
Saturday, May 14, 2022

Hearts of Hope Love!

This week has reaffirmed to me just WHY we make quilts.  And keep making quilts.

"I think I'll make JUST ONE quilt." Said NO QUILTER EVER!

As quilters we all know the call.  

Someone is graduating.  Must make a quilt!

Someone is getting married.  Must make a quilt!

Someone is having a baby.  Must make a quilt!

Someone is moving away.  Must make a quilt!

Someone is retiring.  Must make a quilt!

Someone is recovering from surgery or illness.  Must make a quilt!

Someone is mourning the loss of a loved one.  Must make a quilt!

Children in crisis.  Must make a quilt!

Women's shelter needs.  Must make a quilt!

Military recognition.  Must make a quilt!

This is why we do what we do.  And we do it with all we are capable of, putting our hearts, hopes, prayers and well wishes into each patch with each and every stitch.

Here is Martha's petite sweet mama next to the recipient of Martha's Hearts of Hope quilt in patriotic red white and blue.

A special quilt for an adopted in family member, an Army soldier undergoing chemo for cancer and dang well headed to beat it.

THIS is why we quilt.  It's not for the awards and ribbons from fancy shows and monetary recognition.  It's for moments like this.  When the gifted comfort of a quilt provides the warmth and physical presence of love when we can't always be with that person.

It's a visual tactile reminder that they are never alone.

This is why we quilt.

Okay, and these girls love quilts too!

Yesterday was a busy hurry up and wait kind of day.

I headed over to Quiltville Inn to spend about an hour with the ladies before coming back home to take the hubster to his procedure.

We had coffee on the porch, so I spread out the double-knit log cabin (purchased for $5.00 at Goodwill about 20 years ago and indestructable1) And tethered Mabel and Zoey  so they'd leave the ladies at the tables be.

Oh, these faces!

It was the perfect "short" visit to introduce Mabel to everyone and for Zoey to say "Welcome back!"

This was my view.  For a LONG TIME.

I was glad that I had my tablet with me.  Caught up on email? Yep.  Checked out all the social media platforms I needed to peek in on?  Yep.  

I'm just going to put this out here bluntly.  The Hubster is 62.  I have been BEGGING him since he turned 50 to get his colonoscopy.  He wouldn't do it because he was afraid of the PREP.  Afraid of spending too much time on the toilet?  LET'S GET REAL HERE!

Finally his doctor said the right words and yesterday was the day along with an endoscopy to check some things going on in his throat as well.


I didn't know whether to be so grateful (Yes I was)  or spew out the I TOLD YOU SO card.

Mostly I just cried.  We are waiting for biopsy results.  The doc didn't think we have anything to be worried about, but we need to be sure.

I stood there talking to the nurse before he went in to the exam commiserating the fact that I don't understand the big deal. Why are men such weenies? (Yes, I said that!)

As a woman I have pushed 3 human beings out into the world from the inside of my body.  I have my breasts mashed with regular yearly mammograms.  I endure the indignity of pap smear exams on schedule when needed for my own safety.  I had my first colonoscopy at 51, and I'll have another one likely this coming winter.

And men don't want to sit on the toilet.

Tell me again why men are running most of this country?

I bit my cheek to hold back the chuckle that threatened to emerge when the doc said "We'll see you back in TWO YEARS."

I will dang well be sure he is there for that one.

And if you haven't had your colonoscopy - please go get it.  It's so important.  Those polyps could have become cancerous.  And it is something that other alternatives like "Colo Guard" tests won't pick up UNTIL they have gone beyond and turned cancerous.  By then it may be too late.

By the time I made it back to the retreat it was nearly 5pm - and I was so emotionally worn through all I could do is sit with a beverage and chat.  No sewing.

But there was lemon cake.

Lilacs bursting forth.

I so wish you could smell this!

The little blossoms are almost all open now!

Yes, another Maymont reject photo!

Nice view of the recycle bin by the door.  LOL!

I'm still hoping for Monday release on this one.  The Muddy Creek Misfits head home tomorrow so I should get some Sunday afternoon desk time to fine tune everything and get it ready.

Be watching for special introductory pricing - the PDF pattern will be available at a discount in both the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Store.

Yes, the Gift-Away for two winners will also include gorgeous fabric color rolls from Cotton to Quilts.

Today - I'm back at the machine hoping to make more progress on getting all of the blocks for my 2023 Addicted to Scraps columns in Quiltmaker Magazine ready.

And that porch at Quiltville Inn is beckoning -

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I love this quote! There is one more line that goes:⁣
"You are a swirling vortex of limitless potential!"
I felt like it fit this quilt photo perfectly.⁣
I was walking through an antique mall in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in 2016 on the way to the airport and I found this beautiful well worn 1990s Mariner's Compass design by Judy Mathieson underneath a stack of other linens in a basket. Somebody expertly pieced this! The stitching was incredible.
My thoughts run this way: At some point all of the brand new sparkling quilts we are making today may become a bit outdated, perhaps well worn and fading, ⁣
But they will tell the story of a quiltmaker's passion with fabric, needle and thread.⁣
At that point, I hope people will look beyond the now dated fabric and the styles and the name brands, and see our lives in our quilts.

And with that, I'll wish you all a wonderful weekend.

(With an undertone of "Please go schedule your colonoscopy!")

Much love -



CatQuilter said...

I had my latest colonoscopy in November only to be told there was a growth where they couldn't snip it off. So I had to have a more "invasive" scope in December. Yep, the growth still couldn't be reached, so I had surgery in January - it was benign, praise God. But still if it had remained there it could have been much much worse, Agreed the prep is "crappy" (pun intended) but it's far better than chemo.

Judy said...

Beautiful lilacs!!! (Sadly, ours did not do so well this year, maybe next.)

robynfam said...

Had my first scope at 65, Just turned 69. One polyp they could not get out and had to have surgery. It came back Stage 1 cancer. Have had colonoscopys at 1 yr out and 2 yr out and thankfully skipped this year and will do one next year. Am so glad it was done as it could have been much worse than it was. Yes the prep is horrible, but saving a life id priceless!

Mary Ellen said...

Back home from 9 days in the hospital. Heart is very weak (who knew? I had no symptoms until a week ago) and I am home with an external defibrillator. I am going to try to make some blue and yellow heart blocks. I have been unable to sit comfortably at the sewing machine due to sciatica since January. Heart failure has put that in perspective. Thank goodness for modern medicine. Glad you got hubby in for a colonoscopy.

Laura said...

My mother is 83 and has refused for years to get a colonoscopy. She has never had one. My MIL is 86, and has had regular colonoscopies. She was just diagnosed with anal canal cancer. Doesn't seem fair.

Jacqueline said...

I had my latest colonoscopy a couple of months ago and had one polyp they removed that was pre-cancerous so I go back in two years. Glad they caught it early!

Mary said...

Happy faces with that Hearts of Hope Quilt. Yes for all those reasons we Quilt and buy the fabrics, even when we have a basement full. Gotta love the weenies in our life. Mabel and Zoey look like they want the ladies to come closer. Glad they have a quilt for the Porch. It's a Rainy Saturday. I dislike travelling in it, but we have errands to run. No Quilting today for me.

Unknown said...

Re: colonoscopies ... I am one who has had several and am now on the one year "plan" due to the discovery & removal of 11 polyps last year, some which were "precancerous". But, the reason I am adding my experience is because this new surgeon's pre-op prep was palatable compared to Moviprep, etc. which I have had to drink before previous colonoscopies which all were awful tasting. My 2021 "cocktail" started with 4 Dulcolex tablets followed by a mixed drink of Miralax & Gatorade. Stay well and quilt on!

vicki said...

Everyone hates them but guess what u got to do it!! Thank goodness he finally went.. big hugs bonnie!!

janice dinse said...

So who climbed on the roof to hang that quilt? Looks impressive. I had three colonoscopies in two weeks (top that) when they thought I had ovarian cancer. Talk about miserable!

Linda K. said...

Hubby and I both have colonoscopy every 5 years as both our fathers had colon cancer. You get used to it. No biggie.

Ptquilter said...

I had my most recent Colonoscopy in 2021. Come back in 10 years. Not sure I'll want another at 79 but I'll decide when I get that far. Pray the results are negative. Have a blessed Sunday!

Charlotte K said...

Did the colonoscopy earlier this year. I'm on the 5 year rotation.

otherussin said...

Yeah prep for a colonoscopy is not tasty but it does help prevent some cancers. I got mine done every 5 years till last year. The Dr said we'll it's not reccomended for people over 75. So I let it slide. I'm rethinking this idea as colon cancer runs in the family. Good for you getting your husband to get it done. I ha 5 polyps 1st time. and the Dr. removed them all clear on colonoscopies ever since. That God.

Gayle from MI said...

I guess I'm the weird one. The only part of the prep I really hate is the starving for two days! 2 days without fruit and veggies with second also including no other food! Mine are fine. Hubby had his first at 45 because his mother died of colon cancer at 51. He already had polyps. He was only able to go 5 years one time because every other time he had at least 2. His siblings? Don't even go. He is due next year and we'll see about it because his dementia just took a big turn for the worst. Not sure I want to put him through the test . And Colibard? Should be taken off the market in my opinion.

Samantha M said...

Keeping everything crossed for you and the Hubster, Bonnie.
Love the lilacs!

Linda Garcia said...

A friend of ours (male) refused to get a colonoscopy. My husband tried for years to talk him into getting one. No dice. Long story short, he died from colon cancer in April, 2020. Such a needless waste!
I am so glad that your hubby finally got it done! I had my first colonoscopy at age 30, due to some GI issues. I have never had any polyps, but have continued to have regular colonoscopies through the last 30 years. They are no fun, but neither is dying from a preventable cancer.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Yes! And they also need to get yearly bloodwork for PSA tests. My husband has been good about this (and his colonoscopies) and thank heavens because it caught his prostate cancer so very early. His was a more aggressive kind, and early detection made all the difference!! They got it all, and no further treatment will be needed.

Carol said...

It has been a few years since my last one but got it done a couple of weeks ago. Yes, the prep is lousy but the result was good. I don't have to go back for 5 years and that was encouraging.
I love the lilacs. I took a walk earlier this morning and passed a couple of them but didn't have much of a smell yet. I will try again tomorrow.
I spent my weekend at a quilt retreat with Creative Sewing in Geneva, IL and came home last night inspired and uplifted. I really needed it since I care for my 97 year old mother and a husband who is slowing down a lot since he retired. I love that your husband does so much for you. That is a blessing.

Farm Quilter said...

Colonoscopies do save lives, every day! I had one in July 2021 and a month later I had a foot of my colon removed because of diverticulitis...what should have been 2" in diameter was 5" - definitely unhappy! Being adopted, I have no family history to fall back on, so I just do what needs to be done. Why do (many) men have such an issue with doing to the doctor for most things?

VA said...

My father put off his colonoscopy & later found he had colon cancer. He had part of colon removed and passed away seven months later (eleven years ago today). Last year I had my third colonoscopy; I just wish I could convince my husband to get his. Hoping the news is good for your family!

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