
Monday, July 25, 2022

Entering Week Two -

This was so unexpected.  And so lovely!

Thank you!

All of the emails, messages and even cards have lifted my spirits greatly and I know I will get through this if I can muster enough patience to just lay low for the recommended amount of time.


The knee scooter is helping greatly but I am still limited to the main floor of my little house.

Thank heavens for loads of hand quilting.  And podcasts.  And audiobooks and some TV here and there (Because too much is mind numbing.)

The cards have been beautiful, funny, cute, heart touching -

And some even share your beautiful quilts displayed on the front!

This is Kelly's En Provence  on a notecard.  How beautiful!

Some friends send scraps!

They go straight to my heart!

Thank you, Cathy!

Truth be told, this was already on its way when I had my accident, and it arrived earlier in the week while I was very laid up.  I let her know the box was here, but we didn't pick it up from the QPO until I went over on Friday and I dug through it over the weekend.

Oh, so much fun stuff!  Thank you!

Today is the big ENT day to see if anything is displaced with the facial fractures.

The foot is bothering less and less - and the only thing ibuprophen is need for is the present facial headache.  It's mild - but there.

Last night however, I slept the best sleep I have had in I don't know how long - so yes, things are improving.

Now if I could only muster the patience to not do too much too soon.

I'm celebrating weight bearing mobility come Friday when Martha is going to chauffer me off to a haircut to break in that walking boot properly. Don't worry - she'll drop me right at the door and I'll have the crutches if weight bearing is too much.  But haircut - YES!

Two things I've been binging in the mean time:

Burden of Truth on Hulu (Canadian series and very good!)

For the People - on Hulu, too I think - also really good!

I guess I've been in a legal eagle frame of mind.

The Bosch series is one I'm watching WITH the hubster - so catching that now and again in the evening time.

Over the weekend Chris's Christmas in July Group has been busy!

I offered up my park pass so they could hike to see the ponies.  They were out and about!  I'm so happy for them.

Today is Chris's birthday (Hence Christmas in July!) and from what I understand they are out in search of waterfalls.  I'll see them later today either before or after the ENT visit.

Cookie Decorating on the Porch!

I'm so glad that retreats go on having a grand ole time - even if I feel I am missing out on all the fun!

There are only a couple of days left to enter!

Did you see this happened Last Week?

It's my newest PDF pattern release - Kismet!
What happens when you combine traditional triangle units with improv inspired string blocks? Kismet, that’s what!⁣

I had enough units left over to make a wall hanging size!

(Little Kismet is sure cute!)
Quilt Sizes: Full: 78’’X 78’’ Wall: 42’’X 42’’⁣
I'm so in love with this quilt, I can't wait to share it with you - so we are kicking everything off with 25% off introductory pricing and no coupon needed, good through 7/31/22.

And two lucky winners will each receive the PDF pattern for Kismet AND Nearly Lemoyne (Also on sale at 25% off) from me along with a Kaleidoscope fabric roll from CottonToQuilts.com!
Whoowhooo! We will draw for those winners THIS Wednesday 7/27/22 - so hurry and get those entries in on the Gift-Away Post.

Seeing all this gorgeous scrappiness here makes me long for some machine time even more - just a few more days and I'll be boot-worthy and able to make it up/down stairs (slowly and carefully) and hopefully get that pedal to the metal.

As has been stated - it's a good thing I broke my left foot not my sewing foot. LOL!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

(And I adore this sampler quilt!)

Don't be afraid to start!
It's okay to start small.
it's okay to move slowly.
Just begin! 



Shifra G. said...

Glad to hear you're getting better. I don't know if anyone suggested this but when I broke both bones in my leg years ago and had a cast half way up my thigh, the best lesson I got from the physical therapist for dealing with stairs was to tushy bop up the stairs, i.e., to sit on the stairs and use your arms to move up, step by step. It works great. Only problem is when you get to the top. Your behind is on the top step and your legs are 2 steps down. We added a step stool and a chair, so I pushed up to the stool, then to the chair, then I was able to stand with crutches at the top of the stairs and proceed from there. I sure hope this helps. May you have a speedy recovery.

Cats said...

ahhhh, good news, and gratitude for healing! Hope your haircut provides the hoped for 'lift' -- and your ENT says nothing needs to be done but natural healing. Best to you, Cats in Carlsbad CA

Pammy Evans Witt said...

Your Kismet quilt and wall hanging looks like stained glass! Very pretty. Take care!

Debra said...

Ah Bonnie...you are so loved. By your followers and family and inn visiters..
Our new kitten is becoming more comfortable with home and family... he's just adorable. A blonde LH male..the guys named him Loki after the Norse god of mischief.

Charlotte M. said...

Those ladies look like they are having so much fun. Quilters certainly know how to carry on even when all is not as planned. Glad you're slowly feeling better. It is so hard to sit still and heal when we are used to go go going.

Marti said...

Have Dave bring your featherweight upstairs. Or is it that you cannot wear your glasses to see? Don't over do!!! Take it from someone who has been there! Hugs!

Judy said...

You do this. One baby step at a time and don't rush it or you will be back at square one. You have a lot of people rooting for you.

Mary said...

R & R one more week. Have fun with Martha, friends like her are rare. I'm recovering from two 2 hour away, travel days, both ways. My body hates riding in our little car. Moving slower than normal on a Monday. Gonna be a scorcher this week in the PNW, some days in the 110 plus degrees. Hot-Hot-Hot

Ruth McIlwain said...

Hi to all. I am still vacationing in Germany with family. It is my
grandchildren first trip to the country of birth. They love all the castles and are looking forward to a ship tour tomorrow on the Rhein River. The day of Bonnie's drawing will be the day we'll be le ing for home.

Sharon said...

I'm glad you are doing better. I was hospitalized for four days two years ago with an autoimmune disease, and when I got out, I was too weak and shaky to sew for about two months. I finally decided to try some string piecing, because I figured it didn't matter if I couldn't sew perfectly straight. It went slow, but after a couple of months, I was back to sewing. Also, I've had two surgeries on my right foot. I can get around pretty fast with a knee scooter. I also learned to use the sewing machine foot pedal with my left foot. Take care of yourself.

Kathy Davis said...

Good idea seeing an ENT. Can you breathe through your nose or is it still too swollen? I hope you didn't crack your eye sockets at all. A fall like that is so mentally traumatic. That feeling of, hey I was minding my own business, why did this have to happen to me?!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

The right nostril is partly obstructed but it looks like it is just swelling and should not require surgery. I'm grateful for that.

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