
Saturday, October 09, 2021

Rain. For. Days!

All of this rainy autumn weather means it's SOUP SEASON!!

And with Irene doing all of the cooking for her October Sewciologists, we've enjoyed such awesome soupy lunches in the dining room at Quiltville Inn!

As pretty as the porch looks, it's been far too wet and windy to want to be out there.

I keep hoping for a bit of October sunshine to just enjoy that great porch space for just a bit longer -

But the truth is - we are just as cozy and conversational in this space as well!

Down my rainy drive from the cabin on my morning jaunt.

Yesterday was "off workshop" - a work at your own pace on the things we've already presented kind of day.

Some even took a Friday opportunity to head over to Batiks, Etc. for some stash enhancement.

This crummy weather is giving us time to slow down a bit and just relax with it.

In the mean time:

Some folks are working on Spider & The Fly!

Love the glow in the dark spooky eye fabric!

Another set of blocks -  what a fun mix!

Have you started yours?

The machine quilting was finished on my Cabin Corners quilt -

This one is likely to be a January release as we have so much coming up with the Quiltville Winter Mystery kick off.

(Look for that info by October 30th!)

The quilting design is Entangled by Gali Design.

I used a mist grey colored thread.

I had enough of this grey swirl fabric for the backing -

Love how the quilting shows up!

Red wonky dot for the binding win!

Maybe this afternoon I'll be able to take some time to get the binding on there.

And since we are talking red here, I have another red lovely to share.

This funky wonky (say that three times fast and be prepared to laugh!) Kaleidoscope quilt has found a new home!

I picked this one up somewhere in rural Tennessee on the way back from Paducah many years ago⁣

I love seeing how other makers worked from whatever they had in the contents of their scrap bags. ⁣

Never underestimate the power of solid red to tie things together! 
Now that quilts have arrived at their new destination and since they have now been shared by that recipient I can now share them here with you!

If you like unusual, wonky and unexpected vintage quilts and o find out more check out @roderick752 on Instagram at instagram.com/roderick752 and give him a follow!

This morning we will pick back up where we left off with our Straits of Mackinac workshop from my book String Frenzy.  It's a half-square triangles day!

If we have some time we can also throw in the Square-in-a-Square center units for the large star blocks and start putting units together into blocks.

Tomorrow I've got to go to Wallburg where the Hubster has been working on things since Thursday morning. Those items designated to go to thrift shops need to go.  There will be much shuttling back and forth.

The items that are coming up here, will be brought back.

Son Jeff should be coming by to help move heavier bits of furniture that are too much for me to manage. (Step out of the way, mom, I've got this! So nice to have a son close!) and we are NEARLY realtor ready.

I'll fill you in on all of that stuff on Monday.

How about your own weekend plans?  What's going on in your world?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage Grandmother's Fan quilt found in North Carolina

Take some time to go over this checklist. ⁣
What can you add to the list that will make your story even better?
Maybe it's just appreciating⁣ the little moments.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!⁣



Kim said...

Love seeing the old quilts, are your family and friends loving their surprise quilts? Happy Sewing Bonnie, counting down the days until the new mystery!

DebbieG said...

We have the exact old icebox that your lit up pumpkins are sitting on. WOW I was stunned to see it.

Mary said...

Happy Weekend! Nowhere to go! Stitching and laundry for me. Airing out a quilt or two to go back on the bed. I need more Fall Quilts, lol. Can't wait to see the colors for this year's Mystery.

Duchess B said...

It will be nice to get the cast-offs out of the house so you can really see what's left to deal with. Hope you're not getting wet running back and forth though. Also wonderful is having some muscle handy for the things that are just to much for you, be careful Bonnie, you've hurt yourself enough and been out of commission for this year.
Love reading your daily blog about what's happening with you, your family, and the Inn, makes my coffee taste better. Flu shot for me today and find some flea/tick drops for our porch kitty. She's discovered the kitty condo we got for her and has spent at least one half night in there snuggled up and out of the wind and rain.

Anne said...

Celebrating our Canadian Thanksgiving here. Turkey and all the trimmings

Fran Sancroft said...

As I am cutting strips for the Coin Quilt I am wondering what size the stripe are for the Cabin Corners Quilt... This is one I am going to do for sure!
Thanks for all you do for us, Bonnie. HUGS and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! from Fran in Pickering, Ontario, Canada!

pam said...

I just want to say how beautiful this room is. Actually, the whole house it. It is even more beautiful with the addition of guests. Great job! I am so happy to see that most of the weeks/weekends are being used for retreats. pam

Dorothy Matheson said...

Yes that is a great list for people to follow. Especially talk to strangers. The part about doing things you are scared to do I cannot seem to do that part.

Marti said...

Oh! that Cabin Corners really calls to me!! And I am looking forward to the release of the Mystery Quilt! I am going to be busy. So good since I am finally going to take time for myself after 10 years of faithful service to my quilt guild in one position or another. Actually over the last 2 years I've held two positions plus being on the Quilt Show board!!! Enough I say!!

Leah said...

BONNIE! Cabin Corners is GORGEOUS! Holy cow that turned out amazing. Just.... wow. One of your most beautiful designs ever, and that's saying something.

Debra said...

Soup sounds good. Oh your quilt came out Fabulously, I just Love it..Blessings Bonnie.

Ratchell TN said...

My week end; truck loaded, tomorrow we drive to Springdale, AR. Any quilters from there? I need some new friends there. Unloading on Monday, then the unpacking begins. I do have some friends there to help with that. Then get my sewing room set up so I can get busy with Christmas quilting gifts. Have a great week end everyone. Thanks Bonnie for all the encouragement. you give to all of us. Really appreciate it

Dorothy Cole said...

Your drive looks so woodsy and mysterious when not covered in ice and snow! (The last time we saw it)

julieQ said...

Yes, I have started my Spider and the Fly!! I love it...what a fun group you have as guests! Soup sounds great!

Samantha M said...

I look forward to your Quiltville quotes each day, Bonnie. They are always so relevant :-)

Jacqueline said...

As always a great post.

Debra said...

Your newly quilted quilt needs a lot of binding!! It looks so big..blessings.

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