
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Color On Color!

This happened yesterday!

With the old-style kitchen timer ticking away the minutes so I'd know when to run next door to switch out laundry loads from washer to dryer to folding table - I played layout games with the stack of blocks that have been growing over the past few weeks.

I have had SO MUCH FUN making these solid scraps go down, and I honestly can see a huge difference in the bin they were kept in.

All of this really DID come out of here!

Yesterday it was time to sew the blocks into fours.

There was a whole lot of "pin to match" going on - and you know how I love that.  NOT!

But this is where I am so far - and yes, some of the blocks have been moved around since I took this photo.  I'm not done arranging and rearranging yet.

I think I like it!

Yes, there is a lot going on here.  But that is also the fun part.  I'll be staring at it over the next few days to move things around better before I start sewing the blocks together.

Do you see stars  Or hour glass blocks?  It's an illusion dependent upon where you focus!

The block pattern for Butterfly Kisses (in prints) is found in the May/June 2016 issue of Quiltmaker.  You can find it listed in the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog, with links to purchase a digital copy if you don't already subscribe.

I'm thinking on border ideas - that will unfold over time!

Remember the beautiful Dame's Rocket wildflowers that I was begging the Hubster NOT to attack with the weed whacker?   Well.....

Seems I lost the battle, but he left me one cluster as a peace offering.  LOL!

I've heard from many who say this is an invasive plant.  In my world, it's not.  I find it one of the prettiest signs of spring around here.  Dame's Rocket is not Phlox -  but a closely colored cousin.  Actually it is a completely different species, but I think it is still pretty.

I'll miss it when it is gone, and wait for it to come back next spring in all of it's pretty-in-purple splendor.

I haven't spoken much about the gas crunch that has happened here on the East Coast in the past week or so - those who don't live here might not understand what it is like - but think back to other gas crisis times when all of the pumps had grocery sacks tied over them.

And that panicky feeling of not knowing if you'll have gas for your car.

We always keep a couple of cans of "emergency" gas on hand and use them for running law mowers, etc.

I had been very good up until yesterday - but an appointment in Jefferson meant that I was going down to less than half a tank.

Today's run to Winston-Salem for another appointment means I'm about to put another 200 miles on my car.  There wouldn't be enough gas.

I passed 3 stations that had NOTHING before I found one that did.  I am breathing a sigh of relief.  I wish I didn't have to spend today on the road, but I do and that is all there is to it.

I AM stopping by the Wallburg house and picking up some things including a treadle machine I wish to display at Quiltville Inn.

If I have to drive that far, I'm going to make it worth my miles.

Last night's treat -

I found a bag of marshmallows in the way back of the cupboard that had gone pretty sticky - they must have been left from last summer's (or maybe fall??) fire pit season.

I quickly turned those sticky things into Rice Crispy treats, and topped them with our favorite ice cream topping - crushed Butterfinger candy.

Can I eat this for breakfast this morning and call it CEREAL!?!

The chopped Butterfingers were purchased bulk from an Amish bulk store and we like it sprinkled on top of ice cream instead of chocolate sauce.  MMMMMM!

Do you have your Basket Toss pattern yet??

Did you enter to win our Gift-Away on Friday's Post? We will be drawing for THREE winners!

Three winners will be receiving a Basket Toss PDF pattern directly from me. 

Our Grand Prize winner will also receive a "This & That!" Fabric Roll from Cotton to Quilts!

Irene at Cotton to Quilts has chosen a wonderful array of fabrics perfectly suited for enhancing your own fabric pull while making Basket Toss.

Need more neutrals?  Be sure to check out the Notable Neutral Rolls while checking all of the fabric bundle offerings!

As promised, the introductory price for Basket Toss is already marked 25% off - no coupon needed!

This price drop is good through May 31st, and will revert to the full price of $12.00 on Tuesday, June 1, 2021.  Don't delay!

If this is your first time downloading digital patterns from my store to a computer click HERE.

If you intend to download to an iPhone/iPad click HERE.

Scrappy baskets twirl in a whirlwind of color! Fill your background areas with your favorite neutrals, and finish your border perfection with an easier than it looks gently scalloped border! Step-by-step directions with full color graphics and photos. A wonderful way to sew happily through your own scrap basket!

Quilt Size: 88’’ x 88’’

Are you ready to enter to win? Do it on Frirday's Post!

Okay - time for me to hit the road and get that long drive started.

One thing I've also been doing over the past several weeks - because I live in the land of zero to none cell service, I play a lot of music from my music folder on the memory card on my phone.

There is a lot of junk on there!  So I started playing the songs alphabetically, getting rid of songs I don't want along the way, even removing duplicates and others I no want to take up space.

I'm up to I.  SO much fun has happened by doing this alphabetically. 

I have heard songs I haven't heard in years - and I've been ditching all of the "Why is this even on here?" stuff.

How about your own Tuesday ahead? What's going on in your world?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Where will you find beauty today?



otherussin said...

Crushed Butterfingers on top of ice cream oh heavenly especially since I prefer butterfingers to any other candy bar. Thanks for the tip. The only problem would be saving the candy bars to use them for topping:)

Barbara said...

Crushed butterfingers are my favorite blend-in to soft ice cream (chocolate!) at Dairy Queen or other similar ice cream stands. Sounds great to top rice krispie treats, though!

badputts said...

I love your solid quilt pattern...... once I saw the star pattern, I thought it would be fun if you put sashing around the four blocks that make the star..... just a thought.... I know you are so creative and will make it look spectacular๐Ÿ˜Š Thanks for all your blogs and happiness you bring to us!๐Ÿ’•

badputts said...

I love your solid fabrics quilt! I do see the stars now that you mentioned it! It would be to have smashing around those 4 blocks to make it stand out! I know you will make it look wonderful with all of your great ideas. Thanks for all of your blogs and happiness you bring to us! ( I hope I didn’t post twice.... the first one disappeared!) ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’•

Robyn Loves Eleuthera said...

Butterfly Kisses is a beautiful quilt. Great use of those solid scraps.

sue s said...

I see the stars in the pattern and I like them!
We had a lot of Dames Rocket in our backyard when we lived in Minnesota. My gardener neighbor kept telling me they were weeds, but I allowed them to grow in one are of our garden and they were very pretty. I had white ones also.
Today I have 2 appts so not much sewing. Just glad I'm fully vacc'd and can venture out to do a few things! Most places here are still requiring masks inside so I'll keep mine with me.

Bonnie said...

I really like the solid color quilt-good idea. I may try that;). I just finished (yesterday) resorting all my sizes of strings by color instead of sizes.
I-yi-yi, I really need to make a great deal of string squares or something! They will soon drive me out of house and home๐Ÿคฃ. My Tuesday includes Dr appt this morning, tending my garden, and sewing! I just finished the Winter Blues-love it. Thank you for the patterns you come up with. SEW FUN!

Becky said...

Your Quiltville Quote goes perfect for tomorrow, National May Ray Day! Get out and enjoy the Sun's Rays

Cats said...

Considering a HUGE step in my life today. Seriously thinking about going totally cellular! Dropping landline, splurging on new iPhone or ??? and moving into the 21st Century telephone wise! Big step to cut the apron strings on my landline! Seems so practical and would save $$ ... just a tad concerned about reliability and the outage in southern California recently... that's what I'm thinking about... love and quarter inch seams to all! Cats in Carlsbad CA

Leah said...

I can't decide what's prettier - Basket Toss, your super fun new solids quilt, or the vintage feedsack fans w today's quote. Think I'm gonna call it a three-way tie! Hope your driving day goes smoothly.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

I finally got to go back to a Quilt Guild meeting last night. Our group was smaller than usual but I so enjoyed the quilters and seeing what they have been doing during COVID. We are going to start a Mystery and we have UFO Challenge. 2 of your Mystery quilts are on my list. En Provence and Grassy Creek. I am excited after traveling with my Granddaughter for College Softball to be home and heading to my sewing room today.

Cpqwilts said...

Stars first then Butterflies! Beautiful quilt!

Andresa said...

I saw the stars first. It took me a few minutes to see the hourglass - once you asked. "Hourglass? Where?" I had to laugh when I read your comment about there being a lot going on. My first impression was "Ahh. This is clean and simple, and so relaxing; and just look at those stars!".

Julia said...

I’m enjoying a home day. Piecing a quilt back from hubby’s old office shirts. ๐Ÿ‘” The boring plain ones that have been taking up fabric space for too long. Happy!

Sharon in Seattle said...

Thank you Bonnie! I love your solids. I didn't see the stars till you mentioned it ๐Ÿ˜‰

Dorothy Matheson said...

I have been with out a land line for over 20 years. Not once has there been a problem longer than a few hours. Even the ice storm did not stop the cell phone. Yes I did have to sit in the car to charge the phone but they worked.

Poker Bar Quilter said...

A big WOW to the solids! Can't wait to see the finished top. I live in cell phone hell and terribly slow internet thru Hughesnet. This last weekend we installed the Starlink internet dish and we are now in the 21st century with speeds as fast as a hardline connection. Can now stream any movie or program without it eating up our bandwidth as there is no limit. Uploading is also faster. Check it out.

Mary said...

Bonnie, if you don't already have this app, check out PlantSnap. You take a photo of a plant that you don't know the name of and it comes back with that and lots more information. And it's FREE! There's also a Pro version for $20 with a larger library of plants. Enjoy!

Tracey Honig said...

I guess I am different... I saw hour glass blocks! But, like you say, it's all in the perception! Anyway, the flower story is cute, no matter what they're called. In Texas we don't mow down our bluebonnets. I think it's against the law... HAHA! We are enjoying a much needed rainy weather pattern, though we could do without the severe.

sewnsew said...

My Tuesday, my live-in grandson had a car accident on Sunday so I have been doing run around things with him. Also working on putting granddaughter’s quilt on the Longarm and making a back for a wall hanging for my cousin in Texas.

Sandy Meyer said...

I, too, am seriously considering dropping my $80+ mo. land line and using only my cell. My brother/wife did it and have had NO problems.

HelenMarie said...

It looks very Amish to me, with all those richly colored solids! I must do this one for sure. I’ve been taking workshops with Sarah Bond that used lots of solids, so they are in my stash!

purplefiend said...

I really like your "Butterfly Kisses" , glad you didn't use sashing. It forms a wonderful secondary pattern with the blocks set solid(no sashing).
What kind of treadle machine did you get? I have a Pfaff, a White Rotary and several Singer treadles. The 1936 Singer 201k is my favorite.

Irene said...

I so like your solid fabrics quilt. I was a little leery of it but I sure got a nice surprise seeing all the blocks laid out. The first thing I thought when I saw it was 'Cocktails for Two'. That old song goes way back. Then I noticed the stars design and then the hour glass design. When you mentioned you were at the Is in your music I thought of myself being named Irene and the old song 'Irene Good Night". A few years ago I called my sis in Minn. and she and her husband had company and they all sang 'Irene Good Night' to me on the phone. LOL "A Night to Remember" LOL A great old movie. I love the picture of the purple 'Dames Rocket' flower. It is a beautiful flower. I'm sure I would have a few things to say to my husband about leaving only one plant. Maybe your husband will leave several next year.

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