in case you are wondering.

It was quite the day.


Calm, calm, calm!

All English Paper Pieced by hand.  Calm!

Hearts in the Cabin blocks! Cute!

Pineapples and watercolor log cabin blocks -

It's a log cabin kind of weekend at Quiltville Inn!

Two cousins, getting this intricate wedding ring together.

Family relationships with quilting in common are fantastic!

Speaking of family relationships -

Both the maroon and moss green plaids shown here are from my grandpa's shirts.  I didn't have much left, but I had enough to make a couple of blocks late yesterday afternoon once the dog adventure was over, the quilters were back to quilting, and we were just waiting on the rain from Ian to start in earnest.

I have no clue what I'm doing with these.  I'm just playing.

There are still a lot of strips to be sewn up.  There are more shirt parts waiting to be cut down.  It's kind of a no brainer that I would just keep sewing to see what this becomes.

I see no reason not to just go with the flow!

I guess there is never too much plaid, or too many plaid quilts in my life.

At the end of the day, I returned home in the rain to start up dinner and settle in for the evening.

This mug and tea strainer set was a gift from Denise, and it was perfect for my Cardamom  Cinnamon loose tea.

Is it Cardamom or Cardamon? It says Cardamon on the container, but spell check isn't liking it one bit!

Either way - the tea was just right and settled us in.

The rain pounded most the night until the wee small hours - the wind was pretty fierce at times.

No power outages for me on the mountain, but I did hear from friend Martha this morning and her power went out for about an hour at one point. They are down in a holler along a creek and they have a lot of water and some debris down.

I think Ian has mostly fizzled out, and I'm glad.

Today!  Heading over to visit with the quilters, and play in some more plaids. What do you have in store for your weekend ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Every single day!
Scrappy nine patch quilt made many years ago as a table topper.
I love a scrappy nine patch quilt, don't you?

Happy October, everyone!



Kim said...

So glad the doggies are safe. Our pets can be so aggravating at times but we can't live without them. Do you know the name of the EPP Butterfly pattern? I just love it.

pam said...

I always said cardamon but it is cardamom. Love all the quilts. Poor pups. They look heartbroken at the scolding. :)

Selwyn, The Crafty Engineer said...

Kim...the butterfly pattern is Butterfly Effect from Lilliella Stitchery.

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh those little stinkers! Just like how my brother and I used to be as kids - so much fun and a great worry to the parents at times!

jillrae said...

Typical doggie kids. They knew where they and were having fun. Still doesn't make us worry any less. Love the plaid stars. You gave me inspiration for my 2 boxes of shirts. Thanks.

Mary said...

A crazy day with Mabel and Zoey Jo for sure. Loving the variety of plaids. Makes me want to cut up more of hubby's shirts. The butterflies are fun going in circles. It's a day with our Young Adults. Cookies an chocolate milk ready to take for a snack.

Debra said...

Oh Bonnie you should have had a high ball!!
A dear sweet lady saw my comment yesterday here and noticed I needed a longarm. Long story short she emailed me and I'm the new owner of a longarm and frame!!! I'm ecstatic. over the moon.
Thank you for being here for all of us .
Give the dogs kisses please!
When you feel like it. Ha.
It's raining here in western Massachusetts too..

Cats said...

by now, EVERYbody knows I love love love your posts, pups, pointers and

Cats said...

add now, paper pieced butterflies... any way possible to round up the pattern? I'm going to google... hope this post comes out in one piece! my fumble fingers added an 'enter' -- what a scare for the girls to go out and about together! Wonder if you let 'em out on a regular basis would it become so "normal" they'd be back short of six hours? and how scary to try it... your idea for one at a time seems like a good one, but they seem to have gotten wise to that, too... couldn't adopt some less than brilliant dogs? I wonder if some "dog" person might have the answer for you? ahh you probably get more 'free' advice than you want anyway, prayers and blessings, Bonnie... thank you, Cats in Carlsbad CA

JMOT said...

So glad your dogs who were smart enough to get around your plans to keep them close were also smart enough to come home before the storm got bad and also glad you and the Inn and Martha's family are safe. Still waiting to hear from some friends in Ian's path, although most have checked in safe.

Mairi said...

It is spelt both ways. Those puppies are sure cute little stinkers. I love the butterflies.

Tammie said...

Wow! Congratulations! My midarm gives me nothing but grief. I’ve gotten to the point that I mount my quilts on the frame, hand baste them, and take them off and quilt on my domestic machine. I got tired of fighting it!

Mary in AZ said...

Wow! 6 hours of freedom away from mom! Remember when we were kids, what we wouldn't give to get away from mom for 6 hours? Hope you didn't scold too bad.

Kristi Sexton said...

Me too! I would love to know - it really is so cute. Is EPP really hard to learn? this is all new to me.

jennie said...

I have kitties that would run away if they got outside. Today, I'm working on ANOTHER diamond tile quilt. My first one was claimed by my grandson.

Nikki said...

Seems like it might be called Butterfly Effect on Etsy

AnneO said...

Check comment #3 for info on PP butterflies

Tilly Titewad said...

Boy ~ we had that problem with an 11-year-dog who would NOT come when called. Then a dog trainer showed us the rattle bottle trick. We called her & tossed a plastic bottle half filled with little rocks so it landed on the ground at her back end. It startled her and she came running to us for protection! After three tries with that rattle bottle, we never had to call her more than once again. Now we have old prescription bottles with beans or corn in them and one shake of that bottle is all it takes to gain compliance when we ask her to do something. You might want to look into it. Here's a website for starters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=716Smdtc2PA
And I sure hope Ivy is recovering. Give her extra petting for me :-)
We all love our fur babies and want them safe. Good luck.

JMOT said...

My midarm frustrated me a lot before I gave in and got the longarm I really wanted and finally figured out I could afford, so why not? I did learn some things in the process, so if your midarm is a Megaquilter set up, PM me through Facebook (Jennie Orr Thomas) if you want me to try to help you problem solve.

Kim said...

Thanks Selwyn The Crafty Engineer. I got the pattern and am printing it out.

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