
Wednesday, October 06, 2021

A Day of Blue Ridge Driving -


As far as the eye can see!

And not really a great place to pull off and photograph them - until Martha decides that no one will mind and drives me right out into the middle of the field.  LOL!

Harvest has been underway for a few weeks now - and it is my absolute FAVORITE season.  I love to see the pumpkin wagons bumping on down the highways - all of the gorgeous globes stacked in huge crates being carried off to destinations far and wide.

How far do they travel?  I don't know - but it feels so festive!

Oh, I love Orange!

Aren't you pretty!

And I think these are the leavings after the trucks have already been through -

This farm, right on 221 out of Sparta NC has pumpkin fields for miles - and it is a sight to see.   

It's really impossible to photograph from the highway. There is no place to pull off, and even if you could - the rows of orange pumpkins are too far away from the edge of the road to really share what is going on here.

Why was I out taking photos in pumpkin fields?  Because Martha and I shared a ride to get haircuts so we could chat and catch up while we drove around.

And we gave ourselves LOADS of time - so we could see what nature was doing all around us.

It all started with my drive to the QPO to get the morning mail out before heading over to Martha's.  Click to Play:

This is my every day drive!

It's about 7 miles from cabin to QPO.

Down Martha's road - leaves are just starting to turn.

I see you, red maple!

Just a few more days and this will be glorious!

Beautiful tree in Martha's front yard.

Our landscape - 

SO lovely!

From the Blue Ridge Parkway!

(Yes, we were taking the scenic route!)

Waterfall!  Click to Play:

Feel all the stress just slip away -

Me in the rear view, taking this photo!

It was a fantastic day.  We enjoyed lunch out - stopped at Dollar Tree for needed items (including Halloween favors I can't wait to share with the group that is retreating at Quiltville Inn over Halloween! FUN!) and haircuts.

It's a wonderful outing we schedule every 6 weeks - because we don't get to see each other often enough in between times, and really have time to chat.

It was a day of no sewing - but this lovely did find it's way to my niece Emilee:

Scrappy Mountain Majesties has a new home!

I hope she, her husband and my great niece and nephew all enjoy sleeping under this one.

The pattern for Scrappy Mountain Majesties is found under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog.  

So - it's Wednesday.  And it's RAINING.  It rained for what seemed like all night long.  I'm not sure if it will continue through the day, but I've got Irene's Sewcialites arriving this afternoon.  Hopefully NOT in the rain!

We've got a fun retreat planned for this week including a Straits of Mackinac workshop from my book String Frenzy.

I've got just a few things I need to do this morning to be ready for their afternoon arrival - 

How about your own day ahead?  How did things pan out for you yesterday?

All the way through the end of October, my Punkin Patch Runner  PDF pattern is half-price at only $5.00. No coupon required!⁣ 

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Before you judge another, find something to appreciate about them.
We need less division and more unification.
Vintage star quilt found in North Carolina.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!



Konny said...

Your heart patching on Zoe’s quilt looks beautiful! Can you tell her what you did to the back? Thanks for all you do

robynfam said...

Love driving on the parkway. It has been a long time since I was down your way, but maybe next summer. Today is a fun day for me. My BFF and I are going shopping in Amish country, bulk store and hope to get to the quilt shop also after lunch! Have a GREAT day!

Mary Ellen said...

Bonnie - I just love your drive to work. It's beautiful and I can feel the stress melting away. And that waterfall? I love waterfalls. I wonder if that one actually freezes in the winter. I think your trees are changing a little bit faster than ours here in upstate New York. But then you're in the mountains and I'm in a valley - called Albany - the actual capital which is a LOT smaller than THE city. (and about 150 miles north of it) Have a great day!!

Francine from Iowa said...

Thank you for sharing your countryside in photos. Stunning. My daughter and family lives in Richmond Virginia and reading your blog keeps her closer to me through your eyes of your part of Virginia. Thank you. Francine from Iowa.

Bettybus said...

So joyful to see all kind of things you share with us in your blog. I enjoy much, quilting and change of seasons. Sending hugs from Sweden.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

I love the drives you do and how you show us the beauty of the Blue Ridge. This is a beautiful time of year. Yesterday I took my 87 year old brother to the doctor. Due to COVID I could not go in with him and his appt. turned into 3 hours. I found a shady spot for the car, rolled the windows down and read and enjoyed the breeze of fall. It was really pleasant and calming. He took me to lunch - Chinese. We ran errands and I cherish the time with him.

Ratchell TN said...

Love the fall colors, your drive every morning is beautiful. Moving this weekend. I’ll be in NWA and the colors should be beautiful. Love the mountain quilt. Thanks for the uplifting conversation every morning. I so look forward to it and the beautiful quilts. From TN, very soon from AR.

Mary said...

Those pumpkins look just like the Runners on the tables in the Quiltville Inn. Sew fun to rideshare and take the scenic route. Waving hello to All the Sewcialites!
Today is the day I pick up my Embroidery machine from the Spa. It needed it after my Mission.

Mary said...

The Blue Ridge Parkway is such a wonderful place to drive! We live about 2 hours away so a trip to the mountains is often a Sunday afternoon treat!

priscilla said...

What a way to start a day!! I'd sure love to be there rather than in the city!! Enjoy it all, Bonnie!

Gina said...

Wow! Isn't it great to have a friend like Martha who doesn't follow the rules and take you off to see the pumpkins! I always think adventures are so much more fun with a good friend! I hope the next group arrival is in between rain! Have an awesome day Bonnie!

Sharon in Seattle said...

Wonderful drive! I love love love the punkins! 😁

JulieC said...

I appreciate you, Bonnie.

Karen said...

Look forward to your blog every day.
Ditto to all the previous comments.

Debra said...

Glad you had a nice time with Martha.you need that every once in awhile
Love the scrappy mountains quilt!!
Oh..could you have someone approve my membership for the Open Studio on FB?thank you sew much

Cheryl said...

Thanks, Bonnie, for sharing the lovely scenery with us. Love seeing the pumpkin fields and all the mountains! So many inspirations for new projects!

Marti said...

I lived "up on the mountain" in Monteagle, TN for a year and seeing your pictures reminds me how much I enjoyed all the foliage. I wouldn't mind trading in the desert life for that again if I didn't have to deal with the humidity in the summer!! My late husband still has family there.

Joan E said...

Bonnie, I love your Scrappy Mountain Majesties Quilt, have made one and now that I know how may try again, it has many possibilities. I went to Goodwill to find old shirts a few years ago and used some of them because you taught me how to do that. Straits of Mackinac is another one I've always wanted to tackle. Enjoy your beautiful weather, thanks for sharing.

Farm Quilter said...

You have a beautiful drive to work!! As you know, the west just isn't that green when you get away from the coast!

Becky cameron said...

The scenic route was definitely worth it..beautiful and peaceful

Margacat said...

she used a circle on the back

Hennetta said...

How beautiful your drive to work is, except you are driving on the wrong side of the road 😁😁 we drive on the left side in South Africa. I love reading your message every morning except on Monday which is your Sunday. Love seeing the quilts on your veranda, lucky quilters. Thank you for all your inspiration. Be blessed!! Love from South Africa!

Bobbie said...

That drive to work is gorgeous, please post more videos of drives in your beautiful area. As I live in the desert, this seems like heaven to me. Have a wonderful weekend and keep posting the quilting pics as well.

Sandra from Australia said...

Bonnie are these pumpkins able to be eaten , or just for decorating for Halloween?

Shelnjohanne said...

Just do it! Macinac was not too hard just long! I was so proud of my first block and shared with a friend. She commented her directions had the points the other way, and so did mine, I had sown them upside down, pretty and will go on the back! It is so pretty and not completed with borders yet.

Sandy Meyer said...

Years ago, when I was teaching in NH, I had a country drive to school past a HUGE field of hundreds of harvested pumpkins! I drove off the road and took pictures! Your pictures, Bonnie, remind me of that special morning! Your tree photos are so beautiful!!

karene19 said...

Bonnie, I've loved your fall pictures in the Blue Ridge. I keep seeing a mystery quilt with all the colors

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