
Thursday, October 07, 2021

Embracing Fall!

With the emptying of the Wallburg house - some things were discovered in the attic that I hadn't set eyes on in more than a dozen years!

These light up Jack o' lanterns haven't seen the light of day since the movers packed us up in Irmo, SC for the move to Wallburg, NC in 2008!

Upon the Hubster's return to Virginia last Sunday - along with some things I KNEW were coming - this box came along as a bonus.

I cleaned them up, set them out, and plugged them in to be enjoyed by my October groups retreating at Quiltville Inn.

Along with this favorite old ice box that has lived with me close to 30 years.

"New Perfection"

Manufactured by Belding MFG Co.

Belding, Michigan

May 28, 1878.

This thing was 6 years old when Quiltville Inn was built!  

And I am thinking about the employee who placed that stencil just so on the back of this ice box and painted the information I see here.

Love that Eastlake detail!

As the saying goes: "They just don't make 'em like they used to!"

Yes!  It feels like fall!

The porch panting has made it around the far corner, but is on hold now for a bit while we finish getting the Wallburg house on the market.  We are just about there.

The weather the past week has been exceptionally warm.  Almost weirdly so.

And yesterday it rained and rained and rained.  Miraculously by the time Irene's Socialites group was arriving the rain had stopped - for the most part.

It started again just when the last ones were arriving - 

It poured all night long.

It's still pouring now.

And this is not a complaint because we need the rain so badly.  Once everyone is unloaded and inside - it can rain all it wants, after all!

Quilt Relocation Documentation:

Some really special quilts have arrived at their new destination and since they have now been shared by that recipient I can now share them here with you!

I purchased this quilt while living in North Carolina and it has spent many years living with me, but due to downsizing I am happy that this quilt has a new place to live where it can be enjoyed by many! 

If you like unusual, wonky and unexpected vintage quilts and o find out more check out @roderick752 on Instagram at instagram.com/roderick752 and give him a follow!

I'll share more of what I sent his way in future posts.

And while the rain dumped outside my windows -

This was being loaded into the machine.


Cen you see the quilting design?

It's hard to tell on such a busy quilt - but it's spider webs!  I'm keeping with the October theme here.

Spider webs are a good luck symbol.

And can you tell what I did with that "neutral" to the left of the red piece?  It's a 1990 something cheater cloth print.  Too dark to be light, too light to be dark - and busy.  So I used it upside down.  it works!

Do what you have to with your fabrics to get the contrast that you need.  And if  other folks stop to wonder about why you did this or that - let them!

I'm about half-way done with the quilting, but it will take me another day or so to finish it up.

I have however chosen a wonky red dot on neutral for binding!  It was another one of those half-light/half-dark choices where a red was just going to be too much ( want a softer edge that doesn't upstage the floating neutral border) and a neutral would just disappear.

So this is a lighter choice - but still pulls in the red.

This morning I'll be heading over to the Inn to start the first of 3 class sessions for my Straights of Mackinac quilt, found in String Frenzy.

And I like the way that Irene has asked me to teach on Thursday (today), Saturday, and Monday - giving everyone 2 days to work on each step to make some big progress.

No stress, no pressure, no rushing - just fun sewing together!

How about your own day ahead?  How did things pan out for you yesterday?

All the way through the end of October, my Punkin Patch Runner  PDF pattern is half-price at only $5.00. No coupon required!⁣ 

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I find this to be so very true in many ways. ⁣
I find it hard to create unless I am in a creative frame of mind.
That said, even when I'm not feeling it, encouraging myself to get in there and do⁣ something positive will often bring creativity back as I work my way⁣ through whatever I am dealing with.
Are you the same way?

Have a great Thursday, everyone!



Kara Benavides said...

Your new quilt is just beautiful. Can't wait for the reveal. It is pouring here too - to your south and west. Not sure we need the rain. Also, we have a porch full of boxes from moving. You just reminded me I'd better go check on them. This porch is known to flood! But great sewing weather for sure!

Pat Arbuckel said...

Good Morning, today I will take mom to get a Waffle Banana split for lunch , then home to hand quilt the day away

maryofkern said...

Thank you as always for your blog. So glad to see that we sometimes think alike for a solution, a couple of years ago I was working on a small quilt that needed a light background for the blocks. The only thing close that I had on hand was a dark brown on cream, so I turned it over to get the effect I wanted.

Tracy said...

I have been working on the Spider and the Fly quilt. I finished all the quarter squares yesterday, phew!

Jan F. said...

Yesterday I received my black fabric bundle from cotton to quilt. I love it! Thanks again!

sue s said...

I also use the back side of fabrics, especially in scrap quilts where it won't be so noticeable. It really helps with variety! Today, like yesterday will be for working on my pandemic quilt. It just keeps growing until this resolves!

Mary said...

I love those Pumpkins all in a row. The quilt ladies will love them. It's fun to unearth old to put in a new space. I am glad the Antique Quilts are finding a place where they can be appreciated. Oh how I would love to see all of them in one space. Love the videos as you tell them goodbye!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Yesterday was a good but frustrating quilting day. Working on all The Trimmings Quilt Along and sewed all 4 sections of 4 blocks wrong. Since this was a kit I was so thankful that there was extra to work with. Even being a little frustrated I was determined to get Row 2 done. LOL. I want to put my border on Grassy Creek today, sew some small quilt bindings on so I can hand stitch and go pick my youngest grandson up after school. A very full day indeed.

Leah said...

Cabin Corners is gorgeous! Really cool now that we can see a good stretch of it, and see how the blocks look laid out. When you're ready to release that pattern at some future date, it'll be a hit for sure.

The red dot binding is a super fun choice. Looking forward to seeing what you chose as a back for this one - always fun to see what you pull out of stash for backings.

Marti said...

My dear, dear friend who introduced me to this crazy passion we call quilting and passed last year at 98, told me that every fabric has 2 sides. Use the side that makes it work! I can't wait for you to release the pattern for the one you just quilted, and the binding is perfect!!

zumbaqueen said...

I am from Michigan and never heard of Belding MI. I had to find it on a map. It is near Grand Rapids which is relatively affluent. Belding is nearby. People there live beneath poverty levels.

Debra said...

You have such a good heart giving your quilts away..your porch is dreamy!
I'm working on a sampler quilt.
And cutting blocks for mountain majesties.
Bless you Bonnie for all you do.

Carol M said...

I love the quilt you have loaded on your long arm. I can hardly wait for the pattern to come out. I love your scrappy patterns. my Favorite. Fall is my favorite season. I love being in my sewing room surrounded by some of the things I love and being creative with your patterns. Happy Holidays Everyone. <3

Mickierae said...

I’m getting ready to cut a Scrappy Mountains Majesty (blues and neutrals, I think). It will be given to a police officer injured in the line of duty through the group Quilts for Cops. I donated one done in your Fourth of July pattern a couple of months ago. Thank you for so many wonderful patterns.

Phyllis said...

Oh how exciting to find those pumpkin lanterns and a perfect spot for them. You have a lot of memories coming at you as you move items out of your home. See how far you've come Bonnie. So proud of you and thank you for all that you do for us!!

Ruth's girl said...

Fall is definitely my favorite season as well. Here in Iowa the trees are turning and I love it when some leaves are red while others on the same tree are still green. I think this is one of life's miracles.

Unknown said...

I love the latest quilt! Those pumpkins are so darn cute! I really think they are just SEW happy to be out of the box 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃

Arlene said...

How cool to see that ice box was manufactured in my hometown, Belding, Michigan.

Gail Piper said...

It's foggy here in my part of OH this morning - but it is supposed to clear off and be nice this weekend. I'm busy packing my supplies for a family (three generations) quilt retreat this weekend... there will be stitching, chocolate, shopping, eating, sharing, eating, lots of laughing, eating, and an overall wonderful time. Two college-aged gals joined us the year before last - so much fun to see their ideas and enthusiasm while the rest of us share our experience.

JeanGB said...

Thinking about my week at Quiltville and reenjoying (if that's a word) it. Always check to see who is sitting in my chair and hoping they are having as much fun as I did.

B. J. In Virginia said...

When I was in my "Colorwash" phase, I very often used the reverse side of a fabric to get the tone I needed. I like the idea that every fabric has two sides so use the side that works best!

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