
Friday, October 29, 2021

October '21 Quilty Box Gift-Away!

It's October Quilty Box Gift-Away time!

And yes, I admit I squealed when I opened this package of pretty!

You see, I am kind of hooked on anything that has sewing machines on it - especially VINTAGE sewing machines - and that includes fabric!

Come see just what is in this box!

Oh my goodness!  SO PRETTY!

Flowery vintage machines and pretty fancy scissors!

And what's even better?

These are full length 1/4 yard cuts - not fat quarters - so for those of us who love strip piecing, we can work with longer strips!

I'm dreaming up so many projects with these fabrics already - that black and white stripe?  It's Wonderful!

Included project in the Bundles of Inspiration Magazine!

Large snow ball blocks show off these fun prints perfectly.

What a fun wall hanging to hang in your sewing space.

Also included:

Yazzi project pouch
Rose gold folding scissors
Wonderful thread

I love these folding scissors for on-the-go projects - there are no points visible to poke holes in my project, or the project bag itself.  Happy Day!

Meet your designer Gail Cadden!

Gail Cadden s career as an artist started in 2nd grade when she realized a spectacular cover would earn her a better grade on her book reports! 


Gail has been designing bestselling novelty prints for Timeless Treasures for more than 15 years. This talented illustrator admits she still tends to draw things the way they looked to her as a six-year-old. 


She often consults her son, Billy, when she is working on a new boy themed project. Although he is long past the age range for the target audience of many of her juvenile prints, she values his opinions and suggestions. 

See more of Gail's fun fabrics HERE.  You just might find that you already own and love many of them!

Would you like to win this Quilty Box?

We will draw for our winner on Saturday, November 6th.

Good luck, everyone!

Brunch with the October Quiltvillians!

The inn is full once again, and everyone is digging in to projects and staying cozy inside since the weather has turned blustery and stormy.

Oh, the RAIN last night!  SO MUCH RAIN!  I'm sure they enjoyed the sound of the rain on that old metal roof.  So good for sleeping.

Projects are up on design walls everywhere, and we all had to stop to admire Melinda's gigantic king sized Pineapple Blossom Quilt she is giving as a wedding gift.  So gorgeous!

Pattern from the Free Patterns tab.

I spent much of my day at my desk getting ready for tomorrow's Quiltville Winter Mystery introductory post.  TOMORROW!!!  Oh, my goodness.  And I'm not done.  I've still got photos to edit and the PDF to edit and upload - and I'll likely be burning the midnight oil tonight.

Today I'm off for an appointment in Winston, and I'm swinging by the Wallburg house to start gathering all of the "staging" stuff we left while the house was on the market.

My "One Thing Better" for yesterday?

School drop off!

As I continue to work through stuff, I realize I no longer need 3 reams of legal sized paper - so while dropping things off at the USPS, I swung by the school and asked if they could use this.

To the resounding yes - I said thank you, handed it over - and was on my way.

ONE THING BETTER - for both the school and myself!

How are you doing on your Make One thing Better challenge?

Three days left!!

Time is running out!

You'll find Boxy Bow Ties in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store! And to kick this excitement into gear, I've placed it at 25% off through 10/31/21 at only $9.00, No coupon required!

Don't forget that my Punkin Patch Runner is also marked 50% off at only $5.00 through 10/31/21 as well!

If this is your first time downloading digital patterns from my store to a computer click HERE.

If you intend to download to an iPhone/iPad click HERE.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

This is the best advice I have ever received.
Just begin!
And it also applies to everything we do in life as well as our Quiltville Winter Mystery coming up quickly.
Be watching for my introductory post TOMORROW for the name, theme, colors, yardage requirements and more.
Yay! It's nearly time!



Quilter Kathy said...

So excited for tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

This summer while on a road-trip vacation, my mom helped me pick out green fat quarters for your Tulip Time quilt pattern. During the mystery season, my mom and I will work on this quilt together...I'll cut out all the pieces, she'll pair them and put them in baggies, and I'll do the sewing. I picked that pattern because flowers remind me of my mom. In the meantime, I'll collect the mystery instructions and work on that at a later time. I'm looking forward to the excitement the mystery quilt gives us. Thanks, Bonnie!

TheEclecticAbuela said...

Before everything gets "Mystery Crazy," I just want to say thank you. I look forward to the mystery every year, and I so appreciate your creating it for us. Happy Hallowe'en! 🎃🎃🎃

Ames in VA said...

I organized gifts for the holidays and tossed packing materials, paper and packaging, got everything in one bin. Instead of 3. Excited to see the mystery pattern!

Ruth's girl said...

Thank you, Bonnie, for all you do for quilters and your generous heart to share things you no longer need or want!

Dawne and Dale said...

I try very hard to keep my MIL, who has macular degeneration, sewing. She has quite an elaborate set up at her machine with lights and magnifiers. I keep busy cutting out easy to sew quilt tops for her to work on. She has the same craft glasses as you do but prefers a pair of 2X magnifiers over her own eye glasses. She is a lovely woman and deserves the best. Happy sewing everyone. :)

Mary said...

Yea, Got my Color tool. I might have to wait to get the real Lowe's paint chips! Cute novelty fabrics. And stripes, who wouldn't love them!!

Marti said...

Oh No!!! I will be awake all night in anticipation!! I actually might have time this year to do it!! We will gladly take some of your rain!

Cats said...

omg... i still have Frolic & Grassy Creek at various stages in shoe boxes, will i start this next one? silly, of course i probably will... may7be i can make pulling colors part of my DOT and engage in studio organization in prep for this year? and oh yesssss Emerald City in a LARGE bin... ready for small blocks to be joined and sashing to be stitched!!! she's next i promised her... as soon as i cut a huge piece of batting to go to my LAQ!!!Dental issues to be dealt with, sigh... i resent time spent on personal care, when i would prefer to be creating, I talk to myownself about it, but sigh... thank all y'all for nice comments re my comments, find me on Facebook and friend, i don't mean to take bonnie's space... she's just so inspiring and her creativity so contagious, i just bloom with comments and heartfelt gratitude... Good Lord in a bobbin case, she gets enough negativity... Bonnie I wish you could put them in MY mailbox and let me handle them... i'd do it too, and in a nice way... it's part of MY customer service experience when i was young-er... LOL and DoOneThing, all y'all ... off to my errands and the weekend, enjoy, engage, be kind to yourselves and others... Love, Cats in Carlsbad CA

Andee Neff said...

Cannot wait to see your colors and the mystery name! Also, so nice to donate paper to the school!

Debra said...

You have a heart of Gold!..I am looking forward to the morning!!..busy making hourglass units for My Blue Heaven..Blessings.

Cruise Adventures with Lynne and Steve said...

I absolutely LOVE this months Quilty Box! I especially Love the vintage sewing machine fabrics! Thank you, in advance, for this year’s Mystery quilt!

Deb (Neddo) Franklin said...

ONE MORE SLEEP! ONE MORE SLEEP! Looking forward to this years mystery! Don't burn too much of that midnight oil!

Unknown said...

Bless you heart for enabling your MIL to continue with her passion beyond her current abilities.... that is the sweetest, most loving grace that I have heard in a while.... it would be so nice to have the idea passed on.... thoughts and prayers hugs prue

Ratchell TN said...

Ordered shelves for my sewing room. Be here next week, then I can unpack my fabric and get organized. Will pull fabric as I unpack for mystery quilt. My first mystery quilt with you. So looking forward to it. Have a great day. Ratchell in Arkansas.

Mary said...

I totally agree with everything you have said, Cats! I have 3 of Bonnie's quilts to finish and I can't wait for this new one. Also, I think DoOneThing is going to be my mantra for the next year, LOL! Thank you to Bonnie, she is truly a gem and I am sad when I read or hear the negativity that she endures.

Lorna said...

I am so enjoying your blog! This will be my first mystery quilt and I have been anticipating it for weeks! I organized all my fabric into color bins in preparation for the solar release tomorrow! So excited! Thank you forndoing this, the excitement is flowing all over the world!!

Terri in BC said...

Thanks for your Make One Thing Better challenge. So far this week, I have gone through 2 boxes of receipts and paper, separating them for shredding or recycling, and got my donation corner emptied out! Every day I plan to continue to this challenge, it is so motivating. Looking forward to tomorrow!

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