
Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Shippenstitchers Parade of Quilts!

It was a gloomy post-hurricane rain kind of Sunday. 

We had waited out the weather hoping to give everyone a chance to either finish their quilt top, or get blocks to a point where they could be shared over the rail -

All the while hoping the sky would not open once again and rain on our parade.

It was dicey!  

The wind was intermittent, and came in gusts.  One second the quilts were behaving, and the next they were fluttering barely controlled in the breeze.

We decided to just go with it and call those fluttery photos "Action shots!"

Pineapple Blossom from the Free Patterns tab, a good start on a gorgeous medallion, framed squares, Scrappy Mountain Majesties blocks and a LOVELY EPP star in rainbow colors!

There's a flutter!

Log cabin with hearts in the block centers, a beautiful gold/black star, sheep block, a row of pineapples (AMAZING!) and a modern art quilt top ready for ruler work via machine quilting.  It's going to be stunning!

These ladies worked so hard through the weekend.

Floral watercolor log cabin, and a black/white swirling star!

I love the black with the red!

We couldn't resist trying the log cabin quilt on bedroom 5's queen sized bed. From what I gathered this quilt top is a LONG TIME UFO - like think back to the watercolor quilts of the late 1990s. 25 years later and it is a bright and fresh and new as it can be.

I love the effect of the smaller blocks pieced into the setting triangles. It makes such a nicer finish that huge while triangles by themselves.

It's going to be so gorgeous on any bed!  Well done!

Posing with their rope bowls from the mini class earlier in retreat!

Great job, everyone!

Everyone was out the door by 10am and I settled in to the laundry dance to get things ready for our next group hosted by Irene and Cotton To Quilts. They will arrive Wednesday afternoon.

Remember when I said yesterday that I wanted to make some wonky log blocks out of recycled shirt strings after yesterday's Quote of the Day?

While waiting for loads to finish so they could be flipped from washer to dryer and new loads started - I turned on some Netflix to indulge myself in some Call The Midwife (I love this show!) and some simple stitching.

Yes - I KNOW I have all of those Ladder Star blocks cut out and ready to go, and I'll get to them - but I just didn't want to have to sew perfectly.

Seven blocks in - and I think I like it!

Something I've never messed with before - keeping block colors together.  And doing sets of 4 in each color.

I know I can do blue, brown, black/grey, green, red, orange/yellow.  Most of the shirts are masculine so I don't think there will be enough for purples or pinks - but I'll go with it.

The fabrics are not all shirts in the neutrals - there are just not enough neutral shirts that are interesting so I am throwing in other neutrals that fit the feel I am going for.

And since not all fabrics are from shirts - some (as in the brown) are from blouses, skirts, dresses - so there may be a few calico/prints showing up in there to break up the plaid as well.

The center squares are coming form my squares boxes and while some are plaids, some are prints just to make things more interesting. These are not all recycled from clothing, but are recycled from other people's (And my own!) scrap stash.

Someone owns the neutral string bin -

I'll let her!

Today friend Martha is stealing me away for a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway to see the changing colors.  We both feel like we deserve a time out.  I'm looking forward to it.

Yesterday afternoon I swung by CVS while running some errands for my bivalent booster and flu shot. Shots were at 5pm with the hopes that if I were to start feeling punky I'd do so in the wee small hours.

So far so good. Fingers crossed and Ibuprophen at the ready.

This morning the sun is shining through the leaves that remain on the trees in my side yard, and I am getting eager for them to fall enough that I can see the long range view of mountains in the distance.

It's going to be a lovely day for leaf peeping!

What do you have on your plate for today?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I don't get people who don't get my need to always be creating. That's why I like hanging around all of you!
You get me. We get each other!

Have a Terrific Tuesday, everyone!



Cats said...

i don't 'get' people who claim they are not creative!!! They must be horribly constipated!!! How can you not be creative??? I'm sorry for their inner child, cause i know mine won't let me rest!!! AND the more I let her out and about, the more creative she becomes... I think that's the 'secret' of creativity! One other thing this happy Tuesday!!! Mine has become the laundry 2-step, or tango, or whatever dance I'm doing any particular day... step to the washer, turn to the dryer and round about to sorting and folding, in the meantime, it's once to the dryer and another to the washer, until we're all folded and done! Have a fabulous week everybody, I love all the lovely chats and Bonnie's never-ending creativity, Cats in sunny, hot, Carlsbad (where did fall go?) CA.

cityquilter grace said...

another gray and drizzly day here in central MD...

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

LOL!!! Cats, you and Bonnie have it right! I'm still laughing, five minutes later about the constipated comment! I find when I'm in the middle of a project, the creative juices start flowing again and another project is born. Sometimes, though, I've forgotten the totally inspired idea for my next project even after I've pulled fabrics for that new idea and later find the pile and wonder, what the heck was I going to do with this? Today is a work day for me and I'm promising myself I'm going to get the work order done today so I can work on one of my projects.

Gail Piper said...

I love hanging out with people who let their creativity out to play - they feed my own imagination. Hubby and I spent yesterday afternoon and evening at our county fair - we enjoyed seeing the exhibits in the art hall of quilts, woodworking, photography, paintings, gourd art, floral arrangements, collections, antique items, and much more! Each exhibited item shows an interest or talent - so very inspiring.

sue s said...

I'm glad you were able to do porch quilts; I really look forward to them! We are having a lovely string of fall days here in southern Michigan, but the trees are hanging on to those leaves with only a few maples turning so far. Today I finish my "squirrel" project- a fall table runner for the living room.

Leah said...

I love your free-form, mostly-shirt Log Cabin blocks! Looking forward to seeing where that project leads you.

Started a new recycled shirt project recently. I save some of the non-quiltable shirt parts (plackets, etc.) for other uses. Had hundreds of neckbands from 10+ years of shirt buying, but didn't have an idea to use them since they curve, taper, etc. Decided to cut them apart at the edge seams, harvesting the long strips of fabric. (Didn't want to sew them as strings - too narrow, some have worn areas, yellowing...) I've been twisting them into fabric twine to make rugs. The twisting goes really fast and is a great evening TV project. Going to be a cool, sturdy rug from what would otherwise be trash. The shirts just keep on giving!

Dallas D said...

I scored some good purple shirts at a 'new to me' thrift store and set aside a sleeve of each for you. I just have to find *where* I set them.

Mary said...

I had a Busy day finishing the center of my Rhodedendron Trail. lots of Ooos and ahhs from my fellow UFO day friends. Hurray, it's almost ready for the frosting aka: Quilting. Because I made my sashings bigger it fits great on my Queen sized bed. Pretty Quilts over the rails and on the #5 Bed. Great job Ladies. Today is a quiet day for Hubby, resting up for the rest of the week. Enjoy Martha time looking for the fall colors.

gardenwitch said...

Just finished thre 11 season of Call the Midwife. Can't wait for the next one.

Suzanne Shearon said...

When my good friend heard that I was going on quilt retreat "again," she commented, "What more can there possibly be for you to sew?" She doesn't "get" my passion for quilting. That's okay because she's a great friend in all the other areas of my life. I have quilt friends who "get" my quilting. Thank heavens for them! :)

Judy in Michigan said...

How is the kitty with UTI doing? You haven't mentioned if she is better. Thanks.

Jan the quilter said...

Upcycling! Yea for you!

Jan the quilter said...

Your porch quilts were really spectacular even though your had to dodge the wind and rain to get the picture. The fourth from the left (EPP rainbow one) took my breath away. Really!

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