
Monday, October 03, 2022

All On A Saturday -

Weekends are made for brunching!  And one of the side benefits (and demise of my diet!) is being invited to join in at meal time.

There is something special about sitting around a big dining room table surrounded by quilters and being made to feel part of their group.

All of the chatter - talking over this and that and everything, getting to know the ladies one by one (especially the new ones!) and reconnecting with those I haven't seen since last year this time, it is just wonderful!

This is the kind of thing that makes me feel that there is still good in the world.  That no matter what happens, we've got each other's back.  

Pass the biscuits, please!

Our extraordinary chefs making omelets!

Thank you, ladies!

After breakfast, it was right back to creating!

No pattern info, but there are sheep and chicken blocks to go with this medallion in progress! If you know the name of the pattern or designer on anything I post, please leave it in the comments section!

Weekends are also for sewing in jammies!

The big question -  Where is April?!?

In the hall way laying out her wedding ring UFO!

This is the weekend she gets it together!

YAY!!  Job well done!

Impromptu show & shares were happening in the hallway too!

Denise has a lot of binding ahead -

I love this size of lap quilt -

Perfect for couch snuggling when it's a bit chilly.

Gorgeous fabrics and colors!

Ooh's & Ahh's brought a 3rd party to our  sneak peek!

Marveling at how perfect the fan quilting is for this Corey Yoder design.


And miles of binding to stitch over the next while!

The Shippenstitchers are packing it up and headed home this morning.  It's been a wonderful visit and I look forward to having them back same time next year!

Lola on Caturday.

It's as if she is saying "Aren't YOU going to sew anything?  Or are you just hanging around the treat table over there?"  LOL! #stinkeye

I did some.  But I did more of this.

As I stated - I really don't know where these blocks are going to go. Maybe into a lap size project.  I brought another tub of shirt part pieces over to the QPO from the Cabin closet -  But what is in that tub is fairly small and if I can't at least get 4 matching squares from any strip the strip is too small.

What do I really want to do with those small pieces? (There goes another thing on the drawing bard!)

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

String Log Cabin quilt from my collection, made in 2006.
I think I need to make another of these!

Sometimes just getting our minds to shut down is the hardest part.
No matter what the mind says, the heart knows best.

What do you have in store or your Monday today?⁣



Debra said...

Lots of pretties being made! Love it.
Getting ready for a road trip tomorrow to pick up the LA.
Kitty is running around like a lunatic! I sing Pink Floyd to him when he's like this .
Have a great day Bonnie.

sue s said...

That wedding ring quilt is beautiful- and such a nice job on it! I've been "de-boning" a bunch of shirts with no idea what I'll make too, so I enjoy seeing what you've done with yours. Your quote today is a true statement. There is some heartbreak in my family and it wakes me up at night. To get back to sleep I turn on BBC radio and listen to the talk (and quiet my mind) until sleep comes. My mornings are better for it.

TheEclecticAbuela said...

Yes, please make another String Log Cabin (and share the technique in a pattern 😊). I'd love to see how it is done.

TheaMinPA said...

My morning was spent cleaning a sewing machine in an effort to find the part of a broken needle. Turned out the machine had 'apparently' never been cleaned before! An amazing quantity of lint around the bobbin area. The broken bit of needle was finally found UNDER the bobbin shuttle.
Now for some me time!

Ginny A said...

Your quotes just hit the spot so many days. String ANYTHING is always a win in my book!

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