
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Flag Day Solidarity Gift-Away!

Happy Flag Day to my USA Quiltvillians!

On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress took a break from writing the Articles of Confederation and passed a resolution stating that “the flag of the United States be 13 stripes, alternate red and white,” and that “the union be 13 stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.”

Over 100 years later, in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson marked the anniversary of that decree by officially establishing June 14 as Flag Day. 

Flag day for is is the kick-off day for Summer and everything red/white/blue in my world.

And so I present to you, Solidarity!

Before Hearts of Hope became a reality, Solidarity was already underway in my sketches and block samples. It was on the list for "Flag Season" and just as I was pulling things together making the blue heart tops - well you know what happened.

Russia invaded Ukraine and as quilters do, we banded together to show our Solidarity with the people of Ukraine and our Hearts of Hope sew-along was born, altering the colors from red/white/blue to yellow/blue/white.

As soon as that top was complete, I dove right back into my original vision.

My string bins hold limitless possibilities!

(And some really ugly stuff too - but it's ALL good!)

You know the SNL skit declaring "Needs More Cowbell!"?  In my world it's NEEDS MORE STRINGS!

With having Hearts of Hope available for a limited time in a simplified layout, I struggled a bit with how to include everything within Solidarity.

And the answer came like a lightning bolt in the dark.  The pattern for Solidarity includes the bonus pattern for Hearts of Hope.  Together.  As one. Just as we stand for the people of Ukraine and their sovereignty as a nation.

Solidarity isn't just a pattern. It's a pattern booklet including both quilts and 26 pages of instruction so even if you find yourself as a beginner, the many step-by-step full color photos and graphics will take you through each optional method with all the tips & tricks, hints & helps that you would find during our Quiltville's Winter Mystery season.

It's a veritable workshop in pdf format.

It's all in there!

And the flip side, because I know you want to see it -

Even the 1990s watermelon fabric shouts summer and I'm happy to have a place for it to finally land after so many years waiting in the stash for just the right project.

I'll be hanging Solidarity in the front foyer at Quiltville Inn for all to enjoy through Labor Day.

And the Hearts of Hope quilt is included as a bonus!

Quilt Your Colors!

Fly your flag’s colors in a whirling, twirling array of favorite scrap fabrics.

The 26-page digital pattern booklet includes directions for both the 68 1/2'' X 68 1/2'' Solidarity quilt and the 58'' X 58'' Hearts of Hope variation.

Easy step-by-step instructions with many full-color photos and graphics to guide you through each step of the way. Block string piecing on paper foundations.

Optional but helpful: Bonnie K. Hunter's Essential Triangle Tool and either the Simple folded Corners ruler, or the Simple Folded Corners Mini.

Traditional rotary cutting methods are given for those who don't have access to these rulers.

And yes, there is introductory pricing!

I've marked Solidarity at 25% off through 7/5/22 in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

And that's not all! Also on sale through 7/5/22:

It's time to quilt Red White & Blue!
Come on, you know you want to!

Courthouse Square and Unity are also perfect for Flag Season.  If you missed them the first go-round, they are also 25% off in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop, no coupon needed!

And of course - the Solidarity pattern release wouldn't be complete without a Gift-Away!

I'll be drawing for TWO winners!  One will receive a Solidarity PDF pattern from me and a Facets of Red roll, and the second will receive the pattern and a Facets of Blue roll from  Cotton to Quilts!

If the winners are outside of the USA, we can send the fabric prize to a friend within the USA who can forward it on to you.

We'll draw for our winners on Monday, 6/27/22!

Good luck, everyone!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage Tennessee Waltz quilt found in Kentucky.

Dancing isn't something that happens just with our feet.
Dancing is something that happens with your soul and it starts in your mind!
Throw yourself into the happy dance of life!

Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone - I'm off to see the BEAST Quilters off on their homeward bound journeys - more to come on what we did over the past weekend.

There may be a nap today!



Quilter Kathy said...

Another gorgeous Bonnie quilt! I am machine quilting my Unity quilt this month and I super love everything about it!

Mary said...

You do love strings!! I'd love to win. Glad for our Freedom and Celebrations of our RW&B!! Great Gift-away. Happy Tuesday.

Debra said...

Happy Flag Day!
Great deal on those patterns... you're so generous Bonnie.
I'll spend today hand quilting..
June is just flying by.

RoxySherburne said...

Love, love, love the Solidarity quilt, and it would be fantastic to win one of your gift-aways!. I read your blogs every day and love your inspiration and seeing all the beautiful quilts created from you as well as those at the retreats. Thank you so much, Bonnie!

Cathy Ann Holt Sampson said...

That will be a beautiful patriotic quilt

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Folks - the blue button to enter the gift-away is down the page. You may need to read the WHOLE PAGE to find it. Please take your time and enjoy!

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