
Thursday, May 20, 2021

When Quilt Friends Come Calling!

Meet Mary and Caroline!

Two fabulous quilters from Florida who come up fairly regularly to stay out near Blowing Rock, NC - and I was lucky enough to have them (And their fun loving photo taking hubbies) come on by Quiltville Inn to take photos of their Quiltville finishes over the porch rail!

The weather was finally getting nice enough that we could sit in the rocking chairs on the front porch and enjoy each other's company for a bit!

One of the hubbies even brought his drone so that he could get some good sky view videos and photos of our beautiful mountain terrain.  It was a great break in the middle of my day!

Quilt after Quilt was draped over the rail!

I'm going to totally botch it up whose quilt belonged to whom - (who? whom? whose? My grammar is going to fail me today for sure!)

I believe this is Mary's Unity quilt.  Isn't it gorgeous in soft pastels?

And I love her Hunter’s String Star in Watermelon Reds!

Next out of the bag - Good Fortune!

And finally a gorgeous Grassy Creek made an appearance over the rail.

And we really had the hardest time stopping the chat long enough to get photos!  You should ahve seen those two hubbies on the ground directing us! LOL!

Not one, but TWO gorgeous Frolic quilts!

One on point with an extra friendship star border, and one straight set with Flying geese border - each a reflection of its maker!

It was a wonderful visit and one I'll cherish for a long long time!

And look ladies - the Rhodie is now blooming!!  It wasn't quite yet when they visited last week.

PS = I took these photos yesterday afternoon as The Hubster was mowing the lawn. Boy did it need it - It's really long in this photo, but we kept having rain and drizzle and we needed a dry day to mow. It happened yesterday before dinner time.

Soon this bush will be FULL of more blooms!

This color is so good for my soul!

This visit was good for my soul as well - quilty friends are just the best, aren't they?

Do you have your Basket Toss pattern yet??

Did you enter to win our Gift-Away on Friday's Post? We will be drawing for THREE winners!
Irene at Cotton to Quilts has chosen a wonderful array of fabrics perfectly suited for enhancing your own fabric pull while making Basket Toss.

Need more neutrals?  Be sure to check out the Notable Neutral Rolls while checking all of the fabric bundle offerings!

As promised, the introductory price for Basket Toss is already marked 25% off - no coupon needed!

This price drop is good through May 31st, and will revert to the full price of $12.00 on Tuesday, June 1, 2021.  Don't delay!

If this is your first time downloading digital patterns from my store to a computer click HERE.

If you intend to download to an iPhone/iPad click HERE.

Scrappy baskets twirl in a whirlwind of color! Fill your background areas with your favorite neutrals, and finish your border perfection with an easier than it looks gently scalloped border! Step-by-step directions with full color graphics and photos. A wonderful way to sew happily through your own scrap basket!

Quilt Size: 88’’ x 88’’

Are you ready to enter to win? Do it on last Frirday's Post!

The May Quiltvillians started arriving yesterday afternoon - I made it back from my hair cut appointment in the nick of time!

The inn is full once again with machines and projects and the sounds of laughter.  There are some new faces in the group this time around and I am looking forward to meeting and greeting everyone.

There may be some hikes - I would love to get up to the ponies again.  There may also be a bike ride on the Virginia Creeper trail if I can twist some folks away from their machines.

There will be loads of time for porch rocking and meals out the back - observing the cows observing us!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

12 things that are REALLY good for my soul:⁣
1. Soaking up Sunshine⁣
2. Stepping Away from Social Media one day each week.⁣
3. Turning up the music and DANCING!⁣
4. Embracing little seasonal moments.⁣
5. Writing down what inspires me.⁣
6. Taking care of my body and mind.⁣
7. Calling someone just to say "Hi!"⁣
8. Traveling⁣
9. Taking the Scenic Route.⁣
10. Being in and really observing nature.⁣
11. Letting my creativity lead.⁣
12. Focusing on gratitude.⁣
What things would you add to your list? Comment below!

Have a lovely Thursday, everyone!



Mary said...

Quilt More! Loved seeing the Quilts on the Porch! Great Job Ladies! Glad the Hubbies came along to be the Paparazzi. Good List, especially the taking the day off to rest. Have a Quilty Day. Hug all the Quilts!!!

Cheryl D. said...

A beautiful post. I can’t add to your lovely list, it just about covers it all. But gratitude for every small blessing each day sure can change the day and make it feel better. Love seeing the scenery around you. Isn’t it wonderful to watch and hear spring unfold. Enjoy your day.

Phyllis in Pacific Northwest said...

Feeding your soal with what soothes it is for sure the best thing you can do!!!

Betty the quilter said...

For my soul: time with my quilty friends. And some time with a cuppa & my comfy chair, thinking about & planning my next 100 quilting projects. LOL, Have a great time with your quilting ladies.

otherussin said...

Having someone of like mind to visit with is really good for your soul. Friends like that are precious.
Getting out and seeing the colors change as the season progresses.

Unknown said...

Embrace new friendships no matter what stage of life you are in.

Choose being kind over being right!

Make time for yourself every day.

Give compliments sincerely!

Notice the small things and give praise to the Maker.

Penny said...

Working in the garden and seeing things sprout.
Watching the chicks run and try their wings, everything is new for them.
Seeing pictures of my son, the father of four boys, with his granddaughter.
And for us here, finally a day with a little rain. We are so far behind.

Quilter Kathy said...

What a gorgeous quilt show!
To your list, I would add... reading the Quiltville blog daily :)
So good for my soul!

charityquilter said...

What's good for my soul... getting a new insight from the bible, watching plants grow, cuddling with my kitties, watching the birds, finishing a UFO, going on nature walks, seeing family, feeding the squirrels (through our kitchen window), helping fellow quilters, campfires, spending time with friends, and traveling with my husband.

Ruth's girl said...

What is good for my soul? Seeing flowers bloom, smell of fresh mowed grass, taking my sister to lunch, seeing how excited my neighbor's dog gets when she sees me coming, walking outdoors, chatting with my 3 year old neighbor, Levi, and stopping all activity for a few minutes so I can really listen!

Sharon in Seattle said...

Good for my soul, hugging my honey, kissing on my pooch, listening to rain on the roof, color and texture in my garden and my quilting studio. This is just a few, there are so many! I'm grateful, and the gratitude itself is good for my soul. Thanks, Bonnie! You're the sweetest!

Linda P in IL said...

Great idea for a list maker (like me). Happy you are having great weather!

Donna W said...

I have to say that from a distance the Unity Quilte center looks like a flower with the colors she used! All beautiful quilts though!

Gail, Enumclaw, WA said...

What inspires me? Morning coffee and your words of wisdom strike creative cords within me. Thank you.

AnnieBikes said...

13. Pulling weeds in the sunshine, just because!!!

Terri said...

Consider how you and your fellow human being are alike instead of how we are different.

Lynette W said...

I think I need to take a cue from you and give up social media for a day.

Tracey Honig said...

Food for my soul... a few minutes of time to myself, watching the animals out in the fields, listening to a good thunderstorm after a long drought, and seeing a finsihed quilt top! Loved the quilt show. Enjoy the new group!

Mary said...

Great additions!! Thank you

Unknown said...

Years ago, my husband and I vacationed in Virginia. One of the highlights of the trip was driving along the Skyline Drive when all the giant rhododendron were in full bloom. Each curve we went around produced another gorgeoous vista.

Marty said...

Lovely quilts, and visitors to share their love of quilting, your designs, with you!

Ursula said...

Your post radiates beauty and happiness. Love it again and again. Greetings from Switzerland

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