
Monday, October 11, 2021

All The Weekend Fun!

Irene's Sewciologists are STILL having a great time at Quiltville Inn!

Saturday was a continuation workshop day for our Straits of Mackinac quilts from my book String Frenzy.

Just how many ways are there to make half-square triangles?  We discussed MOST of them, and I am sure there are more - everyone having their favorite method.

And you are welcome to use any method you wish, as long as you keep in mind the unfinished and finished sizes so they fit with the other units we've already made.

How many half-square triangle units do they need to finish the quilt?

Only 500+!

Making a good go of it!

Oh these are looking grand!

Saturday was also our "night out"  and we filled 3 vehicles and headed over to West Jefferson for dinner at the Hotel Tavern.

Unbeknownst to us, there was also a live band playing and let's just say that there was much partying and dancing and singing going on.

It felt so good to cut loose!

Earlier in the day I had gone home after lunch to let Zoey out - The Hubster was still in Wallburg and with workshop time going on, I just didn't want her holed up in the QPO with Lola for longer than necessary. LOL!

On my way - I tried to get some quilt photography - which got rained out.  Click to Play:

Driving down a gravel covered dirt road -

Autumn is still looking glorious around here!

I also had a lovely drive out of the mountains and down to Wallburg yesterday where I met up with Hubster & Son Jeff who were loading up "BIG THINGS" While I packed dishes and kitchenware and all other means of things that could fit into the van for bringing back up to Virginia:

Is there more?

Yes!  And more?

Oh My word!

And what is in the tubs, Bonnie?

Shirt stash.  Seriously.

At one time I had thought of cutting up shirts with the accuquilt and selling them jelly roll style by the pound.

Who has time for that?  SO much work.  What was I thinking?

In the meantime - there better be many more recycled shirt quilts in my future or these shirts are going to be just delivered and donated right back to Goodwill, with the tags still on them.  LOL!

Also on the trailer -

The cedar chest that the Hubster made in high school woodshop.  He has plans to use that for something.  

And the power washer that was put to hard use over the past couple of weeks to get everything ready.

My IKEA cutting table (back side showing) that is going to house my Accuquilt studio here at the cabin.  It's a discontinued kitchen island model, but I know they have others out there.

There is a bunch of other stuff too - but I'm happy to say that other than the stuff we put in the garage for donating to thrift shops, and the Christmas stuff that Jeff wants and will pick up next visit - we are basically done.

The only thing left is some furniture that is staging the house.  The couch and chair, a table and chairs in the dining area along with a china cabinet, and Master bed, end tables, and chair.

That's it.  We are out. Whew!

About 5:30 pm last night as we turned on to Grassy Creek Road.

And up the long drive.

Nothing really got unloaded last night - we were too tired.  We covered the trailer with a huge tarp and crashed.

The Chaos will begin again today when some of this stuff goes to the inn, some to my friend Martha, some to the QPO - and I'm sure I'll start another donate pile or two while I shuffle things around deciding what to really keep, and what to give.

My Mom & Stepdad received their quilts for their 45th anniversary, so I can share them here with you as well:

With winter right around the corner, I figured they could each use a snuggle size for when they are in their recliners watching TV in the evening.

Hopscotch Butterscotch is from my book Adventures with Leaders & Enders.

The pattern for Boxy Stars is from the free Patterns tab at the top of the blog.

Remember - if it is a really old pattern, it opens to an .html page that is NOT mobile friendly, so please view and print from a real computer if you get something that looks like a 5th grade page.

Today our workshop concludes - we are putting blocks together and working on sashings and wherever we need to spend the time!

The rain has stopped - and we will top off Irene's Sewciologists retreat with a good old autumn fire pit!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. 

We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. 

Happy Indigenous People's Day!⁣



Dana S said...

Bonnie, I am using Hopscotch Butterscotch on my bed right now. It’s so bright and cheery.

Kim said...

I bet you would not have any trouble selling those shirts in your online shop, mail them out and let folks buy them from you :0) Happy Sewing! Moving is a curse hopefully this is your last one!

sue s said...

Love today's thought. I bet a lot of your followers would enjoy buying some of those uncut shirts for their own stash! I volunteer at a thrift shop and have been steadily collecting my own.

Debra said...

I am so excited for you guys moving!! And glad you had a good time at Dinner!..I'm working scrappy mountain majesties, getting ready to sew the blocks together..Love the red polka dot binding you chose for binding your quilt. Blessings.

stretchmarks said...

I bet your quilt guests would be glad to buy shirts by the pound - no cutting required! What a treasure! Marilyn Marks

Leah said...

LOL - and I thought MY shirt stash was getting out of hand. ;)

The good news is that there's no expiration date on those shirts, either. You'll figure out how best to use them in due time.

Mary said...

Extra Cuddle Quilts, Sew Perfect. Shirts storage-wowser! I have a couple totes to de-bone for Moth in the Window. Amost 10 years in the making. Glad the House is ready to put on the market.

Rivah Rats Quilting said...

We just moved as well so I know exactly what youre going through!!! Loved both of those quilts. Want to do a pink and brown myself

Lisa said...

I love your quilt documentation before sending them off. I've always loved Hopscotch and hope to make it one day.

Wendy said...

Congrats on getting one step further to putting the house up for sale. Shirts - how about deboning - keep a piece or two for yourself and bag the rest for sale at the inn.

Ruth's girl said...

Congratulations on getting the house emptied out and staged! What a huge accomplishment! What a thought provoking quote. Perhaps we would treat the earth with more kindness and dignity if we remembered it was on loan to us.

Kim said...

I'd take some of those shirts off your hands! Too bad postage is out of sight and I live so far away.

Natalie in Maine said...

Oh my goodness. If those totes really have the mens shirts in them, and you don't want them all, you might have a sale pile at the inn, for some of your guest to buy. That way you can get some of your money back and they would probably love it. Do what is best for you though. I have a pile on the floor of my sewing room that need taken apart. I hate that job though. I also seem to find other things that need my attention more than taking them apart right now, so someday it will happen. Happy sewing.

willwork4fabric said...

Shirts to GoodWill or your local thrift shop! Takes a load off your shoulders, and helps others. You could save a few to sell at the Inn :-)

Diane said...

I loved the quote today. If you ever get the chance to read "Black Elk Speaks", do so. Such an amazing man who truly understood life. Thanks for the ride along to see the foliage.

Patty P said...

Love reading your blog every day, although it gets me into trouble adding projects to my never ending list! Today I start the All Carolinas Shop Hop and visit 64 shops I have never been to. I love shopping as much or more than actually sewing. Let the spending begin!

Ginny A said...

What a beautiful drive you shared! I agree with other about the shirts - they would sell in a heartbeat! Problem solved!

Bonnie said...

When I heard you say "love to see how my tastes have changed over the years", I have noticed that with my quilts, also. I started out with I must have the exact/or close to fabrics that were in the pattern, fabrics must be from the same line,. . .Now, it's more "oooooh I like this pattern! It calls for red-pull out the red stash and mix together a little of this and a little of that and whatever else works,hehe:) Yes, I've been a Bonnie H follower for several years and happy to have found you and your sewing ideas, techniques, and especially your "scrappiness"! You have absolutely changed how I think about sewing. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Hi, I spotted your old scrubbing board, that brought back memories. My mom bought
me a small one ,at a second hand store, a small one to scrub my white sox that was the in fashion at the time. Thank you Bonnie.

barbhartlage@gmaIl.com said...

We recently moved to Georgia from Wytheville after 34 years in the same house so I sure feel your moving pains. My quilting area was the last place to set up and I'm still not quite at home there yet after 3 months but we are getting there. Hats off to you.

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