
Saturday, October 29, 2022

It Was Only Friday!

What was up with yesterday?

All day long I kept thinking it was Saturday, but nope.  Only Friday!

I think it's because I am crunching on getting everything ready for the introductory post for this year's Quiltville Winter Mystery to go love this coming Monday which also happens to be Halloween.

Maybe that's it?  That I am catching the Mystery Fever rampantly flowing through social media, especially my own Quiltville's Open Studio group on Facebook?

Oh - the fervor is mounting. And that brings on SO much pressure! (And excitement too.)

Also exciting - Open Studio now has over 95,000 members - so much boundless creativity flowing in that space.

At any rate - this was my view as I sat in the stand still of a morning Appalachian Traffic Jam with Quiltville Inn in plain sight - but couldn't get there because they were working on the road and down to one lane with pilot cars ahead.

So close and yet so far!

My "It's gotta be Saturday" fog continued!

I even made a #caturday post of Lola lounging on the remains of purple backing fabrics, and my purple hoodie looking like the princess she is.  All of social media replied "It's still FRIDAY!"


In Lola's world - EVERY DAY is Caturday.

Purple Franken-backing accomplished.

SUPER FUN!  And I used up so much old stuff, you guys. I figure this cleared about 8 yards out of the "use it up" stash.  The scraps will go back into the scrap stash, as will the margins after quilting and binding.

On the long arm front - another "DUH" moment.  Of course I'm not hearing back from anyone.  It's Quilt Market time.  They are all in Houston - or headed there.

So we sit and wait a while longer.

And since I can't long arm quilt, I piece:

A new paper piecing project!  Weeeee!

Watch this space for more details.  It's going to be a bit of a long term project as we work our way closer to the holidays.

I'm scrounging through blues in my Scrap User's System. No details yet - but it's like a breath of fresh air for me at this point.

And the Juki is an amazing paper piecer!

The solid yellow-green is a piece of yardage I've had hanging around forever, so it's nice to find a project where it will shine.

Last evening out to dinner - can you see the crescent moon?

It was SO bright - hard to capture by camera.

While Bonnie's away, the quilters will play!

Kimi won the fabric strip stash in a game of Left, Right, Center.  Always the newbie winning the jackpot!

Not to be outdone, our other newbie Julia took the pot in the last game of the evening.  Well done!

Isn't the joy in her face infectious? I can hear all the laughter!

While I was not able to get out and about with everyone (still healing, and progress is slow) some did get out on the Appalachian Trail yesterday.

Great photo!

Tonight the plan is for fire pit, pending on the weather.  If it is too windy we'll have to scrap it.  But we are hoping for a nice evening!

Don't forget to sign up for the Nov/Dec '22 Quiltmaker Gift-Away HERE!

And before I forget - it's time to draw for our winners of the Bristol Pattern & Fabric Roll Gift-Away!

Gift-Away entries ended this morning at 5075! 

I will be drawing for 2 lucky winners that will each receive a Bristol PDF pattern from me and a Checks & Plaids Color Roll from  Cotton to Quilts!

And our winners are!

Congrats, ladies!  Please check your email inboxes for your notification emails with PDF pattern attached.

Please respond to those emails with your mailing addresses and I'll have the folks at Cotton to Quilts get your fabric rolls out to you ASAP!


Introductory Special: I have placed the PDF pattern for Bristol at 25% off in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.  No coupon needed!  Sale price good through 10/31/22.  Hurry now and save!

I've also placed the PDF pattern for Spider & The Fly  at 25% off in both the Quiltville Store and Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop - no coupon needed!

The price is good through 10/31/22 and will revert back to full price on 11/1/22.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

There are so many opportunities available with each choice! Every minute, every hour!
What will you do with yours today?

I'm off to work on that new project!  YAY!

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!



StellaRose said...

ohhhhh... that yellow-green solid just shines! Love it!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

It is raining here in Arkansas and so it is the perfect day to hand sew the binding on a wedding quilt for my grandaughter's softball coach. They got married in Sept. and I need to get the king size binding done before Tuesday. Around me go!!!

nancy c said...

Love Lola's glamour shot. She is such a pretty cat! And I can't wait to see what you make out of those interesting blue and yellow/green blocks! I am looking forward to this year's Mystery Quilt. Keep healing and have a great weekend!

Marti said...

I can hear you chomping on the bit with the long arm!!! I'm working on a pile of donation lap quilts on my Sweet Sixteen and panicked yesterday when it jammed, until I discovered a very bent needle!!! New needle and all is well!

Debra said...

Congratulations 🎉👏 to the ladies that won!
Your paper piecing project looks very pretty. Love the blue with that apple green.
Beautiful day here today.
Hubs is replacing all the interior doors in our house with 6 panel doors solid. Nice. 1 or 2 more to go.
I'll be cutting more fabric for Triple Treat.
Have a pieceful day ❤️

bev constantine said...

I had the Friday/Saturday thing going on yesterday, also. My son came to visit me during the day yesterday. As he usually comes up on the weekend, it really threw me off.

Mary said...

I love my Saturdays more than I used to. Taking time to watch my Hallmark Christmas Movie is my favorite. I wish I had something to bind. Sitting and mindless stitching will have to do. How may more 4 patches do I need in Blues?? Gotta get it DONE! 2 more sleeps, but I have to wait for Tuesday. Hubby wants to go with me. I need some Root Starter and Potting soil at Lowe's. A Few years ago I bought a Christmas Statue to sit on my porch.

Patricia said...

Regarding the Barry Manilow tune "When October Goes". I thought you might find this interesting. It was a Johny Mercier song and his widow gave the rights to Mr. Manilow because of his song "Mandy".....they had a Mandy. Rosemary Clooney also did a beautiful rendition. Just an FYI....a day late!

Margaret said...

Ah...Caturday! :-) My Miss Pookie agrees with Lola! I have to say I'm excited about the next mystery -- even if I'm still assembling blocks from 2021! Nothing's more fun than a new start!

Tracey Honig said...

I feel your woes on the pilot line traffic. About 6 years ago they repaved the whole highway we live on. It stunk when I had to be the first car in the line closest to the house... I just want to get home!! Today I got treat bags together for the kiddos, and my daughter and I will be putting her quilt up on the design wall together this evening. As always Lola put a smile on my face, and I agree with her... every day should be Caturday!! Getting excited for the Winter Mystery as well!! It always looks like such fun around a retreat. Congratulations to the winners!! Enjoy your weekend! :)

Summit St Shop said...

Awww I agree - every day is CATurday :)

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