
Monday, June 14, 2021

Beauties and the BEAST Quilters!

This was Sunday morning sunlight through Lani's Winter Blues top in progress!

Her goal?  To finish the top and hang it over the porch rail at Quiltville Inn!

I think she's going to make it in time!  Check out time is noon on Tuesday - so Sew, Lani Sew!

Oh, how I love a blue and white quilt - it just does all the good things for my soul.

Saturday was also the day I went and did this:

This is a no fun thing.

I drove the 30 minutes to Jefferson and Urgent Care - and as soon as I explained what happened they said they were sending me up to the hospital ER, because Urgent Care didn't have an X-ray machine.

Well ratz.

The last time I was at the hospital was for the cellulitis induced wasp sting last august.

It's kind of embarassing to tell people that you fell down the stairs, careening down on your tailbone the whole way.

Yes, more than my backside is bruised - it's about pride!

Luckily - they brought the machine to me!

The hard part?  "We need you to lay on your back on the gurney and we're going to put the x-ray cartridge underneath you." 


I hadn't been able to lay on my back for 4 days going on 5 - 

The good news is - nothing is broken - just deeply bruised. And it's just going to take a while before I can sit properly or lie on my back to sleep well.

Meds came home.  But I'm only taking them at night because they knock me for a loop.

And that's as much medical stuff as I'll discuss - as to the bruise itself? It looks like I sat in a mess of blueberry pie filling. Trust me. No one wants to see that. Even me.

Remember Saturday's Post showing Sarah's treadle lessons?

Look at this girl go!  Click to Play:

Look at her go!! 

She finished a whole mess of string pieced foundations for her Wonky Wishes quilt in progress - and she loves it so much that she is taking the blue Brother Citation machine home with her!

She is going to find a treadle cabinet back home so she can set it up, treadle away, and have Petula as a memento of their week at Quiltville Inn.

More design wall pretties!

The BEAST Quilters each made block kits for the Sister's Choice blocks (Free Patterns tab) for each other and each person will stitch up the blocks themselves so sizes will be consistent for each quilter.  They've got these future quilts as a mememto from their time here too.

Karlene, working on Grassy Creek in batiks!

Awesome blocks, super friends!

Marcia and Karlene stitching away -

And a bit of Bryce in the bottom corner!

Emily, working on her sashings -

Looking great!

And the main reason for all of this quilty productivity? Click to Play:

Anyone ready to start building an ark yet?

Zoey's answer to wet grass.  LOL!

She has discovered that she would rather be in the wagons under the lean-to roof than on the ground.  Silly girl!

Or maybe just a SMART GIRL!

And now for the moment you've been waiting for!

It's time to draw for our winner!

Looking for entry 2658 of 4520 entries!
Pamela Woodworth!

Pamela, please reply to the email I sent to the address you provided with your entry.  I'll have the fine folks ta Martingale get your prize off to you!

And now YOU can come join the fun as Pat Sloan takes you on a joyful journey through a year's worth of celebrations. You'll find easy patchwork and fusible-appliqué; projects for Valentine's Day, Easter, the Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. 

Stitch welcoming lap quilts and table toppers, plump and pretty pillows, trick-or-treat totes, cozy Christmas stockings, and more. Keep your home décor looking fresh and cheery as the seasons change, and always have the perfect pattern on hand for a housewarming or holiday gift. 

With inspiring photos, easy-to-follow instructions, and 17 terrific designs at your fingertips, you're on your way to a great year!

I have added Holiday Celebrations to the Quilting All the Time category of the Quiltville Amazon Affiliate Store. Use your PRIME from wherever you are and have the book in your hot little hands in just a few days! 

It was a ton of fun visiting all of the sites through this tour and seeing everyone's rendition of the projects in Holiday Celebrations.

Pat will be wrapping things up tonight with a YouTube video and chat at 8pm Eastern.  Find more information HERE.

Thanks Pat!  I loved participating in your Holiday Celebrations book tour!

Today is the BEAST quilters last full day.

I'm not sure if there will be hiking or biking as with all of the rain - the mud will be a problem to be dealt with.

I know that the doctor did tell me to lay a bit low, to rest, to ice, to not exacerbate anything by too much strenuous activity so I am out for the the time being.

How was your weekend?  Any quilting progress? Please share in the comments below!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage broken dishes quilt found in North Carolina.

Bounce back higher than where you first started! With a smile!
This quote fits right in with my fall down the stairs last week. I wish I could have bounced!



maryofkern said...

So glad to hear that you did not break anything.. looks like the gals are having a great time in spite of the weather, after all, they are SEWING... you would have had to miss the hikes anyway and those who went may have felt guilty for having to leave you home... love to see all the quilts-in-progress...

Unknown said...

I've been cutting quilt kits and packing for my trip to Quiltville Wednesday. So excited 😁 can't wait to see you again Bonnie

Grandma K said...

Grassy Creek in Batiks is calling to me. May just have to make another one. My first was done with 6" blocks and I love it. I see a full size block in my future.
Take it as easy as you can to fully recover from you fall.
Weekend was very productive. Spent about 8 hours in the Hen Den. Wonderful Sunday.

JudyP said...

So glad that you went and had yourself checked out and that it's just bruising! As someone that has had 7 spinal fractures I've learned that sometimes I will break when I fall. Love to you and quick healing!!

cityquilter grace said...

ooh that grassy creek is uber colorful with those batiks...slow and steady wins the race bonnie!

Quilter Kathy said...

So glad that nothing is broken after your fall.
Love that batik grassy creek quilt!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

My husband fell while I was out yesterday. He was trying to get something under his desk and his chair went flying. He couldn't get up until I got home. Thankfully nothing broken just like you bruised. The rain does give you more quilting time and since there a lot of you it makes it more enjoyable. A very talented group and I love to see their progress. Thank you for sharing.

Anita Barra said...

What a beautiful machine that Petunia is!!!
That is very interesting that machines can be placed in a treadle and used without electricity.

Cheryl said...

Love this post! Bonnie - so glad that nothing was broken. Your quote for the day was SO appropriate! I loved seeing Sarah treadle and congrats to her for adopting the Citation! Absolutely loved the lightness & brightness of Karlene's Grassy Creek - well done! The block kit exchange was brillant - and Sister's Choice - very appropriate for sisters in quilting. Go Zoey! One smart puppy!

Donna T. said...

Bonnie, not to make light of your "fall", but this quote is so appropriate. You've been a real trooper through it all! The rain has sure helped with the productivity of the BEAST group, and maybe it's helped with your recuperation. Keep on keeping' on!

Cats said...

well now, very good news, you are "only" bruised...sorry you have to deal with, but ever so glad you are not more severely damaged (could have brain injury or worse) TBTG... Bonnie, i just LOVE LOVE LOVE your retreater reports... I'm so glad that things have worked out to allow photos and reports and the naysayers, if they exist, can be banished!!! Glad you moved a machine to a welcoming home! What a fun way to whittle away at your "stuff" -- create a bit more room... as always, thanks for your contribution(s) (in so very many many ways) to my life... Cats in Carlsbad CA

Lynda B said...

So grateful you found out nothing is broken. Heal well

Marci H. said...

I’m glad you didn’t break anything Bonnie but deep bruising is no small thing! You didn’t bounce much in your fall, but since you are obviously a trouper you do bounce BACK! Hope you are getting sleep! And really do take it easy… hopefully you have someone helping with cleanup tomorrow!

Zoey IS a smart girl!! And so hilarious! So cute she found a wagon to nap in!!

I love the treadling… I hope to get going on mine soon…

I love all the projects this week… so pretty!

Happy Monday… no sewing til maybe tonight… it is going to be 90 & it’s a swimming day with some of the grandkids! (Ages 7, 5 & 5)

Marci H💕

Pam said...

So glad you are only bruised!! Petunia is beautiful!!

Amber said...

So sorry to hear you are hurt but glad nothing is broken. Love seeing the retreaters work. Thank you for sharing. It is great inspiration.

J Beach said...

A treadle machine equals exercising and sewing at the same time. Win-win!

Charlotte said...

So sorry about your fall and subsequent bruises. So thankful nothing is broken. Hope you can get comfortable and get a little sewing in for mental health time.

No sewing has happened at my house for over a week. I have had two granddaughters here and we have played and swam and just had a wonderful time. Yesterday their parents came and picked them up. We had our two daughters here along with one SIL and seven of our grandkids. It was a super fun day but we were totally worn out last night. Better this morning so I’m getting things lined up to get done. Sewing will happen this evening.

thimble said...

Love seeing and hearing about all the retreat fun! Last night I sashed a small top with the last 49 leader/ender blocks I had made. Today I will piece a backing for that. Sewing in the rain here in BC as well.

Betty the quilter said...

I also send my get better wishes. Sooooo glad for you that nothing is broken. Sorry you are in so much pain though. Zoey is one very smart poochie. She knows a good spot when she finds it. And, I'm so happy for you that Quiltville is alive & thriving. Love that you are sharing with us the goings on from there. Such a fun place, productive

Aunt Marti said...

What a clever idea, BEAST quilters, to cut block kits for swap rather than make blocks. I always avoid block swaps because people's interpretation of 12.5" varies widely. I will suggest cutting kits next time the Guild wants to do a block swap!

Judy said...

I love doing string piecing but mine are always sewn on an angle not caring what the width of the strip is as long as I can cover the square I am sewing on. I then do decorative machine piecing on each square. They make up different every time. I have my grandmother's treadle machine but it is so old I don't know the last time it was even used and it sat in a damp basement for many years before I brought it home to live with me. It sits in my dining room and I decorate the top of it depending on the season and sometimes I open it and decorate the machine itself with a small quilt hanging over it.

Leslie Gungl said...

Arnica cream for those bruises

Marti said...

Glad to hear it "just bruising", ha! Sometimes it's actually better to break, at least they can fix that! I fell in the step well of our motorhome a couple of years ago. I was stuck upside down. You should have seen my husband trying to extricate me! And oh the bruising!!! Take care! Loving the rain! We sure could use some here in dry, dry California High Desert!

Sharon 321 said...

Bonnie, I fell down some stairs a few years ago. I did not bounce either badly sprained an ankle. It would have been better if I broke it. Get Arnica for the bruising and soak in a tub of epsom salt. Magnesium helps heal the bruising faster.

Robby said...

I grimaced a bit when I read about your fall the other day. So glad you didn't break anything. I fell straight down on my tailbone a couple years ago. Nothing broken, but I strained some ligaments. Who knew, right?! All of this TMI to say that if you have lingering problems or feel like your tush tires easily from standing long enough to make dinner, it might be work a visit to a PT. I was surprised by her diagnosis and delighted with how much a couple of visits helped me complete my recovery. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Sewquilty said...

I can sooooo relate to your pain from the fall. A donut pillow might be more comfortable when sitting. Love that Citation! Have you ever tried sewing on a vintage Huskavarna-Viking 21? I love mine! The fellow I bought my 301 from won't let me alone about getting his hands on my 21! So far he's offered up a blue Morse, a pink Atlas, and another sewing machine of my choice from his collection...

Ratchell TN said...

So glad nothing is broken. Love all the posts of the quilts being made. Now to get busy with my quilting. From TN.

Ratchell TN said...

Very happy nothing is broken. Just take it as easy as you can. From TN.

Karen said...

Glad you got an x-ray and didn't break anything. Physical Therapy could help perhaps. Get well soon.
(They do have ice machines, my sister used one with her knee replacement.)

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie: I am so sorry for your spill down the stairs and your bruised Tushy area. Take it easy, like the Dr. Said. I am not normally quilting or sewing at this time of the year, But I had signed up and paid for a guild workshop in OCT of 2019, and it had been postponed twice because of COVID. SO,I was sewing quilt blocks in the Crazy Patch Templates workshop. We made it through 4 of the 6 exercises, and I am pleased how at least 3 of them turned out. I will expand on them, make a few table runners, at least a small quilt out of the star 20 inch block. It was mentally challenging and some parts were more complex than they seemed. I don't think any of us will get Dementia for a while!

It has been beautiful, warm and sunny, and I am trying to get my garden in, as the the garden Club Plant sale is behind us, so I can concentrate on my own garden.

Kasilof, AK

TrulyBlessed said...

I bet you are giddy!

TrulyBlessed said...

Bonnie, sending you positive thoughts and heartfelt prayers for a speedy recovery. "Just Bruising" is very painful and often takes longer than you think it will. I am greatful that you did not injure your spine. Oh, and purple is a neutral (wink,wink).

Sandy Meyer said...

OH BONNIE! So glad you didn't break anything. The bruising is SO painful though! I fell skiing years ago, right on my tailbone! Hurt so. The doc prescribed 1 of those blow up rubber doughnuts to sit on at my teacher desk. The kids loved sneaking up and deflating the doughnut! Did Lani straight trim the edges of her WINTER BLUES? Hope u get to feeling better each day!!!

Donna P. said...

Happy to hear that nothing is broken - and I KNOW you are too. Take it easy, rest, etc. Praying for complete healing for you!

Barbara Kelly said...

Your fall down the stairs was one of three of my friends this past week (notice how I consider you a friend). You are not alone and the lesson learned is me being super careful on our cabin stairs. I already fell within the last two weeks on a hike! Love all the smiley faces and the beautiful quilts!

garrethsgran said...

So sorry about your accident but more than happy to know nothing was broken. A tail bob=ne fall is not comfortable in any way. Heal and stay smiling.

Brenda said...

Glad to hear that you did not break anything. I broke my back in 3 places including my tail bone. Misery for many years. The tail bone is the worst- it is the pain that keeps on giving. Loved seeing the rain on the video. We never seem to have rain in So. Cal. Take it easy.

WenDarth said...

As so many have said, I'm glad you have no broken bones. But it still sounds terribly painful.
Bonnie, I just appreciate your positive attitude. Your posts always make me smile. Thanks for all you do. I'm praying the blueberry pie bottom soon turns into cheesecake. :)
Wendy Scharich

khowardquilts said...

Glad to hear you didn't break anything. My Mother-in-law broke her tail bone last year; it was so painful for her. My husband got a deep burse on his hip in the winter, it seemed to take forever for it to get better.

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