
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Quilters Out and About!

We explored a new dirt road this week!

A long and winding, not too steep, very green, covered with shade (for the most part) rural dirt road I had never walked before!

A road that runs along side a burbling creek.  A road where the only sounds were birds and a couple of mooing cows off in the distance.  And the hum of bugs - there is always that.

You know what they say about the road less travelled?  It's TRUE!

And getting away from the machines and out for a leg stretch is just the best part of a summer day.

Beautiful wildflowers along a wire fence.

Thistles - such a lovely color!

But those prickles - yikes!

Queen Anne's Lace against an Appalachian blue sky -

I think I found my next quilt photography spot!

What in the rusted old abandoned car??

Honey, you've been here a long time!

Anyone else suspect there might be a body in the trunk???

Can you hear the babbling of this running brook in your mind?

There is an old dwelling in here - way back in the trees.

I'll have to watch it as the seasons change and leaves fall.

This was a GREAT little walk!

We used our trackers to go in about a mile before turning around and coming back out. We will definitely keep this one on the offered up list of outside-the-inn activities.

On another excursion, four of us hiked further up Round House Road to the McMillan Family Cemetery to get some long range view rewards for our efforts.  Brave gals!

We usually stop at the state line sign, which is just about a mile from our starting point, making the round trip about 2 miles.  This adds another mile or so to the walk, and becomes a hike as the road gets steeper and steeper as we climb the mountain road on the North Carolina side.

Well done, ladies!  And the view was certainly worth it!

Spying some kayakers on our way down!

Do you see those sand bars in the middle of the river?  This is the first time in 4 years that our water in the New River has been this low.  I'm very concerned about our lack of rain - a real drenching rain - this summer.

We got just a bit last night, but not really enough to even make the dirt wet.  We need some BIG RAIN here!

And there they go, around the bend!

Sunday morning hike to find ponies!

And though everyone did a great job getting to the Appalachian trail -

The climb can be pretty steep and heart-pounding at times -

There was not a pony to be found!  NONE!

We were told by some through hikers that if we had continued on the Appalachian Trail up toward the higher peaks on the other side of the mountain we'd find them there.

Ummmm, no thanks!  We'd done enough UP.  It was time to go DOWN!

Ponies or no ponies - you did great, gals!

Sometmes it's just easier - and more comfortable - to just stay in your sewing chair at your machine, surrounded by fabric and snacks and projects and not think about the need to exercise.

But think of the long game - if you want to keep doing what you love for as long as you want to do it - we need to get up and move to keep our bodies healthy enough to continue to spend time at our machines without pain.

I loved spending my Sunday morning hiking with these ladies!

We have upgraded our fire pit!

This was The Hubster's weekend project and it turned out SO NICE!  It feels a lot safer having that cauldron surrounded by the stones.

Just waiting for ladies to file out of the house, one by one!

And there is always that one - LOL!

Way to go, Kaye!!

As the fire dies down and we are full of marshmallows and s'mores - the story telling and laughter continues!

Such a great way to wind down the day.

And there is more to share - and I will save that for tomorrow's post!

ALL THREE of these gift-aways are still open to entries!!

Enter to win the July Quilty Box  HERE. Drawing to happen Monday, 8/16/21.

I'm giving away FIVE patterns (including snap closures!) for Gail Mayhue's Busy As A Boss tote with one winner per day starting 8/13/21.  Get your entry in HERE.

TWO Tickets for Quilters Take a Moment are still up for grabs!

Our Quilters Take a Moment virtual event is coming up on September 17-18, 2021!

That's SO CLOSE, you guys!

Quilters Take a Moment is a virtual fundraising event for the nonprofit Quilt Alliance, featuring captivating speakers, deep-dive interviews, joyful conversations, a quilt exhibition and moments of community for quilt lovers everywhere. 

Join us live on September 17 and 18 online, or watch the recorded content any time, anywhere!

Enter to win a free ticket on the original post HERE. I will draw for our two winners THIS FRIDAY 8/13/21.

Some of the August Quiltvillians made their departure yesterday as they have long drives and were trying to avoid storms on their way home.

The remainder will be on their way by noon today.

I am headed over to wave them off one by one with fond farewells and safe travel wishes.  We'll see them again next August!

Tomorrow I'll be welcoming the TADA Quilters!  Whhooop Whoooop!

How was your day yesterday?  Any plans for today?

Lola - once again making quilting a challenge!

I did find time to get borders cut, sewn and added to my Boxy Bow Ties quilt this weekend! 

Yesterday I did manage to get a backing pieced and I hope to get it loaded in the quilting machine today.

Be watching for this pattern to appear in printable PDF format after quilting, binding, photography and writing! Stay tuned! 

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

It's a proven thing that worry, stress and negative thoughts have an effect on our immune system and our health.
Not to mention what it does to our sense of well-being and our frame of mind.
Our happy life starts from inside.

Have a super day, everyone!



Mary Jeanne Bruce said...

Bonnie, thanks for sharing life at the Quiltville Inn. I am in Northern California, on the other side of the country, and so enjoy seeing the quilters come and go. Your Inn is beautiful. Also love your quotes for the day, it is how I start my day here in fire country! Sew ON!

April said...

Thank you for Sharing your adventures with your quilting friends. I enjoyed the walk along the road less taken...there has to be something in that old car trunk!! looking forward to more adventures and inspiration. -April

Jan in OIB said...

Your border fabric is gorgeous!! I am definitely learning how to branch out more with my fabric selections from studying you!

Anne said...

I love that you encourage others to walk at their pace, no shame. My short legs need a lot more steps to cover the same distance as my taller friends! Moving does make quilting time more enjoyable!

KateCares said...

Best be aware when planning your quilt photo shoots at your newly found site. The offspring of those lovely Queen Ann's Lace beauties are the thick prickly messy "cling tight to you" burrs. Keep that "old car" thriller going! Too fun.

karene19 said...

Bonnie, I think your next mystery quilt should be inspired by all the beautiful photos you've taken on your walks around the Inn.

Sandi B said...

Hi Bonnie, I just want to let you know how I enjoy the upbeat spirit in your newsletters. For some reason.. mine does not arrive in my inbox until about 11 pm! So even though I am a day behind (I know I can go to the Blog if I want it earlier) I look forward to the adventures and creations and the quote of the day. Hang in there, you have been a blessing for me.

Alice Cooksey said...

Love all your photos and adventures on your hikes. I showed my DH the photo of your fantastic fire pit and he had a good look at it. He wants one and wonders where you got the cauldron?
I sure wish I could come sew with ya'll. That I can do but I just can't take the hikes. I would have to sit and wait for ya'll to get back. Sorry you missed the ponies this time.

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