
Saturday, May 21, 2022

Sew a Lot, Eat More!

I have often said that when I contemplated having a retreat venue of my own, the thought of people feeding ME was never a part of my business plan!

Heaven knows it has wreaked havoc with my diet - it's a constant struggle - can you see why? LOL!

Yet, there is power in embracing my 60s and no longer having to strive for some perfect body size or shape - to embrace the kind of anonymity that entering that just-beyond-mid-life brings, and letting go somewhat of what society deemed important.

I am letting down so many barriers.  From what I choose to wear, to the fact that I don't feel the need to put make up on before leaving the house every single day. (We leave that for weddings, funerals and special occasions at this point!)

I finally feel like I am becoming ME.  The me I have been underneath behind the scenes all along.

I love good food - and there is plenty of it being served from this kitchen! 

But even more than that - focus on the joy and laughter emanating from this space!  As "women of a certain age"  we NEED this kind of community and connectivity in our lives.

There is so much living yet to do, as we all come into our own - who we were meant to be all along.

This is where creativity and connection happens.

And where beautiful projects show up on design walls.

Yesterday as also an appointment day for future things happening.

The French doors are being replaced - refer back up to the kitchen photo above and you'll see the ones to which I am referring.

They bow inward.  We have tried everything to get them to seal a bit better.  They don't. The wind howls through them in the winter time - it's just TIME for them to go.

But no worries - the contractor was out yesterday and we will be choosing something with period styling that will work a bit better.

Instead of two narrow doors that open inward - we will have one wider door that opens outward with a beautiful side panel.  There will be loads of glass so we still get the daylight.

And I want that door to have a spring-thing that will automatically close behind people to keep the bugs out.  (Need a spring-thing on the back entry door too for the same reason.)

Along with the much measuring for that French door replacement, there will be a custom storm window for the winter time to attach outside the kitchen sink window. (Also visible in the kitchen photo above.)

I didn't want to replace that whole kitchen window because of the original stained glass panels, but I'm also feeling very done with the double-shrink-wrapping we've had to do during the winter months to keep the gale force winds out.

Continuing around the side porch, the side entry (that was once the front of the house in 1884) will also be receiving a storm door for the SAME reason.

I am so happy we are now in the warmer months, but come winter, I want all of these things in place to keep the cold out and the warm in.

The other appointment.

Mabel had a check up yesterday.  When we adopted her she tested positive for Lyme disease.  She was on meds for a while, and we checked and everything is now fine!

However, she doesn't like waiting room waiting!

Friday's Rhododendron Explosion!

I hope these blooms stay around long enough to be enjoyed by Joanne's Quilters of the Night arriving next Wednesday!

In my own studio time -

It's been a busy few days and this was what machine time I've had lately - I have a mad plan, including some half-courthouse-steps blocks!

Yes, there are some crazy neutrals in here - including Millennium Y2K (that will never go away, it keeps showing up.  LOL!) and eggs. Yup, those are eggs!

And kitties.  And Downton Abbey.

And a rose bud print from 1980 something.

Because I can!

Yesterday's heat kept everyone in for the afternoon.  After Mabel's appointment I brought her home and crashed for a 2 hour nap, awaking at dinner time.  

But today I'm raring to go!  I have no idea what is in store for today, but I know there will be another breakfast opportunity on the back porch while I join in with the May Quiltvillians in another attempt to keep me from ever being too skinny.  LOL.

What do you have in store for your weekend ahead?

If you missed our Maymont Gift-Away kick off, head back to the Gift-Away post and check it out!  And don't forget to enter to win.

Photographed in front of one of my favorite abandoned places - I hope you have a wonderful time making Maymont your own using up scrap stash and sewing in the memories of where each of those fabrics came from.

Introductory pricing: I have placed the PDF pattern for Maymont in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Store at 25% off through 5/31/22. No coupon needed!

Price reverts back to $12.00 on 6/1/22. 

If this is your first time downloading digital patterns from my store to a computer click HERE.

If you intend to download to an iPhone/iPad click HERE.

And to kick things off with a bang, I'll be choosing TWO winners who will each receive a Maymont PDF pattern AND a Skittles color roll from  Cotton to Quilts!

Enhance your scrap stash with a pop of color with the Skittles color roll! Hand picked by Irene,  each color roll contains 20 different fabrics each measuring approximately 8 1/2 x 21" Fabrics may vary.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Learning new things is not always comfortable, and things don't always come easy.
There is no growth without struggle!
Push the boundaries of your comfort zone and see just what you can do!
Scrappy Mountain Majesties quilt in recycled fabrics. Free pattern from the Free Patterns tab  at the top of the blog.

Have a wonderful weekend, folks!



Rose Marie said...

Is it possible that Mabel might be having a flashback to when she was dropped off for adoption and she thinks you are going to abandon her also?

Kelly said...

Congratulations on embracing your 60s! I will turn 62 in a few months and this decade of life has been so freeing! It is ok to go out not "all done up". It is ok to not be a size 2 (this took a lot of time for me to learn, unlearning what was acceptable, i.e. If you weigh over 110lbs, diet time) It is ok to be you! Thank you for all you do for your community.

Quilter Kathy said...

There is nothing better in life than to be loved for who you are! So happy you are feeling like the best version of YOU! Also glad to hear that the beautiful Miss Mabel is well! Happy sewing today!

Cats said...

YES! TODAY is my 81st birthday and I'm secretly wishing your random picker would select me as a winner of that birthday gift. Oh, the fabric rolls! are so enticing... Irene does a great job putting colors together that you just GOTTA have... I know about Mabel's waiting room angst... makes my tummy hurt until I'm in and "seen" -- dentist? hygienist? doctor? it's the waiting... sigh... and one thing for which we can be thankful to Cov19 -- masking up helped us drop the make-up...! no sense putting it on face, when it would just transfer to inside of mask!! and then what a 'look' that gave us... lipstick on my nose? no fun to look like the clown i am!!! LOL... laugh and giggle & grin, but don't need a red nose!! As always, Bonnie, thank YOU for your contribution to my life and others in so many ways your encouragement and good cheer, sharing your quilting talents and fur people, sharing your own people... i could go on and on, but won't this time... Cats from Carlsbad, CA

Auntsister said...

I don't know what you're up to with the half courthouse square blocks, but I love those neutrals! Looking forward to seeing what you're creating. Re the 60s and being comfortable in your own skin, I decided years ago that I had become essentially invisible to the 'with it' world. After I processed this it was very liberating!!!!

BlessOSU said...

Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with blessings!

Unknown said...

I have that egg fabric, too!!! But it's mostly gone . . . and, yes, at a certain age (I think it differs for everyone) we have the luxury to become who we really are - what a treat!

Jocelyn said...

Thank you Bonnie for such an honest post. I just turned 70 and things are definitely slowing down for me. But it is true that being "me" is where we all need to be at this time of life. :-)

Jennifer Rauch said...

OMG! Wait 'til you are 70! Invisible comes in handy sometimes, but once in a while I put on makeup for date night & feel so special, glad i still remember how!

Luvkuku said...

At least Mabel doesn't pant and whine at the vet! 2 of mine adore going to the vet, but the third, NOT.

Judy said...

The new door sounds nice! I'm so glad that Mabel is well. Beautiful new pattern! It would be very hard to keep the weight off if such great food landed on my doorstep every few days! Lol.

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