
Friday, May 07, 2021

Porch Gatherings and Scrappy Red Bindings!

The Quilters of the Night are enjoying the early evening sunshine as they dine alfresco on the back porch at Quiltville Inn!

This is what this porch was made for - and I admit - it was hard to say goodnight and head on home to my own abode at the end of the day.

While our weather was chilly with drizzle on Wednesday afternoon when they started arriving, yesterday afternoon was lovely with sun and gentle breezes.
It's a grand weekend for quilting however - I don't think we will be hitting the 70s again until Sunday.

Ahhh - those days of not knowing whether to put the a/c on - or leave things on heat and just open windows!

It was 42 yesterday morning - and about the same this morning, so it is no surprise that the best place for Jack's sourdough to rise was in the Hen Den with the fire cranked up!

Oh- you should have smelled this baking!  WONDERFUL!

My own day included finishing the machine quilting on Rocky Road to Grayson!

This is the motif that I thought I was enlarging, but which defaulted back to small when I needed to restart the computer.  Operator error - I should have checked.

I still think it turned out nicely, and there is no way seams are going to come undone in this quilt - everything is quilted in place.  To the death.  LOL!

Still clearing out florals and big paisleys.

All of these prints pulled in either the blue or the yellow from the front, with just a hint of red as well.

The yellow one was an afterthought -

I really was concentrating on the blue - but this is a big directional print - I loved the hexagon motif, but it just had to be used somewhere instead of languishing.

By late afternoon - binding was going on!

I chose to go with scrappy red.  And since I make my binding from 2'' strips, all I had to do was pull them out of the Scrap User's System, sew end to end on the diagonal, trim, press, apply!

There are miles of red binding to hand stitch down over the next while.

And of course while this was all going down -

Lola can't be bothered.  LOL!

Yes, there will be a PDF pattern coming for Rocky Road to Grayson.  I'm adding it to the queue - and in just about a week's time we'll have something special dropping into the PDF pattern section of the Quiltville Store.

Did you see what went live yesterday?  TWO special Mother's Day things you won't want to miss.
SewPad Mother's Day Special!

What is a SewPad?  Check out the full info on YESTERDAY'S POST. The most comfort you can have while sewing!

And while on yesterday's post enter to win our Mother's Day IronEZ Gift-Away!

We'll be drawing for three winners on TUESDAY!

I love these bottle holders - I have one at every ironing station.  At the QPO studio, at home AND at Quiltville Inn.

Each IronEZ ironing board spray bottle holder purchase (use coupon code BH15OFF to save 15%!) includes this new bottle.

Get two or three while you are at it.  You are going to LOVE keeping those spray bottles in line and off of your ironing surface.

Need more bottles? They are now selling the new fine-mist bottles in a 2-pack so you can have one at your stand up ironing station, and one by your machine for work station pressing.

Fill them with your favorite spray be it Best Press, Flatter, spray starch or sizing, or the homemade version – whatever your favorite concoction is.

Today's plan?  If the weather cooperates, I'm hoping to take a group of Quiltville Inn Newbies on a Round House Road hike this afternoon.

With the Rocky Road to Grayson completed - it's a toss up between going back to work on some Cabin Corners blocks, or dive back in to next year's Addicted to Scraps blocks that are due for Quiltmaker Magazine by the summer.

Or I could make some decisions and dive into pulling fabrics for our upcoming Quiltville Winter Mystery?  Oh, the pressure!

I'm not really feeling in the deadline mood right now - Maybe that can wait until next week?

How about your own Friday ahead?  It is FRIDAY after all - we should enjoy it!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage quilt found in Georgia.

Never assume that someone else's opinion is factual!
Examine it yourself, and realize that even your own opinion can change!

Have a wonderful Friday, everyone!



Debcal1946 said...

Oh, how true! I'm constantly telling people to check for themselves. Listen with your own ears. Read it yourself. Don't judge by someone else's opinion or summary. That's how we got in this mess!

Cats said...

WOW, it must be like going home early from a party!!! EVERY time! LOL, how fabulous is that... Life really is a party, and we all get to participate at different levels, our choice really... and doesn't quilting give us such fabulous choices ??? even if it comes down to something as simple as a kitty & you snuggling in the quilts... appreciating the end product! Happy choices to all, Cats in Carlsbad CA

Doris B said...

It may be silly, but I really enjoy starting my day by reading your blog! Thank you for all you entertain us with -guests, dogs and cats, cows, quilting and sourdough bread. I love it all!

Jinnie Cohn said...

Thank you Bonnie for everything that you do for us. I love reading your Qultville Quote of the Day and seeing how I can apply it to my life.

Sharon in Seattle said...

Great quote today!
Think of the freedom and judgment free life we could live if we didn't take our opinions so seriously! Not to mention the opinions of others. Live freely my quilty girlfriends! Love to you all. 😊

The Joyful Quilter said...

Happy stitching on all those miles of scrappy red binding, Bonnie!!

Tracey Honig said...

It's not silly at all!! I wish I could... but I usually end it here. There is never a dull moment here!!

Tracey Honig said...

There is nothing better than a finish off the long arm and trying to decide your next move while binding! It looks like the new group is enjoying themselves. What a fun name, too! Maybe Ms. Lola can help with that next major decision... she seems pretty content in pointing things out! :)
Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!!

Ursula said...

Just awesome. Love the quilt, your blog, the whole community here. Have yourselves a beautiful day.

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