
Monday, November 01, 2021

Welcome, November!

This was Halloween in the Quiltville Post Office (QPO) Studio yesterday afternoon!

The October Quiltvillians are on retreat at Quiltville Inn until tomorrow - and they are making the most of every minute!

And that means with me working next door getting orders out for rulers, books and more thanks to the kick off of our Rhododendron Trail mystery coming up - I got the side benefit of meals and snacks!

No one goes hungry at Quiltville Inn, and that includes me! LOL!

There have been finishes galore!

Isn't this perfect for Halloween?

A bushel of Appalachian Autumn blocks on one design wall!

A gorgeous top finish!

And another!

(The rest of this one is hanging behind the cutting table off the design wall!)

Razzle Dazzle was in Quiltmaker a couple of years ago -

This one was started on our Alaskan Cruise at that time, and fabrics include those picked up in port during that cruise - this UFO is going to be a finish soon!

And yes, Razzle Dazzle is on the list of PDF patterns to release in 2022 so be watching for that!

There is some Rocky Road to Grayson activity happening here!

And something I'm excited to see:

Pine Tree Point is coming together!

This is exciting - I've loved hearing the ladies point and exclaim "There goes another one!" as Christmas Tree harvest season begins in earnest here in Southwestern Virginia.  

Trucks pulling trailers full of harvested trees have been seen rolling up and down the road in front of the inn.  Yep.  There's no stopping it now.  The holidays are nearly upon us.

And to celebrate:

I have placed the printable PDF pattern for Pine Tree Point at 25% off - only $9.00 in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store. Sale price good through 11/24/21 when it will return to full price at $12.00. No coupon code required.

I made the runner in blue, too!  Good for having out all winter long!

This misty view stopped me in my tracks.

I was coming over the hill at the top of Grassy Creek where we have just a bit of a long range view in the distance.  it is hard to capture just how vibrant the colors were - but nature was in all of her glory.

My woods at the side yard - mountain ridges visible!

SO - for those who missed Saturday's big mystery introduction, you'll find all of the posts pertaining to this mystery under the Rhododendron Trail tab at the top of the blog.

Are you excited?  Have you been pulling fabrics?

I was tickled to find this comment:


If you print out the "printer-friendly" version of the introductory post, you'll find the scan I made of the chips.  There is no need to buy them - just look at them on your screen.  Your screen view may vary slightly, but colors are only a suggestion and don't have to be exact.

My own colors do not match exactly - they go "outside the box" and include more than just the 3 shades given on each paint chip.

Take this time to get yourself ready, and be watching for the first clue to go live on Black Friday, November 26th.

In other news:  Did you enter?

It's October Quilty Box Gift-Away time! And you can get your entry in ON THAT POST.

The fabrics in this box are super gorgeous - and one lucky winner will be drawn on Saturday, 11/6/21.

It's our last day with the October Quiltvillians - and it looks to be a nice sunny day, so we are looking forward to quilt photos "over the porch rail" and if it stays nice enough, a fire pit night tonight.

Nights are getting chilly, so we'll have to bundle up - but I'm good for one more before we "fall back" an hour next Sunday.  So we'll see!

How was your weekend?  Did you get something quilty accomplished?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage Double T quilt found in North Carolina.

This is something that has been weighing on my mind. It seems whenever we want to explore a new avenue, there are those on the outside looking in who want to tell us “I like this better” or “I preferred when you did it this way” or “That just isn’t you.” ⁣

It can feel like the world is saying "Get back into your box!" 

We can’t stay in one place simply because it makes OTHERS more comfortable to have us stay in one place. We have to progress and try new things or we stagnate.⁣

It is important to always follow your own muse wherever it leads you, and there will be those who don't understand why you don't do things "like you always have." ⁣

It is not up to us to create simply for the entertainment of others. It has to fill our hearts and souls first wherever it leads! 

This is your journey, not theirs.⁣

Happy Monday, everyone!⁣



Unknown said...

Bonnie, I really like the black and white quilt top in this post...you don't happen to know the name or maker of it do you?

Gretchen Weaver said...

The paint chips are free at my Lowe's. Happy stitching!

Linda Baker said...

I brought home 6 charity quilts Wednesday. Got them hemmed.. cut 32 quilt backings from a roll of muslin colored fabric, made some labels and cut some 7 inch squares for more quilts. Quilts are set 6 X 8 squares. I feel very productive as I have really been in a slump since Feb 2020.

Mary said...

I'm happy for this month of Gratitude. When I count my Blessings, Life is just better. Grateful I can stay home and Quilt, piece blocks and play in my QuiltZone. You are having so much fun with the retreaters. It makes me want to go on a Retreat. Ours got cancelled again this year. I have hopes for the Ruby Anniversary Quilt Show in the Spring. The Garnet is our Birthstone gotta get that paint chip to find the fabrics in my Stash. It was a busy weekend, so I'm slower this year, our Lowe's is an hour away. Thanks for all you share.

Lorna said...

This was a fun weekend spent pulling fabric from my stash for my first mystery quilt! I also made an I Spy quilt for my friend who is having a grandbaby! I love all the quilts on today's post, and seeing all the lovely fall colors in your area. Happy quilting!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Thank you for the mystery every year. The work you put into it is daunting to me. Although the paint chips are free I feel like we should buy something while we are there if we are able. A hammer, light bulbs, bug spray something small or large. When I travel (at 71) I have to stop frequently. My friends laugh when I buy something at the gas stations. It just doesn't feel right to use their facilities and not buy something when I go in. LOL

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Linda sounds like your slump is over and productivity has begun. Glad you are feeling like working on all of this. I am wore out reading all you did.

Lilac Joan said...

This was a quote today from another post:
"If there is no struggle, there is no progress." Frederick Douglass.
I thought that this fit in with your quote today. Or maybe not, but it is good nonetheless.

Marti said...

We are having our Makers Market fundraiser at the Guild meeting today. I finished my last 3 items this weekend. Nothing like cutting it close! Really hoping we have a decent turnout. People in Ca are still not quite sure of large gatherings even though our little desert town is carrying on as normal. Really looking forward to Rodie Trail. I think I will finally have time to participate since I finish all my Guild duties in January!

Millie Penuel said...

Good for you on the productivity! Charity quilts are great. Wondering what you mean by hemming them? Is finished size about 48 x 56? We do charity quilts at church and do 60 x 80 for world relief but I question if this is the best size for other purposes. We are looking for other places to and not sure what is the best size. I'm looking for input and ideas. Thanks

Sue said...

Thanks for reminding us that the paint chips represent a range of color and we can use your scans from the blog as our reference. That's what I did last year and my Grassy Creek is wonderful. Since I don't need anything from Lowes, I'm going to do the same thing this year. I think I have everything in my stash except the aqua. I used the perfect aqua in a Gudren quilt this spring and can only find a 12-inch chunk left from the binding. Luckily my LQS still has it in stock. Weekend projects were pulling fabrics for your quilt along and finishing a turkey door hanging for the front door. Time to retire the witch and celebrate the turkey!

Debra said...

Such Beautiful quilts..
Busy making 180 flying geese!! For My Blue Heaven..which I'm Loving.
Thank you Blessings.

Jean said...

BrenWall61, I feel the same way. And besides with all that is going on... we want to make sure that those facilities are still there the next time we go in that direction. Have a great week!

Karen in Kentucky said...

We do charity quilts at my church also. We make them 63: X 87".

FancyNancyQuilts said...

The Lowe’s near me was out of the yellow cards, had a few of the others available. And it is inspiring to look at the marketer brochures showing lots of great color combinations

Ruth's girl said...

Thanks for your words of encouragement to us to step outside the box even when those watching don't understand. How can they understand when "they" are not ''us". :)

Sherri said...

Either you didn't used to get the unusual comments or you didn't say anything.... All I can say is, Keep up the good work! You have lots of followers that love you and your work... Forget the others. Can't please everyone...

Kerry said...

Too much of the same can get you in a rut and the creativity is squashed. A change is as good as a rest, so they say. I'm glad I did the mystery quilts, it took me out of my safety zone and here I am using scraps for quilts and enjoying it immensely. I would never have discovered how much fun it was if I hadn't taken the out of the box route. So thank you Bonnie. Um, I still have too much fabric, but I intend to get cracking on so much more things.

Patty P said...

I also headed to Lowes yesterday for paint chips, which are free. I am also a scrapbooks and like to include the chips on the page with the picture of the quilt. Also would have relatives get paint chips and send to me when I was doing a special quilt for them so I got the color right.

JeanGB said...

And on that note, in my mostly beige house I just finished painting my kitchen charcoal (peppercorn from Sherwin Williams to be exact)! And I love it.
Was wondering if you will be leaving the new owners one of your quilts as a house warming gift.

southcedar said...

Totally agree, there are costs involved for the company in providing that bathroom, so I buy something to drink or eat.

Linda said...

Made me think of Garden Party by Ricky Nelson (:))

Linda Witherow said...

I’m loving your journey! You don’t need to be looking over your shoulder, we’re still behind you!

I love stitching said...

I love the pine points in Blue and Razzle Dazzle!
Oh my accomplishments over the weekend we’re going to the urgent medical center and being diagnosed with pneumonia. For somebody that doesn’t sit still it has been amazingly difficult to sit and relax and rest to try to get better but I have been doing just that I’ve watched a ton of movies on Netflix prime the Hallmark channel I wish I had some hand piecing downstairs but I don’t so I’m gonna behave myself and just chill read my books watch TV and drink plenty of fluids and enjoy the beautiful quilts that other people make and post online.

Can’t wait to get back upstairs and read my stash and see what I have for the mystery quilt and if I don’t looking forward to shopping and supporting the quilt shops!!!

Patty B.

Charlie d said...

I think that may be called the T block.

Unknown said...

Who can help id the quilt name/pattern that is at the top of this post--under the group picture? The navy/black and white one with the sawtooth star??

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