
Monday, May 10, 2021

Mother's Day 2021 in the Books!

Binding corners are being turned!

But it isn't easy to make any progress around here -

It's a whole round of "Hurry up and stitch before your lap is full!"

And I might get about 18'' sewn down before...

I mean really - 

Could you shoo them off to advance to the next area??

Nope.  Neither could I!

But it's not a race to the finish - evening hand stitching time is meant to be enjoyed - and this is just where I wanted to be this mother's day weekend!

I hope you got to enjoy some quietude of your own - wherever you are!

I spent time on the phone and in video chat with BOTH sons - and that is absolutely wonderful.

Mother's Day breakfast was served ala Blackstone grill - Blueberry pancakes, farm fresh eggs (Thanks to Susan's very productive chickens!) and crispy bacon. MMmmmm perfection!

The rest of the day was spent enjoying a very quiet pace along with the Quilters of the Night who will be making their way home today.  it's been a wonderful long weekend!

Fire pit night happened!

The high winds settled down about 8pm on Saturday night - and we headed over for much fun around the fire.

It's such a great way to just Step Away From The Machine! and enjoy each other's company.

Kare's postage stamp blocks are multiplying!

"Has anyone seen my rotary cutter??"

These stars are Jeffrey's and they are coming together so well!

Up my long and winding (And so steep!) drive -

The leaves are Baaaaaacccckkkk!

My thanks to the Hubster for me latest favorite thing!

My feet have been my biggest problem over the past - at least a year.  They just ACHE at the end of the day.  I have been wearing arch support bands, high quality shoes with great arch support - and still - they just hurt by the end of the day.

This thing is a miracle worker!  Click to Play:

I love this thing so much I'm going to need to give it a name.  LOL!

It's also safe to say that the Hubster and I are now fighting over whose turn it is to sit at it!

I have added this sweet miracle maker to the PERSONAL FAVORITES category of the Quiltville Amazon Affiliate Store. Direct Link HERE.

Meanwhile - Zoey can't be bothered, and there is no way she is going to let me into my chair to bind that next side -

Don't forget that we still have a IronEZ Gift-Away happening on Thursday's post. Click to THAT POST to enter! Winners will be drawn for on Tuesday. (TOMORROW!)
SewPad Mother's Day Special!

What is a SewPad?  Check out the full info on THURSDAY'S POST. The most comfort you can have while sewing!

Take advantage of the FREE priority shipping (within the USA) offer by using code MOMday at checkout!

This is the LAST DAY the free priority shipping offer will be available - it ends tonight at Midnight East Coast time - so don't delay!

This morning I'm heading over to start the round of 12+ loads of laundry that will happen before the Muddy Creek Misfits check in on Wednesday afternoon - it's a flurry of Tide pods and dryer sheets and much lint trap cleaning and I love it.

While all of this Mother's Day weekend stuff was going on - the Hubster was in the garage/shop addition getting things closer to making that 2nd washer/dryer a reality.  Imagine that - being able to do 12+ loads in HALF the time!  It will leave more time for more SEWING!

How about your own Mother's Day weekend?  I hope you were able to spend it with those you love, even if by Zoom, phone, video - and that you were able to spend some time on yourself as well.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Positive or negative - you are in control of what you allow into your own life. 🤗
Basket Weave Strings quilt - Find the tutorial under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog!

*NOTE* Older tutorials may NOT be mobile friendly, and I don't plan on rewriting them, so if you can't access the printer-friendly version, please switch to a real computer.  Thank you!

Have a wonderful Monday, everyone!



TheEclecticAbuela said...

With the folks coming from Muddy Creek, is it worth it to wash the sheets and towels? 😉

Deb (Neddo) Franklin said...

I am loving the names of the groups that are coming to stay at Quiltville Inn. Scrappy Sisters, and Quilters of the Night, just to name a few recents. Love that you are sharing them with us, as I love to see their creativity, and love of their craft.

Chris said...


bingo~bonnie said...

I've never heard of the Sewpad before but instantly reading about it, I know it's something I'd sooooo enjoy! Thanks for sharing Bonnie and the code for free shipping too! The new lighting over the cutting mats will prevent shadows for cutting after dark hours hopefully!

otherussin said...

Such fun you have doing what you love. Sering your fur babies enjoying being on you while trying to sew. Brings back good memories I had a chihuahua that liked to snuggle up to my sewing machine when I was working on a project. Fortunately she stayed on the right side. Such good company to have. The inventiveness of quilters wher in sewing or names is so much fun. Thanks for sharing the fun

Charlotte M. said...

Your driveway reminds me of my old driveway when I lived in NC. It was shorter, but the leafiness was just the same every spring.

Jan said...

Have you seen a foot doctor? If you haven't you should! I was having issues like you. He made orthotics to go in my shoes. Best thing ever! Absolutely no more pain or tired feet. You may have to buy different shoes, but that's fun!

Debcal1946 said...

Name suggestion: Footsie.

Cherie in St Louis said...

Thanks to my nurse sister, I now wear Alegria shoes all the time. They have solved my foot pain....as long as I wear only them.

Wendy said...

Custom orthotics is the best thing I ever did. Worth their weight in gold. All the best in solving the foot pain issue.

Ellie said...

Love seeing the fun photos of Quiltville Inn. Happy to see you are finally having the chance to be up & running again. Quilts in progress are fabulous.

Donna said...

hey Bonnie have you ever tried HOKA running shoes for your feet, I got a pair about a month ago after getting over 2 broken bones in my heel. I'm not a runner but these shoes are the best feeling shoes I've ever had. They've made my feet. knees and legs feel so much better. I got the lowest price ($130) since I'm not a runner. When I tried them on at the store I it was like a totally new experience. I'll be wearing this brand from now on. I was wearing New Balance and this is so much better.

Quilty.gardener@gmail.com said...

I ordered a SewPad when you first promoted them. Heaven! I had a little dog that liked to sit on my lap when I was machine sewing. Sometimes I'd have to stop and just sit with her in the recliner. Sweet times.

Tilly Titewad said...

Strange as it sounds, one thing that helps my sore feet is to put CryoDerm on the bottoms of my feet and around my ankles in the morning before I put on my compression socks.

Darlene Hennlich said...

I love the quote and re sharing the pattern for the quilt behind it! I just printed it on recycled paper and look forward to a summer project while my grandson naps on Friday's when I have him.

Unknown said...

I finished one of your ALMOST LEMOYNE quilts as a donation quilt for my day guild....wish I could send you a picture of it ....sigh.... also made your Carolina block quilt too LOVE LOVE LOVE the scrappy quilts you design...thanks so much hugs prue

Elaine Adair said...

It took me several years of trying out ideas, looking for a GOOD orthotic person, asking question, etc., before I found a solution to foot issues. It started out as "sore feet". Now I have specific exercises, orthotics, new serious shoes every year that I MUST wear. NO more fancy shoes, but no more sore feet. Good luck Bonnie.

Diane' said...

Ortho shoes are the best ever..... Worth every penny

Anonymous said...

After my foot fracture this year my podiatrist recommended shoes with good all around support such as Danskos. I have already been wearing them for years as a nurse, so that was helpful that I didn't have to buy a lot as they can be a bit pricey. I get the lower ones so I don't fall off and roll my ankles (it can happen ..and has to others!)

Jan Hebert said...

Oh my, Zoe and kitty look so comfortable that no, I couldn't disturb them either! I love the idea of slow quilting, binding, etc. It should be enjoyable, not a race. Does anyone know what Bonnie uses for Design Walls? I want to do something for my sewing space and the pictures here look great. Just don't remember a post explaining how she did them. Jan in MA

Lori Merjil said...

Bonnie. Next time you see your chiropractor have him work on your feet. I had terrible pain and it only took 3 or 4 sessions and the pain was gone!!

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