
Monday, May 16, 2022

Maymont PDF Pattern Gift-Away!

Happy Monday, Quiltvillians!

I hope everyone had a splendiferous weekend doing what you love!

Incredible amounts of rain happened here after the Muddy Creek Misfits had clicked their collective heels three times and pointed their vehicles toward home.  

We had 2.45 inches of rainfall in a very short span of time yesterday - it was incredible.  And I'm so very glad that no one was driving through it, or had to load their cars through it all.

And there was more excitement involving a smoldering power pole - which I will fill you in on tomorrow. 

It was a weird, weird wet day!

Quilt size: 77'' x 90''

Today we are here to celebrate the release of my Maymont PDF quilt pattern!  It's been a long time coming!

I believe I was making this back last September, digging through an overflowing strip bin with a plan to eliminate strips under 9'' long.  The short strips that never seemed to be long enough to do much sure added up into something sew much fun!

Do your strips look like this?  You really CAN make something so beautiful from this humble mismatched mess!

There were evenings after a busy day with a bustling retreat - I would come home and press and iron strips, pairing fabrics to be sewn into easy strip sets.

There were small moments of time where I would simply slice and dice the strip sets and rearrange them to sew blocks.

And yes - pressing directions are given so seams will nest perfectly the whole way through this quilt.

For the longest time blocks were put up on the design wall in no particular order.  I was just making blocks.  I didn't know how I would set them until much later.  

The main goal was being accomplished, though - those odd-ball scraps were beginning to sing in harmony!

No, there are no sewn triangles in this quilt!

Edges are trimmed prior to quilting and stay-stitched to prevent bias stretching and the popping open of seams during the quilting process.

I didn't feel like Maymont needed borders - but you are also welcome to add them if you wish.

I quilted Maymont in a butter yellow thread in an edge to edge design called Running in Circles by Patrick Lose!

Texture from the back.  Super fun!

It's a scrappy back for the win!

With a yellow stripe for the binding.

Photographed in front of one of my favorite abandoned places - I hope you have a wonderful time making Maymont your own using up scrap stash and sewing in the memories of where each of those fabrics came from.

Introductory pricing: I have placed the PDF pattern for Maymont in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Store at 25% off through 5/31/22. No coupon needed!

Price reverts back to $12.00 on 6/1/22. 

If this is your first time downloading digital patterns from my store to a computer click HERE.

If you intend to download to an iPhone/iPad click HERE.

And to kick things off with a bang, I'll be choosing TWO winners who will each receive a Maymont PDF pattern AND a Skittles color roll from  Cotton to Quilts!

Enhance your scrap stash with a pop of color with the Skittles color roll! Hand picked by Irene,  each color roll contains 20 different fabrics each measuring approximately 8 1/2 x 21" Fabrics may vary.

Enter away!

We will draw for our two winners on Saturday, 5/28/22.

If our winners are outside of the USA, they may have their fabric prize shipped to a friend within the USA who can forward it on to them.

Be like a persistent flower...push up through all of the dirt and BLOSSOM! ⁣

Have a great Monday, everyone!



Patty P said...

Your post about colonoscopies was spot on. I went thru anal cancer in 2008 (I was 50 years old) and now have to have colonoscopies every 3 to 5 years. The prep is a pain but well worth the peace of mind. A coworker went thru the same cancer at the same time and has passed away because she didn't keep up with them, her cancer returned and it was too far along. I never take my health for granted....and I have too much fabric waiting to be sewn into quilts to die anytime soon!

JeanGB said...

And to add to Patty P: Your husband may not have a stash of fabric but I bet you have a Honey Do list long enough that he should be kept busy for a long time so he better on get any ideas!

DawnyK said...

Love this new pattern! Have set a reminder that if I don't win, I will purchase!!! I am still working on my 1.5" strips for Easy Breezy, but would love to have another Leader Enter for the wider strips. Thanks so much, Bonnie.

otherussin said...

Yes they do and it's worth the effort.

Tasha said...

I scampered off to purchase Maymont so quickly that I had to come back to read the rest of your list. I can’t wait to start making these fun blocks.

Jennifer Rauch said...

Colonoscopy tip! Drinking the "stuff" is less nasty if you drink it through a straw! Bypasses some of your tastebuds! The year I got one of mine, I'd been having nearly constant diarrhea, so staying near a bathroom was no big deal, & what a relief to have no visible polyps & discover a medicine I'd been taking for a year & a half was the culprit!

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