
Monday, August 16, 2021

Quilty Days and Short Delays -

When afternoon storms roll in outside -

The quilters are cozy sewing inside!

I think we have ***FINALLY*** had rain 4 out or the last 5 days, with the afternoon humidity building up through the day and dumping it down in a cooling storm by late afternoon evening time.

This also meant that our plan for a Saturday night fire pit was washed out.  Whhhhaa!

It's only the second time that has happened this year - but we need the rain so badly I'm not complaining!

As you can see - no one is complaining!

Melody’s Winter Blues on the design wall with Pine Tree Point blocks in progress!

So super cute!

Cindy found me in the kitchen to show me her finished Unity quilt!  Love her colors!

We grabbed some Saturday Afternoon time to quickly photograph the quilts over the rails before the next round of rain came.  We could hear thunder rumbling in the distance!

Two Grand Illusion quilts, a Unity Quilt, and a Grassy Creek followed by a String X from the Free Patterns tab!

Jamestown Landing from String Fling followed by Frolic,  Card Tricks, Sister’s Choice (Free Patterns tab) and a Sand Castles runner from String Frenzy!

A lovely threesome!

I don't know the names of these quilts or the designers, so if you do - please post them in the comments section below.  Aren't the colors wonderful? LOVE IT!

Two sisters and an interloper.  LOL!

Two tall girls -

We loved talking vintage machines!

Okay, everyone - Give me your best TADA!!

And then the rains came! Click to Play:

This was from the cabin when I went home for dinner and planned on coming back for the fire pit that didn't happen.

SO happy for the rain we received this weekend!

Yesterday morning before all departed -

Y'all come again!

Everyone was Pennsylvania bound by 10 am - and as I was sorting laundry, in walks the Hubster with a "How would you like to go see your son?"

I hadn't seen Jeff in several weeks so my entire to-do list got shoved back a day.

Away we go!

Things are incredibly green here after 4 to 5 days of afternoon rain!

See the rusted out tractor?

The reason for this side trip?  Dave had picked up the BBQ from the Wallburg house and we needed to deliver it to Jeff.

Jeff had the plumbing tools we need to install a utility sink in the garage/shop at the inn.

So we met half way outside of Sparta to pass things back and forth and chat for about an hour.

It was a quick trip, but this mama got to hug her son in the process.

And then - this happened:

Back entry closet gets a makeover!

This has been a disaster of wasted space since moving in.  I had said that I wanted shelves - but I thought it would happen during our down season in the winter.

However - with the inn empty on a Sunday afternoon - he dug in!

Shelves!  I've got shelves!

Even better -

Remember the  utility room redo of last winter when we tore out some built in closets?  We saved the plywood for future reuse and used it here!  

With the price of lumber these days - it made me feel so good to repurpose that plywood.

When Susan comes tomorrow to clean, she is going to get quite the surprise when she opens the doors to get to the cleaning supplies. 

THANK YOU Hubster!

In other news - I am guessing by now that you have figured out that I am not able to release the pattern for Rocky Road to Grayson today.

The rulers did not arrive.  So I was unable to finish my photography for the step outs because I need that ruler.  I also didn't finish as much as I thought I would yesterday because - well, I dropped everything to go see my son.  And Sundays are supposed to be a day of rest.  So there is that.

So just a couple of more days is all we need to set everything right.

In the mean time - let's draw for our winner of the July Quilty Box!

Find all the info on the July Quilty Box on the original post.  Who is entry 4225 out of 6314 entries?

Patricia Deen!  Congrats!

Patricia, I sent an email to the address you provided with your entry - please reply with your mailing address and I'll have the folks at Quilty Box get your prize right out to you.

And one more!

I am giving away FIVE patterns for Gail Mayhue's  Busy As A Boss tote INCLUDING the buckle closures!  Today we are drawing for winner number 3!

Entry 4539 - Linda Clifton!

Congrats, Linda!  Please reply to the email I sent with your mailing address so that I can get your pattern right out to you.

And there are TWO MORE patterns to give away - one tomorrow, and one Wednesday.  Entries are still open until Wednesday, so get those entries in ON THAT POST.

And yes, you can snatch this pattern up in Gail's eBay Store!

And last night -

The LAST of the quilting came out of this quilt -

So I can start again.

I will make sure that the design is scaled correctly this time - but I CAN tell you that I am just a bit gun shy at quilting this all over again.  I need to get back up on that horse.

But maybe not for a day or two!

Quiltville Quote of  the Day -

I love this wool quilt made out of suiting samples!
Its value is not determined by the fabric swatches that went into it, but by all of the hours spent doing the embroidery throughout the whole piece, showing the vision and patience of the maker.
Quilt found in Denver, Colorado.

Have a terrific week, everyone!



Ellen said...

Seeing that wool quilt reminds me of my grandmother (b. 1885). She would cut up wool coats and other wool clothing into squares, embroider an edge and stitch the squares together. They let nothing go to waste.I have one of those throws and some leftover squares lovingly packed away.

Ruth's girl said...

When a chance to see our adult kids opens up we need to jump on that chance! Things always work out and work into place when they are suppose to.

Charlotte K said...

Love your shirt! I have one just like it.

Lussana said...

Seeing that wool quilt reminds me of my grandmother (b. 1885). She would cut up wool coats and other wool clothing into squares, embroider an edge and stitch the squares together.

carderb said...

Refreshing read this morning. So glad that seasoned longarm quilters have to take out quilting on occasion. As a newbie to longarm quilting (7 weeks), I have learned a lot with lots more to learn.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Am always impressed when someone repurposes something and gives it a second chance in life. My parents grew up in the depression and learned the value of everything--they lived "use it up, wear it out, make do or do without,"

Beth said...

Quilt some for me. I broke my hip quilting in May. Enjoy reading your blog everyday. Hope to be back running the longarm in October.

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